
zōng shù
  • palm;palm tree
棕树 [zōng shù]
  • [palm tree] 棕榈的通称

棕树[zōng shù]
  1. 以琳是棕树的意思。

    Elim in Hebrew means : palm trees .

  2. 她是拉比多的妻子,在底波拉的棕树下听判断。

    She was the wife of Lapidoth and held court under the palm tree of Deborah .

  3. 棕树蛇喜欢栖息在树上拥有后毒牙

    The Brown Tree Snake is arboreal and rear-fanged .

  4. 梁有生的车子撞向油棕树,他的头部受到重创,灵魂离开了身体!

    Yu Seng was seriously injured on the head and his soul left his body .

  5. 从地至门以上,都有基路伯和棕树。殿墙就是这样。

    From earth level up to the windows there were winged ones and palm-trees pictured on the wall .

  6. 12义人要发旺如棕树,生长如黎巴嫩的香柏树。

    The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree : he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon .

  7. 31廊子朝着外院,柱上有雕刻的棕树。登八层台阶上到这门。

    Its portico faced the outer court ; palm trees decorated its jambs , and eight steps led up to it .

  8. 南地和棕树城耶利哥的平原,直到琐珥,都指给他看。

    The Negev and the whole region from the Valley of Jericho , the City of Palms , as far as Zoar .

  9. 22其窗棂和廊子,并雕刻的棕树,与朝东的门尺寸一样。

    Its openings , its portico and its palm tree decorations had the same measurements as those of the gate facing east .

  10. 还有一种蛇,叫做棕树蛇,它们即靠缠绕挤压的方式又靠毒液的方式捕猎,这取决与它们的猎物是什么。

    There 's one species of snake , the brown tree snake that uses both constriction and venom , depending on its prey .

  11. 伊矶伦招聚亚扪人和亚玛力人、攻打以色列人、据棕树城。

    Getting the ammonites and Amalekites to join him , Eglon came and attacked israel , and they took possession of the city of palms .

  12. 内殿,外殿周围的墙上都刻着基路伯,棕树,和初开的花。

    On the walls all around the temple , in both the inner and outer rooms , he carved cherubim , palm trees and open flowers .

  13. 15:27他们到了以琳,在那里有十二股水泉,七十棵棕树,他们就在那里的水边安营。

    And they came to Elim , where were twelve wells of water , and threescore and ten palm trees : and they encamped there by the waters .

  14. 从玛拉起行,来到以琳(以琳有十二股水泉,七十棵棕树),就在那里安营。

    And from Marah they went on to Elim : and in Elim there were twelve water-springs and seventy palm-trees ; and they put up their tents there .

  15. 这次,云柱领他们到了一个地方叫以琳,在那里有十二股清凉的泉水,七十棵可爱的棕树,真舒服!

    This time the pillar of cloud led them to a place called Elim , where there were 12 wells of good water and 70 lovely palm trees .

  16. 在撑子和心子上刻着基路伯,狮子,和棕树,周围有璎珞。

    He engraved cherubim , lions and palm trees on the surfaces of the supports and on the panels , in every available space , with wreaths all around .

  17. 当他们中间有了纠纷,有了问题,他们就去找底波拉。??底波拉就在以法莲山地的一棵棕树底下,来判断各样的问题。

    When they had disagreements or problems that needed to be settled , they went to Mount Ephraim to a special palm tree where Deborah would sit to judge the people .

  18. 士4:5他住在以法莲山地拉玛和伯特利中间、底波拉的棕树下.色列人都上他那里去听判断。

    She used to sit under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim ; and the sons of Israel came up to her for judgment .

  19. 第一日,要拿美好树上的果子和棕树上的枝子,与茂密树的枝条,并河旁的柳枝,在耶和华你们的神面前欢乐七日。

    On the first day you are to take choice fruit from the trees , and palm fronds , leafy branches and poplars , and rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days .

  20. 她住在以法莲山地拉玛和伯特利中间,在底波拉的棕树下。以色列人都上她那里去听判断。

    ( and she had her seat under the palm-tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beth-el in the hill-country of Ephraim ; and the children of Israel came up to her to be judged . )

  21. 摩西的内兄(或作岳父)是基尼人,他的子孙与犹大人一同离了棕树城,往亚拉得以南的犹大旷野去,就住在民中。

    The descendants of Moses'father-in-law , the Kenite , went up from the City of Palms with the men of Judah to live among the people of the Desert of Judah in the Negev near Arad .

  22. 廊这边那边都有严紧的窗棂和棕树。殿的旁屋和槛就是这样。

    And there were narrow windows and palm trees on the one side and on the other side , on the sides of the porch , and upon the side chambers of the house , and thick planks .

  23. 门洞两旁的柱子都有雕刻的棕树。登八层台阶上到这门。

    And the arches thereof were toward the outward court ; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof , on this side , and on that side : and the going up to it had eight steps .

  24. 殿的门扇上雕刻基路伯和棕树,与刻在墙上的一般。在外头廊前有木槛。

    And there were made on them , on the doors of the temple , cherubims and palm trees , like as were made upon the walls ; and there were thick planks upon the face of the porch without .

  25. 这边有人脸向着棕树,那边有狮子脸向着棕树,殿内周围都是如此。

    So that the face of a man was toward the palm tree on the one side , and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side : it was made through all the house round about .

  26. 湖边的一行棕树,向暝暗的天空撞着头;羽毛零乱的乌鸦,静悄悄地栖在罗望子的枝上,河的东岸正被乌沉沉的暝色所侵袭。

    The palm trees in a row by the lake are smiting their heads against the dismal sky ; the crows with their draggled wings are silent on the tamarind branches , and the eastern bank of the river is haunted by a deepening gloom .

  27. 这是合欢树、无花果树、火鸟树、麻栗树、木芙蓉、班达树、棕树,枝叶茂盛的混杂起来.在这些树的青绿窟窿下.在它们的的齿形树干脚边,丛生许多兰科、豆科、蕨科植物。

    There were mimosas , banyan trees , beefwood , teakwood , hibiscus , screw pines , palm trees , all mingling in wild profusion ; and beneath the shade of their green canopies , at the feet of their gigantic trunks , there grew orchids , leguminous plants , and ferns .