
  1. 圣经说神指示摩西一棵树,摩西把树丢在水里,水就由苦变甜了。

    God 's Word says the LORD showed Moses a certain tree , and Moses took that tree and threw it into the water , and immediately the water was turned from bitter to sweet !

  2. 修士微微一笑,又把罗宾汉背起来。但这次走到河中央时,修士把罗宾汉丢在水里,说:“是游到岸上,还是沉底喂鱼,自己看着办吧。”

    The Friar smiled and took him up , but when he came in the midst of the stream , he shook him off his shoulders , and said to him , " Now choose , whether you will sink or swim . "