
  • 网络cream cheese
  1. 低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。

    Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese

  2. 蛤和软奶油干酪做成的蘸食。

    A dip made of clams and soft cream cheese .

  3. 正是由于稀奶油干酪具有丰富的营养物质,又是新鲜的软质干酪,所以它容易被单核增生李斯特菌(Listeriamonocytogenes)所污染。

    It is just because the rich nutrients and the soft texture that made it easy to be polluted by Listeria monocytogenes which is Monocyte hyperplasia bacteria .

  4. 在巧克力蛋糕上抹上奶油干酪糖霜。

    Spread cream cheese frosting over brownies .

  5. 冰箱里有熏鲑鱼和奶油干酪,烤箱里有贝吉饼。

    Howard : There 's lox and cream cheese in the fridge . The bagels are in the oven .

  6. 将奶油干酪,糖,面粉和香草放在一个大碗中,用搅拌器中速搅匀。

    BEAT cream cheese , sugar , flour and vanilla in large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended .

  7. 冰淇淋、奶酪蛋糕、奶油干酪片、白巧克力、拿铁饮料和热巧克力等等都可以添加抹茶。

    Matcha is being used in ice cream , cheese-cakes , cream cheese spreads , white chocolate , latte beverages , hot chocolate etc.

  8. 随后上的菜,其概念,口味和质地都大不一样;凉的加上热的,水果加上鸡肉,中间还抹了奶油干酪。

    Then I continued with items which were very different in concept , taste and texture ; cold and hot , fruit and chicken , stuffed with cream cheese .

  9. 信不信由你,你吃两个麦当劳鸡蛋松饼得到的卡路里比你吃加了两大汤匙奶油干酪的百吉饼获得的热量少。

    Believe it or not , you can eat two McDonalds 's egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese .

  10. 在吃掉惊人的主餐后,她仍然有胃口吞下甜点,她又吃了一份棉花糖“沙拉”、奶油干酪、鲜奶油和曲奇饼干。

    After polishing off her enormous main course , she still had room for dessert and ate a " salad " of marshmallow , cream cheese , whipped cream and cookies .

  11. 然后,在单因素研究的基础上进行了响应面优化试验,优化了稀奶油干酪的加工工艺,确定其具有高产率、高感官评价、受消费者喜爱等品质的工艺条件。

    Then do the optimization of response surface methodology on the single factor study , optimize the processing technic of cream cheese and make sure that it has the high productivity , the high sensory evaluation and be loved by the consumers and so on .

  12. 在一个毡房里,主人给我们端上来奶茶、奶油和干酪。

    In one of the yurts , the host served us with tea , cream and cheese .

  13. 我又把我管理山羊的办法,以及挤羊奶、使羊肥壮、做奶油和干酪的方法告诉他们。

    I gave them a description of the way I managed the goats , and directions to milk and fatten them , and to make both butter and cheese .

  14. 主要产品以液态奶为主,奶油、干酪等深加工、高科技、高附加值的产品相对较少,乳制品业发展态势不容乐观。

    The main products are the liquid milk . The butter , cheese and other deep-processing , high-tech , high value-added products are relatively few . Dairy industry development trend is pessimism .

  15. 淡味的奶油色的荷兰干酪,呈球形。

    Mild cream-colored Dutch cheese shaped in balls .

  16. 面包也没有,奶油也没有,干酪也没有,什么都没有。

    There is no bread , no butter , no cheese , no nothing .

  17. 最后得到的便是奶油酱(cremina),这种酱料的油腻感并非来自黄油或奶油,而是羊奶干酪中的脂肪、意面中的淀粉以及面汤余热的共同结果。

    The result is the cremina , a sauce whose unctuousness results not from butter or cream , but from the combination of the fat from the pecorino , the starch from the pasta and the residual heat of the cooking water .