
  1. 不久前,我读到一位刚从史岱文森高中(StuyvesantHigh)毕业的学生写的一篇文章。

    Not long ago , I saw an article written by a recent graduate of Stuyvesant High .

  2. 论从史出,史为论据。

    The theory is from history .

  3. 故事讲述了霍比特人-比尔博·巴金斯从史矛革和恶龙手中夺回孤山占有权的故事。

    It tells the tale of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins in his quest to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon .

  4. 第一章首先从史的角度,纵向梳理新时期小说中方言使用的情况。

    First chapter longitudinally combs in the new era novel the used situation of the dialect from " history " the angle .

  5. 这对今天的利比亚尤其适用&无论是支持还是反对军事干预利比亚的人,都已经从史海中寻找论据。

    This is especially relevant in Libya , where history has been enlisted to make the case both for and against military intervention .

  6. 本文从史的角度论述了它们对中国文学现代化进程产生的伟大影响与贡献。

    From historical angle the essay discusses the literature societies which have had great influences and devotions in the modernizing process of Chinese literature .

  7. 最后,从史的角度上审视革命历史小说,既承认它的独特性和不可或缺性。

    At last , the papers studied the revolutionary historical novel from the historical view , and find the value of its unique and necessary .

  8. 辩真伪而忽感悟。然而,《梁父吟》毕竟是诗,我们有必要把它从史的园囿带回诗的天国,把它作为一篇纯文学作品,进行一番诗学的审视。

    However , ode to LiangFu is on earth a poem , so it 's necessary for us to appreciate it as a pure literary works .

  9. 本文立足于中国文学史20世纪的百年历程,从史的角度梳理了文学史著述碾轧在文史内容和体例二元建构上的轨迹。

    This article stand on a hundred years history of 20th Chinese literature , and combs the course of construction of the literature content and form from historic angle .

  10. 其正确的途径是抓住学科特点,挖掘教材中蕴含的德育因素。论从史出,循序渐进,制定多元目标,采取多样性的方式手段。

    One of the proper approaches is to have a good command of the characteristic of history , discover the elements of moral education and thus adopt diverse means in teaching .

  11. 丰子义指出,论从史出,马哲史的文本研究始终是论的研究的一项基础性工作;

    Feng Ziyi points out that the theory comes out from the history , and the textual study of the history of Marxist philosophy is always a basic work in the studies of theory .

  12. 此章分为三节,第一节从史论文、杂文、传记文、小品文和游记文等五类散文入手,具体阐述廖燕散文创作的思想内容。

    This chapter is divided into three , the first section to start , specifically addressed the ideological content of the Liao Yan prose writing history papers , essays , biography text , essays and travelogues text and other five essays .

  13. 本文在研究中主要突出了理论归纳、历史实证、统计分析与比较研究的方法,并坚持了论从史出的基本原则。

    The article highlights the theory induction , the historical demonstration , statistical analysis and comparative analysis in the research , and adopts the basic principle of " theory based on history " . There are 7 chapters in the article .

  14. 本文是一篇从科学史(History)、科学哲学(Philosophy)和科学教学(Scienceteaching)(简称HPS)相结合的角度来研究化学物质分类思想培养的论文。

    This is a paper intended to study the cultivation of chemical substances classification thought from the angle of the trinity of history , philosophy and science teaching ( HPS in short ) .

  15. 从环境史的角度重新审视美国西部开发

    Re-evaluating America 's Western Exploitation from the Perspective of Environmental History

  16. 从学术史看华侨华人研究的学科发展

    Studies on Chinese Overseas : Academic History and Disciplinary Development

  17. 从艺术史看雕塑语言的符号性

    Looking at Symbol of Sculpture Language from Art History

  18. 从文化史的角度看近代微积分效用的神秘性

    The Mystique of the Modern Calculus Utility in View of the Culture History

  19. 从生物学史视野批判库恩理论

    Criticizing Kuhn 's Theory According to History of Biology

  20. 论华族&从世界史与民族史的角度所作的探讨

    On ethnic Chinese & Approaching the subject from angles of world-history and ethnohistory

  21. 在20年代美国又将企业史从经济史中分化出来。

    Business history split off from economic history in the U.S.A. in 1920s .

  22. 从文学史看,文学叙事无法回避评价。

    On the history of literature , narrative in literature has never avoided appraise .

  23. 从理论史分析儒家伦理与市场经济的关系

    Confucius Ethics and Market Economy : An Analysis from the Viewpoint of Theory History

  24. 从外交史的角度来进一步探讨这一问题,实有必要。

    It is necessary to explore the problem from the angle of diplomatic history .

  25. 转换的耕作:从农业史到食物体系史

    Shifting Cultivation : From the History of Agriculture to the History of Food Systems

  26. 从社会史角度研究晋商与地方社会

    Research on Jin Merchants and the Local Community from the Perspective of Social History

  27. 从设计史的角度来看,设计是文化的一部分。

    Design is part of culture from the view of the history of design .

  28. 从哲学史来看,从亚里士多德到黑格尔,本体论被赋予了不同的解释。

    From Aristotle to Hegel , Ontology has been given a variety of interpretations .

  29. 光:从哲学史到艺术史&现代艺术的形而上学本性

    Light : From History of Philosophy to Art & On the Metaphysics of Modern Art

  30. 本文还从文学史的角度讨论了如何看待与评价马克·吐温。

    Also , this thesis discusses how to appreciate Mark Twin from literature history perspective .