
  1. 背负艺术十字架的人&纪念吴大羽先生

    A Man Carrying a Cross of Art on the Back & In Memory of Mr. Wu Dayu

  2. 吴大羽运用色彩、线条、色彩块面等来展现构图,疏简中见严紧组织。

    The whole composition , while tightly organized , emerges through the simplistic use of colours , lines and form .

  3. 静物、明窗的场景、优雅清幽的情调气氛,也渗透是很浓厚明确的文人典雅气息,这是在吴大羽作品中十分少见和独特。

    The luminous and graceful solitude of the still-life is imbued with the aura of the literati , a poetic remarkably rare among Wu Dayu 's works .

  4. 吴大羽对色彩的运用在中国艺术家中是十分突出,赋予色彩一种表达情绪、充满动态的潜能。

    Wu Dayu 's bold use of colour is especially evident when compared with that of his contemporaries in Chinese painting ; he confers on colour the power to evince emotion and motion .

  5. 整幅作品用色十分瑰丽绚烂,极度灿然的黄色配上青绿色彩,色域广阔,且色彩密度和浓度十分高,这是吴大羽作品的一个特色。

    But the characteristics of Wu 's oils are intact : with the incredibly vivid yellow harmoniously matching dark green , the resulting broad spectrum of colour is highly vibrant , dense and intense .