
zōnɡ yǎn
  • palm eye
  1. 那个黑发棕眼的女孩是他的妹妹。

    The girl with dark hair and brown eyes is his sister .

  2. 同样,棕眼男性对蓝眼或棕眼女模特也无偏好。

    Similarly , brown-eyed men showed no preference for either blue-eyed or brown-eyed female models .

  3. 然而,蓝眼男性把蓝眼女模特排在棕眼模特前面,认为蓝眼模特更具魅力。

    However , blue-eyed men rated blue-eyed female models as more attractive than brown-eyed models .

  4. 所有蓝眼和棕眼的女性对每种眼色的男模特的偏好无差异。

    Both blue-eyed and brown-eyed women showed no difference in their preferences for male models of either eye color .

  5. 他们也注意到丹尼索瓦人和被称为棕发棕眼的人们有着一致的等位基因。

    They also note that there are alleles " consistent " with those known to call for brown hair and brown eyes .

  6. 控制眼睛颜色的基因(等位基因),棕眼为显性,蓝眼为隐性。

    The brown eye form of the eye color gene ( or allele ) is dominant , whereas the blue eye allele is recessive .

  7. 试验表明:棕眼表面与经丝固定点接触,产生显微裂纹,形成显微凹坑。

    The experiment result shows that the surface of heddle eye contact with organzine silk , the material of heddle has produced micro-cracks , then forms micro-pits .

  8. 其一“汁中棕眼隐若蟹爪”,是说釉面上因气泡破裂而产生的棕眼犹如螃蟹走过沙滩而留下的蟹爪印。

    The first " juice brown eyes hidden if the crab claw ," is that the result of bubble break-glazed brown eyes like a crab produced walked the beach , leaving behind a crab claw print .

  9. ZW-300型喷水织机棕片棕眼的磨损和工艺改进

    Abrasion Mechanism Analysis and Process Improvement for Heddle Eye of Water-jet Loom ZW-300 Style