
  • Shakes;milkshake;milk shake;Lassi
  1. 她把洒出来的奶昔从柜台上擦掉。

    She wiped a spill of milkshake off the counter

  2. Charlie想喝奶昔

    Well , charlie asked for a milkshake .

  3. 他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。

    He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake .

  4. 我猛吃了一通比萨或奶昔。

    I binged on pizzas or milkshakes .

  5. 和其他水果的鲜切片混合后,冷冻香蕉可以作为很好的打底来制作厚重、冰凉的水果奶昔和低脂“冰激淋”。

    When combined with berries of slices of other fruits , frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick , cooling fruit shakes and low fat " ice cream " .

  6. 斯蒂芬妮?福尔克(StephanieFalk)和她的丈夫都喜欢JambaJuice的奶昔。

    Stephanie Falk and her husband like smoothies from Jamba Juice .

  7. 奶昔(英文中又简称为shake),是一种香甜冰爽的奶制饮品,其原料通常为冰淇淋或牛奶,有时两者兼备。

    A milkshake , or simply a shake , is a sweet , cold dairy-based drink usually made with ice cream , milk or both .

  8. 例如,对饮用奶昔的人进行的功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)检测显示,让人产生渴望的是糖分,而不是脂肪。

    For instance , functional M.R.I. tests involving milkshakes demonstrate that it 's the sugar , not the fat , that people crave .

  9. 在美国以外的地区,奶昔还被称为thickshake、thickmilkshake或frappe。

    Outside the US , the drink is also called a thickshake , thick milkshake , or frappe .

  10. 我们现在知道且喜爱的奶昔出现得较晚,到20世纪90年代才出现。1922年,一个名叫IvanPopCoulson的人想在食谱中再混合点东西。

    The actual milkshake we know and love came a little later in the 1900s . In 1922 , a man called Ivan Pop Coulson wanted to make a remix on the recipe .

  11. 展出麦当劳的产品,其中也包括Multimixer奶昔。

    Showing McDonald 's items , including Multimixer .

  12. Potbelly是一家位于芝加哥的三明治专卖店,它还提供沙拉和奶昔。

    Shares of potbelly ( pbpb ) , a Chicago-based sandwich shop that also offers salads and shakes , more than doubled from their initial trading price of $ 14 last Friday .

  13. JambaJuice去年表示,他们将采用纸杯来装奶昔和其他冷饮,“以改善我们的环境记录”。麦当劳公司(McDonald'sCorp.)正在将全美14000家麦咖啡(McCafe)的泡沫塑料杯替换成纸杯。

    Jamba Juice said last year it would adopt paper cups for its smoothies and other cold drinks ' to improve our environmental footprint . ' McDonald 's Corp. is replacing plastic foam cups with McCafe paper cups at all 14 , 000 McCafes across the country .

  14. 感谢收看“怎样制作草莓奶昔”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make A Strawberry Smoothie .

  15. 输家就给赢家买奶昔,好吗?

    The loser can buy the winner a milkshake , OK ?

  16. 感谢收看“怎样制作香蕉奶昔”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make A Banana Smoothie .

  17. 那他有阻止你喝“瘦得快”奶昔吗?

    Does he want you to stop drinking quick thin shakes ?

  18. 我得尝尝五块一杯的奶昔。

    I gotta know what a $ 500 shake tastes like .

  19. 你可以以麦当劳和奶昔为食

    And so you could live on McDonald 's and milkshakes ,

  20. 感谢收看“怎样制作芒果奶昔”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make A Mango Smoothie .

  21. 您知道她喜欢做这些香蕉奶昔,对吧?

    You know those banana shakes she likes to make , right ?

  22. 天气炎热时,我就想来杯奶昔。

    When it gets really hot , I ache for a milkshake .

  23. 打开盖子,把奶昔倒入高脚杯中。

    Remove the lid and pour the smoothie into a tall glass .

  24. 这个奶昔只是用力摇晃过的巧克力牛奶,根本没有冰淇淋。

    The shake was merely jiggled chocolate milk , sans ice cream .

  25. 谢谢收看“香蕉奶昔”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make A Banana Smoothie

  26. 感谢收看“怎样制作巧克力薄荷奶昔”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make A Chocolate Mint Smoothie .

  27. 结果你把奶昔扔我脸上了药呢

    and you threw my smoothie at me . Pill !

  28. 常见的形式有替餐粉、替餐棒以及替餐奶昔。

    You can get meal replacement powder , bars , and shakes .

  29. 我06年发明了能量酒精饮料混感冒糖浆奶昔。

    In 2006 , I invented the Four Loko and robitussin smoothie .

  30. 这种巧克力奶油冷饮是一种伪装的奶昔。

    This creamy frozen chocolate drink is a grown-up milkshake in disguise .