- 名group psychology

The Survey on College Students ' Conformable Psychology of Consumer
The third part is an analysis about questionnaire survey .
Seeking mental support and following suit are major factors spurring romantic love .
When faced with an authority figure mere conformity can be transformed into obedience .
The Mental Unity of Crowds and the Swerve of the Literature in the 30 's
And if they have the financial means , they should dodge the corporate pack mentality altogether .
The Multitude - followed Mentality and Coping Strategy in the Process of College Students ' Occupation Selective
The mental unity of crowds is an important cause of the swerve of literature in the 30 's.
According to the survey data , this paper analyzed how the conformity behavior affects pedestrian violation behavior .
This model points out that attitude and subject norm are two important variables which affect consumer purchase intention .
The conformist mentality is a common social psychological phenomena , this phenomenon also widely exists in college students .
The causes of the multitude - followed mentality are not only of exterior reasons but also of individual factors .
For now , there are many relevant articles separately studying college students herd mentality or university students physical exercise attitude .
And , like other journalists , they are inclined to a herd mentality and the lead of a few a-list reviewers .
The system sheds light on the herd mentality , he says : It helps explain our need for a sense of belonging .
The motivations of other people in society to participate in charitable activities were helpful kindness , herd psychology and a status symbol .
The youth drama could relieve people from stressful reality temporally , which reflects the demands to the self-identity and the influences of conformity .
Theory of Planned Behavior tendencies there are a few factors that affect the purchase behavior : attitude , norms and perceived behavioral control .
There can sometimes be a herd mentality among decision makers , and there is reluctance to be seen as the source of negativity .
In the particular social group of college students exist some common group norms , which is the performance of university students ' herd mentality .
It is clear that when hordes of market players move in the same direction it will often result in irrational exuberance and a herd mentality .
In other words , deactivating a specific part of the brain made subjects temporarily immune to social influence , and thus incapable of joining the herd mentality .
In addition , investors in stock market will easily generate over-confidence , loss aversion , regret aversion , mental accounts , conformity , and other psychology biases .
The thesis also analyzes the psychological mechanism of the peer group 's influence upon the children 's morality development which includes reinforcement , imitation , conformity , etc.
As a crowd , the audience have abundant changeable emotion , advocate individual character , pursue the will of freedom , and have the mind of conformity easily .
This is in contrast to their original opinion , which was the result of simply following the majority because it seemed easier or because there was no real alternative .
The lack of fostering students ' critical thinking in high school teaching of Chinese writing results from the rigid cultural atmosphere , stereotyped thinking , blind compliance and authority worship .
The analysis of farmers ' psychologic traits indicated that the self-sufficient , conservative and following viewpoints developed in long term production and management were main obstacle of adopting the new technology .
One obvious difference is that Chinese customers are more likely to be affected by what other people do and what other people say , in the progress of accepting new things .
Some psychological factors such as farmers'expectation of the benefit , their overconfidence bias in their health and their conformity to others'behavior all have impact on their desire for participation in social insurance .