
yóu yì
  • entertainment;recreation
游艺 [yóu yì]
  • [recreation;entertainment] 玩游戏或从事娱乐活动

游艺[yóu yì]
  1. 在知情人的指引下,记者来到了金星游艺广场。

    Under the guidance of the insider , the reporter came to Venus entertainment plaza .

  2. 金星游艺广场,就位于华润万家超市广场内右侧。

    Venus entertainment plaza , located on the right side of China Resources Vanguard Supermarket Plaza .

  3. 基于GPS的滑行车游艺机运行参数测量系统设计

    A Design of the " Sliding Car " Machines Game Running Parameter Measurement System Based on GPS

  4. 他们称我们游艺场,路就是我们的家。

    They call us carnies , the road is our home-base .

  5. 说出一个我曾经参加过游艺团的女朋友。

    Name one girlfriend of mine who worked as a carny .

  6. 婴儿走到母亲背后做捉迷藏的游艺戏。

    The baby went behind his mother to play a hiding game .

  7. 游艺民俗旅游资源开发初探

    On the Development of Entertainments in Folk Custom Tourist Resources

  8. 组织游艺会得进行一系列工作。

    To organize an amusement gathering involves a great deal of work .

  9. 我们径直向游艺室走去。

    We made our way directly to the recreation room .

  10. 这间房留作孩子们的游艺室。

    The room was designed as a Children 's playroom .

  11. 您最感兴趣游乐园的那种游艺类型?

    What type of activities do you prefer in the theme park ?

  12. 丰田新型科斯塔牌小型客车大型游艺机&过山车的安全性分析

    New Coaster Minibus from Toyota Safety Analysis of Roller Coaster

  13. 西南少数民族传统体育游艺分类及其特征

    Classification of Traditional Sports and Recreation in Southwest Minority Nationalities and their Characteristics

  14. 略谈深圳游艺民俗的特色和发展前景

    On Features and Prospects of Shenzhen 's Folk Amusement

  15. 全液压大型游艺机荷花飞鱼驱动系统的设计

    Design of the Fluid Driving System for Game Machine

  16. GB8408-1987游艺机和游乐设施安全标准

    Safety standard of amusement machines and amusement park equipments

  17. 你的四周有很多游艺机,如旋转木马、滑梯和秋千等。

    You are surrounded by fun things , roundabouts , slides and swings .

  18. 内蒙古流动作业人员职业病危害现状及防治对策流动游艺团的工作人员

    Status of Occupational Hazards and Control Measures in Floating workers of Inner Mongolia

  19. 游艺会过去常在她家附近的公园里举行。

    The funfair used to take place in the park near her house .

  20. 流动游艺团的工作人员。

    A person who works with a carnival .

  21. 直线电机驱动的游艺滑车系统

    Scenic - Railway System Driven by Linear Motor

  22. 在花园里开游乐会.是中国游艺机游乐园协会、国玩具协会成员单位。

    Is Chinese Mechanical toy Amusement park Association , Chinese Toy Association Member Unit .

  23. 晚上收工的时候,我已经同意加入他们的巡回游艺团了。

    By the end of the night , I had agreed to join their carnival .

  24. 文化宫里有图书馆、礼堂和游艺室。

    Housed in the Cultural Palace are a library , an auditorium and recreation rooms .

  25. 游艺集市上,就在幽灵车旁边,果浆软糖搅拌机正在搅拌。

    At the funfair , near the ghost train , the marshmallow twister is twisting .

  26. 在高空焦虑不已时,你被游艺机的电气动力装置陡直向下抛到地面。

    With anxiety levels on high , you are power-blasted straight down to the ground .

  27. 今年春节将举办全省规模的游艺会。

    For this year 's Spring Festival , there will be a provincial gathering for entertainment .

  28. 歌舞娱乐放映游艺场所多设置在已建建筑内,往往不具备设置自动喷水灭火系统的条件。

    Many public entertainment places are within the buildings that have been completed for some time .

  29. 利用单片机控制大型游艺机具有成本低、可靠性好等优点。

    It has advantage of low cost and high reliability to control large recreation machine by SCM .

  30. 进口的游艺机、游乐设施,按商检的有关规定办理。

    Imports of game machines , amusement facilities , according to the inspection of the relevant regulations .