
hào yǎng liàng
  • oxygen consumption;oxygen uptake;consumed oxygen
耗氧量[hào yǎng liàng]
  1. 本文着重摸索并分析了水中测定耗氧量的方法和影响测定结果准确性的因素。

    Objective to introduce the method of determining of consumed oxygen in water and the factors of influencing the results for truth , some experiments are done .

  2. 生脉注射液具有降低心肌耗氧量,增加冠状动脉血流量,调节血压,改善微循环,同时具有抗氧自由基的作用。

    Shengmai Injection was cognized to have the actions of decreasing the consumed oxygen of cardiac muscle , increasing the blood flow amount of arteria coronaria , regulating the blood pressure and improving microcirculation , and have the anti oxygen free radical action .

  3. 污水化学耗氧量ROUGH控制分析

    The Rough Control Analysis of The Sewage Chemical Oxygen Demand

  4. 快速测定化学耗氧量(COD)准确性的研究

    Study on the Accuracy of Rapid Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand

  5. 珠江口水域化学耗氧量(COD)的分布特征

    Distribution Feature of COD in the Waters of Pearl River Estuary

  6. 碱性高锰酸钾法测量海水化学耗氧量(COD)不确定度的研究

    Study on Uncertainty of Sea Water 's COD Measured by Alkalic Potassium Permanganate

  7. 练功时耗氧量与CO2排出量都降低,可减少呼吸次数,显著增强肺功能。

    Reduce oxygen consumption and CO2 discharging , lessen respiratory rates and strengthen pulmonary function .

  8. 跆拳道运动员比赛前后最大耗氧量、血乳酸及血清LDH活性变化的研究

    On the O_2max , Lactate Acid and LDH Activity of Taekwondo Athlete

  9. 火电厂废水中化学耗氧量(COD)测试方法改进

    Test Method of Chemical Oxygen Demand ( COD ) of waste Water in Power Plants

  10. 计算时,主要讨论了化学耗氧量(COD(Mn))的浓度增量。

    In the calculation the increment of oxygen consumption concentration ( COD_ ( Mn )) was discussed .

  11. 在一定范围内,仔虾耗氧量随pH、盐度,氨氮含量变化呈凹状分布。

    To a certain degree , the oxygen consumption of post-larva appeared concave distribution according to the pH , salinity and content of NH3-N.

  12. 耗氧量(OC)测定方法的改进及比较分析

    Improvement and Comparison of Methods for Determination of Oxygen Consumed in Water

  13. 菌斑细胞外液化学耗氧量、糖类、IgG和IgA分析

    An Analysis of Chemical Oxygen Demand , Carbohydrate , IgG and IgA in Extracellular Fluid of Bacterial Plaque

  14. 液相臭氧化流动注射化学发光法测定水体化学耗氧量(COD)的研究:苯酚溶液COD测定

    Measurement of Chemical Oxygen Demand by Flow Injection Ozonation Chemiluminescence Technique : Feasibility Study Based on the Model System of the Ozonation of Phenol

  15. 运动时代谢车测量患者呼吸困难指数(DI)和千克体重耗氧量(V·2/kg)的变化;

    Dyspnea index ( DI ) and oxygen consumption ( V · O 2 / kg ) were determined with a metabolic cart during exercise .

  16. 分析结果表明乳清和剑麻叶汁的平均化学耗氧量(COD)值分别是17000ppm和70000ppm。

    Analysis of effluents shows that the average COD values of the latex serum and sisal leaf juice are 17,000 ppm and 70,000 ppm respectively .

  17. 在封闭模拟海水体系中,烷基酚类化合物的五日生化耗氧量(BOD5)随着取代烷基的增大而减小。

    5-days biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD_5 ) of substituted phenols was detected in close simulated seawater .

  18. 结果:与冠脉造影阴性组比较,心肌桥患者的胸闷、胸痛多见,心肌耗氧量增加时,症状加重(P均<0.05);

    Results : Compared with patients with negative result of CA , the chest distress and chest pain and the patient with symptoms aggravation associated with myocardial consumption of oxygen increase were more ( P < 0.05 );

  19. 同时给出了化学耗氧量(COD)和总有机碳(TOC)之间的线性关系方程。

    Simultaneity give out the chemical oxygen consumption ( COD ) and total organic carbon ( TOC ) the linear relationship equation .

  20. “在他们达到峰值时,耗氧量的多少可以衡量他们的机体适应能力,”Burns说。

    " At their peak , how much oxygen they 're consuming is a measure of how physically fit they are ," Burns said .

  21. 用88&c微生物处理高浓度有机废水,COD(化学耗氧量)去除率达50%以上,降解效果显著。

    COD removal rate of effluents with high density organic matter was more than 50 % , which and remarkable effects of 88 & c microbe .

  22. 利用流动注射分析技术(FIA)快速、连续测定海水化学耗氧量(COD)。

    The method of flow injection analysis ( FIA ) is described for continuously measuring chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) in seawater .

  23. 其中,混合水、地下水、地面水总硬度、硫酸盐、氯化物、耗氧量四项指标有显著差异(P0.01)。

    The total hardness , sulfate , chloride and consumption oxygen quantity in mixing water , underground water and surface water existed significant difference ( P0.01 ) .

  24. PT酸,4-CBA含量的波动会导致酯化工艺水中化学耗氧量(COD)的变化,应避免大幅度波动。

    The fluctuation of PT acid and 4-CBA contents that caused the change of COD of esterification processing water should be controlled .

  25. 胚胎耗氧量随着温度、盐度、pH的增大而逐渐升高,在水温25℃、盐度35和pH为8时耗氧量到达最大值,随后逐渐减小。

    Embryonic oxygen consumption increased gradually with temperature , salinity and pH increasing , reaching the maximum value at the water temperature of 25 ℃, salinity 35 and pH 8 , and then declined gradually .

  26. 绿藻门生物量与Mg~(2+)、NO3~-N、NH4~+N、总氮和有机物耗氧量呈线性相关。

    The relationship between biomass of Chlorophyta and Mg ~ ( 2 + ), NO_3 ~ - N , NH_4 ~ + N , total N as well as COD is linear dependence .

  27. 尼索地平(2,5,10μ/kgiv)能降低麻醉犬心肌耗氧量8.23%、26.9%和34.1%。

    Nisoldipine ( 2 , 5 and 10 μ g / kg , iv ) decreased myocardial O_2-consumption by 8.23 % , 26.9 % and 34.1 % in anaesthetized dogs .

  28. 同时,治疗组在减少心肌耗氧量、缩小梗塞面积、减少心肌酶的释放和提高左室射血功能等方面都显著优于对照组(P均<0.05)。

    Furthermore , mai luo ning could markedly decrease oxygen consumption of myocardium , lessen myocardial infarction size , reduce release of serum myocardium enzyme , and improve left ventricular ejection function compared with controls ( all P < 0 05 ) .

  29. 提出了以化学耗氧量(COD)为对象,对污水处理的模糊控制,为污水处理的COD值自动控制提供了一条切实可行的途径。

    Using COD as fuzzy control parameter , a new automatic control system is developed , which offers a practical approach for COD value automatic control in the treatment of wastewater .

  30. 目的比较比色法、微波消解法与标准回流法在测定各种水样中化学耗氧量(COD)时的优缺点。

    Ve To compare the advantage and disadvantages of spectrophotometry assay , microwave di-gestion and standard circumfluence method for determination of chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) in various water samples .