
  • 网络fondue;cheese Fondue;Cheese Fondu
  1. 没有任何一个地道的瑞士人愿意忍受没有奶酪火锅的冬季,但这种吃法安全吗?

    No self-respecting Swiss wants to endure a winter without fondue – but is it safe ?

  2. 奶酪火锅爱好者们建议,不要用一把叉子,可以用两把叉子,一把用来蘸奶酪,另一把用来把食物放入口中。

    Instead of one fork , fondue fans suggest , have two : one for dipping , and the other for eating .

  3. 一年一度的奶酪火锅节的组织者阿瑙德·法夫尔确信这样做是安全的。

    Arnaud Favre , who organises the annual fondue festival , is sure it is .

  4. 没有什么比和好友围坐在桌旁,一同享用奶酪火锅更温馨惬意的事情了。

    Nothing is more comforting than sitting round the table with good friends , sharing a cheese fondue .

  5. 对阿瑙德来说,遗憾的是,今年的奶酪火锅节被取消了,因为大批渴望享用奶酪的人聚集在一起太危险了。

    Unfortunately for Arnaud , his fondue festival has been cancelled this year – big crowds of cheese-hungry people are too much of a risk .

  6. 瑞士多地的餐厅也都关闭了,但是在家里和朋友们一起吃奶酪火锅仍然是允许的,不过在家的吃法就更灵活了。

    Restaurants in many parts of Switzerland are closed too – but a fondue at home with friends is still allowed , although the ritual is becoming more flexible .

  7. 食用奶酪火锅时要注意餐桌礼仪,切记不要蘸食两次。

    But beware , the etiquette for eating fondue forbids double dipping .

  8. 传说奶酪火锅是由两位住在阿尔卑斯山的牧羊人发明的。

    Legend has it that the cheese fondue was created by two shepherds in the Alps .

  9. 苏珊:咱吃的奶酪火锅,我的草莓捞不到了。那个侍者差点发现我要…

    I remember I had the and I lost my strawberry , and the waiter almost caught me when I put my -

  10. 不管传闻真假,有一件事可以肯定:瑞士是奶酪火锅的发源地。

    Whether or not that 's true , one thing is for sure : the Swiss are credited with creating the fondue .

  11. 一直以来,奶酪火锅都是瑞士人餐桌上一道主菜,而不是开胃菜或是套餐的一部分。

    It is always served as a main dish in the country , not as an appetizer or as part of a multi-course meal .