
jiǎo qì
  • Beriberi;beri-beri;beriber;inchacao;barbiers
脚气 [jiǎo qì]
  • [beriberi] 病名。又称脚弱。因外感湿邪风毒,或饮食厚味所伤,积湿生热,流注于脚而成。其症先起于腿脚,麻木,疼痛,软弱无力,或挛急,或肿胀,或萎枯,或胫红肿,发热,进而入腹攻心,小腹不仁,呕吐不食,心悸,胸闷,气喘,神志恍惚,言语错乱。治宜宣壅逐湿为主,或兼祛风清热。可用鸡鸣散等方

  • 增脚气病。--唐. 柳宗元《柳河东集》

脚气[jiǎo qì]
  1. HPLC测定呋喃西林脚气粉中呋喃西林的含量

    Determination of Nitrofurazone in Nitrofurazone Powder for Beriberi by HPLC

  2. 当维生素B1缺乏引起心肌炎时,中医则名之曰“脚气冲心”。

    So TCM understands myocarditis due to deficiency of vitamin B1 as invasion of beriberi into the heart .

  3. 用于各种缺乏维生素B1。脚气,神经炎及消化不良等引起的疾病。

    Used for a variety of diseases caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1 . Beriberi , neuritis and indigestion and so on .

  4. 辐射出去的功率为35.5mW/4cm2,这样既可以有效杀灭脚气真菌,又可保证此微波信号对人体安全无害。最后对本文的工作进行了总结,并提出了有待进一步解决的问题。

    Radiation power is 35.5mW/4cm2 . It can only effectively kill the fungus , but also ensure that the microwave signal is safe on the human body . Finally , we summarize the research of the thesis and propose some needed improved problems .

  5. 我这个人有人气,还有脚气。

    My someone gas , Still there is the beriberi .

  6. 适用于脚气、脚癣、脚痒等真菌感染。

    Adapt to treat dermatophytosis , athlete 's foot and feet tickle .

  7. 嘿,你知道吗,我有脚气?

    Hey , you know I have athlete 's foot ?

  8. “脚气,香港脚:皮肤的一种细菌性感染,尤其是运动员的脚易得这种病.”

    " dermatophytosis : a fungal infection of the skin , especially athlete 's foot . "

  9. 适用于足部瘙痒、溃烂、皲裂等脚气(香港脚)问题的真菌杀菌。

    Serviceable range : To kill fungi for feet pruritus , canker and rhagades caused by beriberi .

  10. 本文的主要工作是对微波脚气治疗仪的研制。

    The main work of this paper is about the study of the Beriberi treatment on the microwave instrument .

  11. 我脚趾痒得很,真烦人,我想我是得了香港脚气。

    My toes feel very itchy . It 's really irritating . I think I have an athlete 's foot .

  12. 其对维护人体功能的稳定大有益处并积极预防了如脚气之类的疾病。

    This vitamin-B is very good for maintaining many functions in the body and also for protection against diseases like Beriberi .

  13. 此外,花椒还是一种天然的消毒剂,用花椒水泡脚还能帮助治疗脚气。

    In addition , the pepper is a natural disinfectant foot bath with pepper water can help treat athlete 's foot .

  14. 患脚气、狐臭、严重口臭、龋齿及生疮者不宜食用。

    Not to use in cases of beriberi , serious bad breath , body odor , rotten teeth or gum disease .

  15. 产品功效:有效滋润足部,改善皮肤粗糙,清楚脚癣、脚气,抑制真菌感染。

    Benefits : Effective moisturizing foot , improve rough skin , clear ringworm , athlete 's foot , inhibition of fungal infections .

  16. 本厂所推出的脚气药膏,无色无味,无油腻,效果奇佳,是真正的脚气克星。

    Our factory 's BeriBeri paste is a real conqueror of BeriBeri , which is colorless , odorless , greaseless , and exceptionally effective .

  17. 护理系列:本系列产品具有护肤、美容、抗菌、止痒、去除异味、治脚气等功效。

    Nursing series : The series of products own the functions of skincare , facial care , antibacterial , anti-pruritus , eliminating smell , and curing beriberi .

  18. 对于长期工作在恶劣的作战环境下的野战军来说,脚气严重影响了他们的生活,给他们带来了很多麻烦。

    For the field army who work in harsh operational environment for long time , the Beriberi seriously affected their lives , and gave them a lot of troubles .

  19. 是安利产的清洁剂,不是药品;目前有许多人用于泡脚除脚气,也有一定效果,但毒副反应不明。

    Amway is not in cleaner , pharmaceutical , Now many people used to soak the foot except beriberi , also have certain effect , but the adverse reaction is unknown .

  20. 脚气是一种皮肤真菌感染疾病,导致感染处皮肤的结垢、剥落以及瘙痒,它是由毛癣菌属真菌引起的。

    Athlete 's foot is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling , flaking , and itch of affected areas . It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton .

  21. 虽然可以通过不穿鞋或尽可能少穿鞋来完全预防,但也还有很多药物及其它治疗方法可以治疗脚气。

    Athlete 's foot can be treated by a number of pharmaceuticals ( including creams ) and other treatments , although it can be almost completely prevented by never wearing shoes , or wearing them as little as possible .

  22. 脚气通常在潮湿公共区域的习惯赤脚走路的人之间传播,如淋浴房或浴室,这种病需要温暖潮湿的环境,如鞋的内侧,以滋生真菌。

    While it is typically transmitted in moist communal areas where people walk barefoot , such as showers or bathhouses , the disease requires a warm moist environment , such as the inside of a shoe , in order to incubate .

  23. 临床具体应用为风湿性心脏病、风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、慢性肾炎、肺心病、急性肾炎、脚气水肿、肥胖病、荨麻疹、狐臭等。

    At present , it can be treated Rheumatic heart disease , Rheumatoid arthritis , Rheumarthritis , Chronic nephritis , Cor pulmonale , Acute nephritis , Beriberi edema , adiposis , urticaria , hircismus and so on in the clinical application .

  24. 虽然真菌通常是因为赤脚走过受感染区,或使用受感染的毛巾导致的,继续保持赤脚可以预防脚气,因为这样可以让脚变干,使真菌失去滋养的条件。

    While the fungus is generally picked up through walking barefoot in an infected area or using an infected towel , infection can be prevented by remaining barefoot as this allows the feet to dry properly and removes the fungus ' primary incubator - the warm moist interior of a shoe .

  25. 此书30卷本内容,罄一为医学总论,包括医学伦理、本草、制药等;卷二~四为妇科病;卷五为儿科病;卷六为七窍病;卷七一八论诸风脚气;卷九~十为伤寒;

    The book is composed of 30 volumes.Volume l is the pandect of medical science , including medical ethics , materia medica , pharmacy and the like , Volumes 2 ~ 4 are on gynecological diseases , Volume 5 0n pediatrics , Volume 6 0n diseases of the seven orifices , Volumes 7 ~ 8 0n dermatophytosis of all kinds ,