
  1. 对此吴孔明研究员做出了回应,驳斥了外界广为流传的、认为转基因食品会导致癌症及降低男性生育能力的猜测,批评它们是“毫无根据的谣言”。

    In response , Wu dismissed widespread speculation that GM food causes cancer and reduces male fertility , calling such claims " groundless rumors . "

  2. 吴孔明也高度评价了该中心在评估转基因作物影响方面的重要作用,它可以创建隔离可控的环境进行这方面的研究。

    Wu also highlighted the centre 's important role in evaluating the impact of genetically modified crops on agriculture by recreating the environments in closed and controlled conditions .

  3. 吴孔明表示,中国目前只允许出售转基因木瓜的相关产品。而例如大豆和玉米等其他的进口转基因作物只能被用来当做生产原材料。

    China currently allows the commercial production of only one GM food crop - papayas - while other imported GM food crops , including soybeans and corn , are used only as raw materials , Wu said .

  4. 中科院研究员、国家农业转基因安全委员会成员吴孔明在上周三的一次发布会上告诉与会者,在转基因生物的安全性检测工作上,全世界只有中国拥有这种“五步测评法”。

    The five-phase evaluation system is the only such system in the world , Wu Kongming , a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a member of the country 's agricultural GM safety committee , told attendees at a conference on last Wednesday .