
cónɡ zhònɡ xīn lǐ
  • group psychology
  1. 大学生消费从众心理差异性调查研究

    The Survey on College Students ' Conformable Psychology of Consumer

  2. 第三部分是大学生从众心理的问卷调查分析。

    The third part is an analysis about questionnaire survey .

  3. 寻求精神依托、从众心理等是促使大学生谈恋爱的主要因素。

    Seeking mental support and following suit are major factors spurring romantic love .

  4. 当面对权威人物时,仅仅的从众心理将会转变为服从。

    When faced with an authority figure mere conformity can be transformed into obedience .

  5. 从众心理与三十年代文学转向

    The Mental Unity of Crowds and the Swerve of the Literature in the 30 's

  6. 如果他们拥有足够的经济手段,他们就应该能够杜绝从众心理。

    And if they have the financial means , they should dodge the corporate pack mentality altogether .

  7. 大学生择业过程中从众心理分析与应对策略

    The Multitude - followed Mentality and Coping Strategy in the Process of College Students ' Occupation Selective

  8. 从众心理是30年代文学转向的一个重要因素。

    The mental unity of crowds is an important cause of the swerve of literature in the 30 's.

  9. 根据行人违章调查数据,分析了从众心理对行人违章行为的影响。

    According to the survey data , this paper analyzed how the conformity behavior affects pedestrian violation behavior .

  10. 该模型指出态度和从众心理是影响消费者购买意愿的两个重要变量。

    This model points out that attitude and subject norm are two important variables which affect consumer purchase intention .

  11. 从众心理是一种较为普遍的社会心理现象,这种现象在大学生群体中也广泛地存在着。

    The conformist mentality is a common social psychological phenomena , this phenomenon also widely exists in college students .

  12. 从众心理的形成既有外部原因,又有个人因素;

    The causes of the multitude - followed mentality are not only of exterior reasons but also of individual factors .

  13. 就目前来看,单独研究高校大学生从众心理或单独研究大学生体育锻炼态度的相关文章较多。

    For now , there are many relevant articles separately studying college students herd mentality or university students physical exercise attitude .

  14. 此外和记者一样,这一行也有羊群效应和从众心理,少数一流的评论员说了什么,大多数人便开始人云亦云。

    And , like other journalists , they are inclined to a herd mentality and the lead of a few a-list reviewers .

  15. 这种作用为理解从众心理提供了启发,他表示:它有助于解释我们对归属感的需求。

    The system sheds light on the herd mentality , he says : It helps explain our need for a sense of belonging .

  16. 调查对象选择社会上其他人参加慈善活动的动机较多的三项分别为助人为乐的善心、从众心理和身份地位的象征。

    The motivations of other people in society to participate in charitable activities were helpful kindness , herd psychology and a status symbol .

  17. 青春剧可以使人们暂时从压力重重的现实中解脱出来,体现了自我确认分要求,也是从众心理作用的结果。

    The youth drama could relieve people from stressful reality temporally , which reflects the demands to the self-identity and the influences of conformity .

  18. 计划行为理论认为影响购买行为倾向的变量有态度、从众心理和知觉行为控制。

    Theory of Planned Behavior tendencies there are a few factors that affect the purchase behavior : attitude , norms and perceived behavioral control .

  19. 有时候决策者存在从众心理,不愿意被看作负面影响的来源。

    There can sometimes be a herd mentality among decision makers , and there is reluctance to be seen as the source of negativity .

  20. 在高校大学生这个特殊的社会群体中存在着一些约定俗成的群体规范,这是大学生从众心理的表现。

    In the particular social group of college students exist some common group norms , which is the performance of university students ' herd mentality .

  21. 显然,当大批市场参与者都向着同一方向采取行动时,往往会导致非理性繁荣和从众心理。

    It is clear that when hordes of market players move in the same direction it will often result in irrational exuberance and a herd mentality .

  22. 换言之,阻断大脑特定区域的活动,使实验对象暂时不受来自社会的影响,从而无法产生从众心理。

    In other words , deactivating a specific part of the brain made subjects temporarily immune to social influence , and thus incapable of joining the herd mentality .

  23. 此外,投资者在金融市场中还存在过度自信、损失厌恶、后悔厌恶、心理账户和从众心理等心理偏误。

    In addition , investors in stock market will easily generate over-confidence , loss aversion , regret aversion , mental accounts , conformity , and other psychology biases .

  24. 本论文还分析了同伴群体影响儿童品德发展的心理机制,有强化、模仿、和从众心理等。

    The thesis also analyzes the psychological mechanism of the peer group 's influence upon the children 's morality development which includes reinforcement , imitation , conformity , etc.

  25. 作为群体的受众,具有丰富多变的情感、崇尚个性、追求自由的意志、轻信盲从的从众心理。

    As a crowd , the audience have abundant changeable emotion , advocate individual character , pursue the will of freedom , and have the mind of conformity easily .

  26. 虽然这与人们仅出于从众心理持有的最初观点截然相反,但当时做出这样选择,是由于随大流看上去更容易或者之前没有其他切实可行的选择。

    This is in contrast to their original opinion , which was the result of simply following the majority because it seemed easier or because there was no real alternative .

  27. 中学语文写作教学中学生批判性思维开发缺失的原因为文化氛围过于严谨、思维定势、盲目从众心理、崇尚权威等。

    The lack of fostering students ' critical thinking in high school teaching of Chinese writing results from the rigid cultural atmosphere , stereotyped thinking , blind compliance and authority worship .

  28. 分析农户采用科学技术的心理特点表明,农民长期在生产和经营中形成的自给心理、守旧心理以及从众心理是阻碍农民采用科学技术的直接障碍因子。

    The analysis of farmers ' psychologic traits indicated that the self-sufficient , conservative and following viewpoints developed in long term production and management were main obstacle of adopting the new technology .

  29. 其中比较显著的差异是我国消费者具有很强的从众心理,在接受新事物的过程中很容易受到他人的行为和言语的影响。

    One obvious difference is that Chinese customers are more likely to be affected by what other people do and what other people say , in the progress of accepting new things .

  30. 特别是农户对利益的心理预期,对制度及管理者的信任度和满意度,过度自信及从众心理等因素对参与意愿有重要影响。

    Some psychological factors such as farmers'expectation of the benefit , their overconfidence bias in their health and their conformity to others'behavior all have impact on their desire for participation in social insurance .