
  1. 台湾中央研究院(AcademiaSinica)的研究员陈志柔(Chih-JouJayChen)说,上世纪90年代的中国高层领导人也将吴仁宝谨慎的做法视为市场经济失败后可能的替代品。

    Chih-Jou Jay Chen , a researcher at Taiwan 's Academia Sinica , said senior Chinese leaders in the 1990s also saw Mr. Wu 's careful approach as a potential alternative should market economics fail .

  2. 吴仁宝有能力以一种慷慨的方式来推销他的精明商业决策。

    Mr. Wu had a knack for selling hard-nosed business decisions as generosity .

  3. 精彩人生乐章中的不和谐音符&关于报告文学《精彩吴仁宝》的几点质疑

    Disharmonious Notes in the Brilliant Movement of Life & On Several Doubts about the Reportage Brilliant WU Ren-bao

  4. 吴仁宝维持华西村财富的规定之一是:任何人只要离开该村,就会失去所有财产。

    One of his rules to sustain Huaxi 's riches : Anyone who leaves town loses all title to the money .

  5. 华西村发言人周二说,吴仁宝的葬礼安排在周五上午8点零8分的吉时举行。

    His funeral is scheduled for the auspicious time of 8:08 a.m. on Friday , said a spokesman for the town Tuesday .

  6. 吴仁宝通过发誓忠诚于社会主义让他的上级满意,与此同时,他把种水稻和养猪的农民变成了百万富翁。

    While Mr. Wu kept his party bosses happy by swearing allegiance to socialism , he turned rice and pig farmers into millionaires .

  7. 吴仁宝将华西村的经济从农业转变为制造业和商业,建起冶金厂,并随后发展了酿酒、银行和旅游业。

    Mr. Wu pivoted Huaxi 's economy from farming toward manufacturing and trade , with ventures in steelmaking , then liquor , banking and tourism .

  8. 虽然吴仁宝当时在处理党内事务方面很活跃,但2003年他卸去了华西村党委书记一职,将自己担任的一些关键职位交给了儿子吴协恩。

    Though Mr. Wu remained active in party affairs , he retired as the village 's party chief in 2003 and relinquished his key positions to a son , Wu Xie'en .

  9. 吴仁宝曾始终反对举债,但随着时间的推移态度有所缓和,最终同意华西集团的资产负债率可以达到20%。

    The old secretary had always been against the idea of borrowing but had relented over the years and eventually agreed to a debt-to-asset ratio of 20 per cent for Huaxi Group .

  10. 吴仁宝以“有中国特色的资本主义”这一模糊的概念为蓝图,把一个农业社区变成了如今中国公认的首富村。

    Wu Renbao took a vague concept ─ ' capitalism with Chinese characteristics ' ─ as the blueprint to turn a farm community into what is now known in China as the country 's richest village .

  11. 吴仁宝的去世周二还引起了中国国家媒体的关注,电视台以华西村的巨大转变提醒人们记住中国取得的进步。

    Mr. Wu is widely respected by us . ' Mr. Wu 's death also got attention in national media on Tuesday , as broadcasters used the village 's transformation as a reminder of strides China has made .

  12. 吴仁宝两年前在接受一家中国杂志采访时说:我白天放牛喂猪,早晚照顾地主家瘫痪在床的儿子。一年下来可以赚到40斤米。

    ' I raised cattle and fed pigs during the day and took care of the disabled son of my landlord in the morning and night . All this hard work earned me 20 kilos of rice a year , ' Mr. Wu told a Chinese magazine two years ago .

  13. 周一,吴仁宝因肺癌去世,终年84岁。上世纪80年代初,江苏省东部华西村的原党委书记吴仁宝以一种具有政治智慧的方式回应了中国的市场改革,进而促成了华西村的经济腾飞。

    Mr. Wu , who died of lung cancer at age 84 on Monday , responded to China 's market overhauls in the early 1980s with a politically savvy strategy to charge up the economy of Huaxi , the village in eastern Jiangsu province that he headed as Communist Party secretary .