
  • 网络Script File;scr
  1. txt文件的信息,建立脚本文件Msbatch。

    Txt , this paper establishes the script fhle_ms batch .

  2. 而通过VB编程来调用电磁仿真软件HFSS的VBs脚本文件来完成优化过程中参数的自动更新和建模,大大减少了工作量同时也避免了因为重复建模而可能产生的失误。

    And through the VB programming invoke the VBs script of HFSS to complete the automatic updates and modeling in the optimization process , it greatly reduces the workload and also avoids possible mistakes due to repeated modeling .

  3. Windows和Web客户端不能执行任何脚本文件。

    The Windows and Web clients cannot execute any scripts .

  4. 解释系统包括XML格式的脚本文件和解释器两个部分。

    Script file and interpreter are included in interpretation system also .

  5. 初步学习Matlab的脚本文件、函数文件编写。

    Matlab script file preliminary study , the function document preparation .

  6. 如果您喜欢将命令存储在脚本文件中,使用MYHOME为您的脚本创建一个目录。

    If you prefer to store your commands in script files , create a directory for your scripts using MY_HOME .

  7. Shell脚本文件包含调用其他文件的命令或脚本。

    The Shell script file contains the commands or script to invoke other files .

  8. 该脚本文件安装归档文件中包含的EAR文件。

    The script file installs the EAR file included in the archive .

  9. 采用Apache搭建Web服务器,编程创建PHP访问SqlServer脚本文件。

    A Web server is set up using Apache and accessing SQL Server script file is programmed by PHP .

  10. 通过使用run命令可实现该操作,该命令接受单个参数:单引号括起的脚本文件名。

    You do so by using the run command , which takes a single argument : the name of the script file enclosed in single quotes .

  11. 在您的代码中,用您想要移植的V6.1.x旧的Ant脚本文件取代source的值。

    In your code , replace value for source with the V6.1 . x old Ant script file that you want to migrate .

  12. Head部分包含指向几个外部脚本文件的引用,并且在页面的Body部分引用在这些文件中定义的例程。

    The Head section includes references to several external script files , and the routines defined within these files are referenced within the Body section of the page .

  13. 如果type的值为customscript,则需要transact-sql脚本文件的名称和完整路径。

    When the value of type is custom_script , the name and full path of a Transact-SQL script file is expected .

  14. 该功能让您使用一次向导,并且在Ant脚本文件中记录下用户选项和数据。

    It enables you to go through the wizard once and record the user options and data in an Ant script file .

  15. 现在,您将只使用create脚本文件;insert脚本文件将在本文的最后使用。

    For now , you 'll only work with the create script file ; the insert script file will be used at the end of this article .

  16. 用户能够在SQLServerManagementStudio中编辑该脚本文件,之后就可以在其中运行脚本或是将其保存起来并通过向导加载并运行脚本文件。

    You can edit this file in SQL Server Management Studio and run it from there or save it and use the wizard to load and run your file .

  17. 该文在MATLAB环境下,利用绘图函数和脚本文件对混沌神经元动力系统进行了形象的描述,并给出了具体编程、计算、仿真的方法和程序。

    Being based upon MATLAB , the chaotic neuron dynamic system has been portrayed visually by script and plot in the paper with programming , calculating and simulating .

  18. 文件缓存-即使启用了PHP操作码缓存,PHP引擎要访问一个文件系统上的脚本文件。

    File Cache-Even with the PHP opcode cache enabled , the PHP engine has to accesses the script files on a file system .

  19. XML格式脚本文件由表达、处理和数据三部分内容组成;解释器分为XML解析和程序解释两个部分。

    The XML format script file is constituted of three parts of expression , processing and data . The interpreter is divided into two parts of XML parsing and program explaining .

  20. 注意在清单5内,向集群提交的作业可以是一个简单的Linux命令、一个shell脚本文件或一个适当的可执行文件。

    Note in Listing 5 that the job you submit to the cluster can be a simple Linux command , a shell script file , or a proper executable .

  21. 下一节将讨论如何从命令行直接执行Derby脚本文件。

    The next section discusses how you can execute a Derby script file directly from a command line .

  22. 如果您的内部web应用程序需要确保运行正常,考虑维护Dojo脚本文件来减少您应用程序的单点故障。

    If you have internal web applications that require high uptime , consider maintaining the Dojo script files locally to decrease your application 's points of failure .

  23. Brad也提到ScriptManager现在可以合并多个JavaScript脚本文件,极大地减少了文件的下载时间。

    Brad also mentions that the Script Manager can now combine multiple JavaScript source files , greatly decreasing the amount of time they take to download .

  24. 当您运行批处理文件,或者Linux上的内核脚本文件时,您将会得到一个数百行的日志(主要是由于-verbose选项)。

    When running the batch file , or the shell script file on Linux , you 'll get a several hundred lines long log ( mainly due to the-verbose option ) .

  25. 在Pluginconfigchangescript字段中,可以输入您希望在完成生成后运行的脚本文件的名称。

    In the Plugin config change script field , you can enter the name of a script file that you might want run once the generation is complete .

  26. 但是,Windows脚本文件(WSF)可以自动校正重要的值,并设置单独Java安装所不能设置的环境变量。

    However , a Windows script file ( WSF ) script can automatically correct important values and set environment variables that the separate Java installation cannot .

  27. /bin/sh告诉操作系统,本文件是脚本文件,需要用/bin/sh程序(也称为shell)解释。

    / bin / sh , tells the operating system that this is a script and that it needs to be interpreted using the program / bin / sh , also known as shell .

  28. 当你想实现一项转换逻辑或者路由逻辑时,你能够很轻易地开发出一个简单的Java类/Springbean/脚本文件,把它引入到XML配置中。

    When you want to implement a piece of transformation logic or routing logic you can easily develop a simple Java class / Spring bean / script file and include it in the XML configuration .

  29. 然后,对MHSSimulator进行模块及实现方法的设计,主要包括功能模块、通信方式以及执行脚本文件的设计。

    Then , the modules and the methods of MHS Simulator is designed including function modules , communication and executed script files .

  30. 这种显示可能有些笨拙,但run命令会执行您的脚本文件,就像您直接将命令键入ij工具中一样。

    This display may seem awkward , but the run command executes your script file as if you were typing the commands directly into the ij tool .