
nǎi hái zi
  • suckle (breast-feed) a baby
  1. 难道你不想想媚兰小姐该奶孩子了?

    Don 't you think Miss Melanie ought to nurse the baby ?

  2. 让人想起中国农村的奶孩子的奶妈怀抱孩子的情景。

    This lets me remind of the same vision in Chinese village .

  3. 当那些日子,怀孕的和奶孩子的有祸了。

    But woe to them that are with child , and to them that give suck in those days !

  4. 下滑的原因多种多样,但许多人似乎都认为配方奶对孩子更有好处。

    The reasons for the decline vary , but many people appear to believe that formula is somehow better for their children .

  5. 奶是孩子吃的饭,所以也该在饭堂吃,证明这旅馆是科学管理的。

    The milk was the child 's dinner , so it too must be eaten in the dining room-proof that this hotel was scientifically operated .

  6. 用自己的奶喂养它的孩子。

    Feeds her babies with milk from her body .

  7. 她奶着两个孩子,更需要呢。

    She needs it to nurse the babies .

  8. 叫她去奶媚兰小姐的孩子,也尽量替媚兰小姐做些事情。

    Tell her to nurse Miss Melanie 's baby and do what she can for Miss Melanie .