
  1. 游戏剧本长达一千余页,拥有数百个不同结局等待玩家发掘。

    The script was over a thousand pages long , opening up hundreds of different endings for players to explore .

  2. HBO公司称。他们最近遭受了一次大型的网络攻击,并声称这次攻击导致了其招牌美剧《权力的游戏》剧本内容的泄露。

    According to HBO , the network experienced a major cyber attack recently , which allegedly resulted in leaked content from their top series , " Game of Thrones . "

  3. 尽管HBO并未公开被窃的具体信息,黑客们在周日给媒体发的匿名邮件中吹嘘他们拿到了《权利的游戏》的剧本。

    Although HBO did not share what information was stolen , hackers allegedly sent an anonymous email to some members of the media on Sunday , bragging about their hacked " Game of Thrones " content .