
  • 网络milk
  1. 发展液态奶,提升我国奶业市场竞争力

    On Enhancement of Market Competition of China 's Milk Market

  2. 21世纪国际奶业发展新动向

    Development Trends of the World Milk Industry in 21 Century

  3. 美联报道,北京一家媒体调查公司AllMediaCount的调查显示,事件使公众对中国奶业的信心遭受重创。

    The incident has devastated public trust in Chinese dairies , according to a survey conducted by Beijing-based media research firm All Media Count , AP said .

  4. 荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)驻上海奶业分析师MartinWu说,三聚氰胺事件后,中国牛奶质量已有显著改善。

    Martin Wu , dairy analyst for Rabobank in Shanghai , says milk quality in China has improved markedly since the melamine scandal .

  5. 荷斯坦是我国奶牛的主要品种,随着我国奶业飞速发展,奶牛群体改良成为当前奶牛育种面临的迫切任务,基于AFLP技术的分子标记技术可以为此提供新的辅助育种技术。

    Holstein is most breed in China , and dairy cattle herd improvement is very important assignment , AFLP technology as a molecular marker can provide help .

  6. Anand也是印度国家奶业发展委员会(NDDB)的总部所在地。

    Anand is also home to India 's National Dairy Development Board ( NDDB ) .

  7. 几年前,Monsanto公司起诉缅因州的Oakhurst奶业,指控他们标签上的“源于未注射激素的奶牛”是误导。

    A few years ago Monsanto sued Oakhurst Dairy in Maine , saying its labeling of milk as coming from cows not treated with the hormone was misleading .

  8. 浅析新疆奶业发展如何借鉴以色列奶业

    How to Use the Experience of Israel Dairy Industry in Xinjiang

  9. 内蒙古奶业问题研究

    Study on the Problems of the Dairy Industry in Inner Mongolia

  10. 奶业产业化进程与政府职能转变

    The transformation of governmental functions in the process of dairy industrialization

  11. 山东省奶业发展战略研究

    The research of dairy farming and industry developmental stratagem in Shandong

  12. 创新我国奶业发展模式的思考

    Consideration on Innovation of Development Mode of Chinese Dairy Industry

  13. 新疆巴州奶业发展现状与对策

    The Current Situation and Measurement in Dairy Development in Xinjiang Bayingolin Prefecture

  14. 认为上述问题是新疆奶业发展的当务之急,并提出了相应措施和建议。

    The corresponding measures and recommendations were also provided in the paper .

  15. 陕西奶业发展与技术环节

    The Development of Dairy Industry and Related Expertise in Shaanxi

  16. 福尔贝根还提到了奶业饲料供应不足的问题。

    Mr voorbergen also cites the lack of feed supply for dairy .

  17. 荷兰奶业发展经验的剖析与启示

    Analysis and Enlightenment of experience in developing dairy industry in the Netherlands

  18. 鹏欣对于综合奶业和采矿业的发展蓝图是有道理的。

    Pengxin 's blueprint for integrated dairy and mining businesses makes sense .

  19. 以营销战略带动奶业可持续发展。

    With the continuing development of the market strategic leading the dairy .

  20. 每月测定一次产奶量,并同时获取奶业进行乳成分分析。

    Milk yield was recorded and milk composition analyzed monthly .

  21. 多样性推动中国液态奶市场发展我国奶业市场存在的问题及相应对策

    On problems in Chinese dairy market and solutions to them

  22. 兰州市等五市奶业发展考察及建议

    Investigation and suggestion of developing dairy farming in Lanzhou cities

  23. 从甘肃奶业发展趋势看草业发展的前景

    The Grass-Industry Development Prospect through the Dairy-Industry Development in Gansu

  24. 内蒙古奶业发展研究

    Study on the Development of Dairy Industry in Inner Mongolia

  25. 中国奶业原料奶生产组织模式及效率研究

    Study on Organization Pattern and Efficiency of Raw Milk Production in China

  26. 伊犁州直奶业发展现状及其对策

    Development Status and Countermeasures for Dairy Production in Yili Region

  27. 中国奶业结构行为绩效研究

    Study on the Structure-Conduct-Performance of the Dairy Industry in China

  28. 泰安市奶业金融支持研究

    Research on Financial Support of Milk Industry of Tai'an City

  29. 中国奶业发展问题研究

    Studies on the Development of Dairy Industry in China

  30. 蹄变形和蹄病是影响奶业生产的重要疾病。

    Hoof deformation and other hoof diseases are important diseases affecting dairy industry .