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  • 网络Custard;cream
  1. 他们把不声不响地“行动起来”叫做“getcracking”。而且,他们居然有一种甜点叫做SpottedDick(通常配有金黄色的糖浆和奶黄);

    They " get cracking , " in a soundless way , and they actually have a dessert called " Spotted Dick " ( often served with golden syrup and custard ) ;

  2. 在制作奶黄时,鸡蛋能使液体凝固成胶状。

    In a custard , they thicken liquids to form a gel .

  3. 搪瓷废粉在钛奶黄瓷釉中的应用

    The Yellow Paint Use of Scrap Glaze for Titania Ivery Enamel Glaze

  4. 在做肉饼时,鸡蛋将不同的原料黏合在一起。在制作奶黄时,鸡蛋能使液体凝固成胶状。

    In a meatloaf , they bind disparate ingredients together . In a custard , they thicken liquids to form a gel .

  5. 蛋清样和奶黄样分泌物组无重度干眼症患者,8眼颗粒状分泌物中重度干眼症占2眼,而40眼牙膏状分泌物中19眼发生重度干眼症。

    There was no severe dry eye in egg-white-like secretion and milk-yellowish secretion , while in2 out of8 in granular secretion , and in19 out of40 in toothpaste-like secretion .

  6. 有个老笑话这样说,女人看三个不同的油漆桶时可以看到“色泽柔软的杏仁”,“烟熏的贝壳”和“过期的牛奶”,但是她们糊涂的丈夫却只能看到三桶奶黄漆。

    There 's an old joke that a woman can look at three different tins of paint and see " brushed almond , " " smokey seashells , " and " expired milk , " whereas her confused husband can only see three tins of cream paint .