
yóu xiá
  • Ranger;a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct;free-lance fighter
游侠 [yóu xiá]
  • [free-lance fighter] 古代称豪爽好交游、轻生重义、勇于排难解纷的人

  • 善传游侠。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略.序》

游侠[yóu xiá]
  1. 说到这里让我FT一下,游侠的宠物大全有错误,暗黑水仙的光环是200%回兰。

    Here let me FT about pet Ranger Guinness a mistake , Dark halo Narcissus is200 % back to Portland .

  2. 瞧瞧,我可是霹雳游侠McQueen,家喻户晓的车林高手

    Look , I 'm Lightning McQueen , the famous race car

  3. 听起来像是《杰森一家》(Jetsons)和上世纪八十年代电视剧《霹雳游侠》(KnightRider)的疯狂搭配,但这就是佩奇想让谷歌创造的那种未来。

    Sounds like a crazy mashup of the Jetsons and the ' 80s TV show knight rider .

  4. 直接把已经中国单机游戏门户站、早已拥有几百万FANS的游侠网名字借用,并且堂而皇之的注册成为公司名字。

    Direct already net name uses the station of portal of Chinese stand-alone game , You Xia that has millions of FANS already , and hall and of emperor register make company name .

  5. 闪电游侠印度海军T-80型特快攻击艇

    T-80 Extra-Fast Attack Craft in Indian Navy

  6. 根据Variety报道,这些消息是HBO旗下的时代华纳有线电视公司主动支付“赎金”作为正义的黑客找到网络漏洞的奖励金。而该电视公司播放的就是《权利的游侠》剧集。

    The message from HBO , the Time Warner Inc cable unit that broadcasts ' Game of Thrones , ' offers the money as part of a program in which ' white-hat professionals ' are rewarded for identifying cyber security flaws , according to Variety .

  7. 消费税:没有,因为所有这些规定被推倒,但你可以看到的Montecito在两个小时的电视电影霹雳游侠从去年冬天。

    GST : No , because all those sets were torn down , but you can see the Montecito in the two hour Knight Rider TV movie from last winter .

  8. 游侠可以双挥但不能使用双手武器。

    Rangers can dual weild but cannot use two hand weapons .

  9. 试析唐游侠诗的抒情方式

    Try to analyze the lyrical way of the Tang chivalrous poems

  10. 我们平原游侠族就我一个叫这名。

    I am the only Atreyu of the Plains People .

  11. 游侠诗是我国古典诗歌的一个重要题材门类。

    Chivalric classical poetry is the poetry of an important subject categories .

  12. 你们可以把猎人看成游侠。

    The hunter you could liken to the prototypical ranger .

  13. 区区一个游侠懂什么?

    And what would a Ranger know of this matter ?

  14. 这就像游侠唐托在伺机伤害只水牛之类的一样

    It was like Tonto waiting for hurt a buffalo or something .

  15. 第一节唐代文人中的少年游侠。

    Junior Ranger in the first section of scholars in Tang Dynasty .

  16. 游侠与中国古代文学有着非常特殊的关系。从先秦散文到清代游侠小说,游侠一直在文人笔下走动,并不时扮演着不同角色。

    There is a very special relationship between knight-errant and Chinese antiquity literature .

  17. 在美国,同样的悲剧也发生在《霹雳游侠》和《飞跃情海》这两部剧集上。

    In the United States , there was Knight Rider and Melrose Place .

  18. 游侠身份为平民无官职没有权势成为被打击的对象。

    Ranger status of the civilian non-official powerless become the object of attack .

  19. 建安游侠诗与儒家精神

    The Jian An Errant Knight Poems and Confucian Spirits

  20. 一个修改游戏参数的小程序,和金山游侠差不多。

    A revised parameters of small game procedures , and almost Jinshan drifter .

  21. 汉&唐游侠诗发展史纲

    The Outline of Knight-errant Poetry 's Development in Han-Tang

  22. 游侠的每日施法数量不会在20级后继续增加。

    The ranger 's number of spells per day does not increase after20th level .

  23. 问:兽人爪牙和游侠有什么区别?

    Q : what 's the difference between an orc pawn and a ranger ?

  24. 秦汉时期士与游侠的演变及关系研究

    Study on Evolvement and Relationship between Ranger and Scholar in Qin and Han Dynasty

  25. 文人·儒家思想·游侠精神

    Humanism , Confucian Thought and Chivalric Spirit

  26. 席菲雅是名孤独的半精灵游侠。

    Xephia was a lonely half-elven ranger .

  27. 说吴均的“游侠情结”

    Talk on Wu Jun 's Paladin Complex

  28. 最短的关于游侠的笑话是什么?

    Whats the shortest Ranger joke ever ?

  29. 唐吉诃德确信自己就是成为游侠的适当人选。

    Don Quixote was sure that he was the right man to be a knight-errant .

  30. 霹雳游侠(电视剧)有辆会说话的车。

    Knight Rider had the talking car .