
jí tǐ sù shè
  • collective dormitory
  1. 第十五条在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内,不得设置员工集体宿舍。

    Article 15 Rooms within the same building of workshop or warehouse shall not be used as dormitory .

  2. 加州大学的学生Ernesto说,性取向调查可能会让校方为他们提供特别的集体宿舍,为这些学生创造更安全的环境。

    UCLA student Ernesto Valles said the sexual orientation survey might lead to special dormitory floors that would create a safe environment for LGBT students .

  3. 这所学院的多数学生住集体宿舍。

    Most of the students of this college live in dormitories .

  4. 对于年轻男性来说,他们(占比25%)则比年轻女性(占比19%)更倾向于住在其他家庭成员的家里、没有血缘关系的朋友家或某些集体宿舍中。

    For their part , young men ( 25 % ) are more likely than young women ( 19 % ) to be living in the home of another family member , a non-relative or in some type of group quarters .

  5. 在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内设置员工集体宿舍的,依照第二款的规定处罚。

    Those who use rooms in a building with workshop or warehouse as dormitory shall be punished in accordance with rules of Article 2 .

  6. 她们居住在集体宿舍,通常是上下铺铁床。

    They sleep in communal bedrooms , often in bunk beds .

  7. 在你以前集体宿舍的墙上,没有画框。

    On the wall of your former dorm room , unframed .

  8. 适合住在集体宿舍的人使用。

    The basin is applicable to users who live in dormitory .

  9. 这其实也是我愿意让他住集体宿舍的主要原因。

    This is the major reason that I prefer letting him live in dormitory .

  10. 许多人都睡在像集体宿舍一样的房间里。

    Most people sleep in dorm style rooms .

  11. 他们还整了个链锁的栅栏把整个工厂,集体宿舍院围住。

    And they have a chain-linked fence surround the whole factory and , and dormitory compound .

  12. 因此,大学生们纷纷逃离管理严格的集体宿舍,在附近小区租房建立自由家园。

    Therefore , freedom-seeking students escape from the strictly managed dorms to rent apartments in nearby communities .

  13. 新型集体宿舍楼设计

    New-style Design of Dormitory Building

  14. 小姨转正后不久,便搬到厂内的职工集体宿舍去了。

    Not long after the promotion , aunt moved to live in the collective dorm of the factory .

  15. 京晶:有一些是独栋房,但大部分是公寓,当然也有集体宿舍。

    Some of them are stand-alone houses , most are apartments , and of course there are also dorm rooms .

  16. 我得出发了,去医院病房和工人集体宿舍探望那些仍旧久病未愈的中毒者。

    I am heading out to the hospital and the workers'dormitories to visit those still suffering from illnesses caused by the toxins .

  17. 适合居家、集体宿舍、楼堂馆所、公共场所和工矿企业使用。

    The dual-channel switch is suitable for homes , dormitories , floor halls , public places and industrial and mining enterprises to use .

  18. 他们住在集体宿舍、棚户区或其它临时住房,在自己亲身参与建设的新城市中,几乎没有获得任何利益。

    They live in dormitories , shanty towns or other temporary housing and they have little stake in the new cities they have helped to build .

  19. 在设有车间或者仓库的建筑物内,已经设置员工集体宿舍的,应当限期加以解决。

    In case rooms in a building with workshop or warehouse have already been used as dormitory , the problem shall be solved within a time limit .

  20. 本实用新型可用于家庭及集体宿舍水房的中水回用,自动清洗效果好。

    The utility model can be used for treating the wastewater in families or the water rooms of dormitories , and the automatic cleaning effect is good .

  21. 今天27岁的她住在威斯康辛州一个对食物进行严格定量的集体宿舍中,在那里她能得到为了达到目标所须的支持和帮助。

    Today Kane , 27 , lives in a group home in Wisconsin where access to food is severely restricted and where she receives support and counseling from dedicated aides .

  22. 这个巨大的家庭生活在印度米佐拉姆邦首府艾藻尔市山中的巴克塔旺村,全家住在一栋总共有100多个房间,四层高的楼房里。妻子睡在巨大的类似集体宿舍中。

    They live in a100-room , four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram , where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories .

  23. 苏联核科学家被集中到封闭或半封闭的市镇,他们并不在集体宿舍居住,而是住在类似瑞士山间小屋和俄式别墅的舒适木屋中,四周山林环绕。

    Russian nuclear physicists were settled in closed or semi-closed towns and housed not in barracks but in attractive cottages , which resembled Swiss chalets or small Russian mansions , amid forests .

  24. 分析了大、中专学生集体宿舍室内设计的现状,归纳存在的问题,并根据现实条件,结合青年人的心理和生理两方面的特点,提出改善现状的设想与方法。

    The present conditions and the problems in the interior design for collegial dormitory have been analyzed and discussed . The methods for improving the conditions have been suggested according to the psychological and physiological feature of students .

  25. 很多公司为从农村地区招收来的男女单身青年备有集体单身宿舍。

    Many companies maintain dormitories for young single men and women recruited from rural areas .