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  • 网络West Lake
  1. 游瘦西湖,那潋滟的湖光,雅致的园林,浮动的山景,逶迤的长堤,飞舞的彩桥,五颜六色的花卉,无不引人入胜

    " Slender West Lake is attractive for its ripping lakes , tasteful gardens , picturesque hills , winding dikes , dancing colored bridges as well as beautiful flowers of diverse colors "

  2. 其戏剧作品现仅存四种:《化人游》、《赤松游》、《西湖扇》和《表忠记》,均取得较高的艺术成就。

    His dramatic works are now the only remaining four kinds which had achieved a high artistic achievements .