
  • 网络have fun
  1. 一切都要从你开始,最重要的事情是按照自己的计划寻找乐趣。

    It all starts with you and the most important thing is to have fun in your own planning .

  2. 她不断工作、工作、工作,简直要把自己累死,但不知怎么搞的,她总能挤出一点时间来寻找乐趣。

    She would kill herself working , working , working , but somehow , she always found some time to have fun .

  3. 等宝宝再长大些,他们懂得从大人的躲藏及重新出现中寻找乐趣,但到大概一岁多的时候,他们逐渐学会控制这个游戏:自己躲起来,然后再出现。

    As the baby gets older they can enjoy the adult hiding and reappearing , but after a year or so they can learn to take control by hiding and reappearing themselves .

  4. 他有从工作中寻找乐趣的天分。

    He has a natural genius for combining pleasure with business .

  5. 鼓励你的孩子阅读各样的书籍来寻找乐趣。

    Encourage your children to read all kinds of books for fun .

  6. 我相信大多数玩家都是为了寻找乐趣。

    I believe most of the general player are seeking for fun .

  7. 训练虽然辛苦,但他们也不忘在苦中寻找乐趣。

    They never forget looking for fun though painful training .

  8. 想法设法在工作中寻找乐趣。

    Go out of your way to find ways to enjoy your job .

  9. 不停迁徙,寻找乐趣,躲避太阳的影子。

    On the move , having fun , avoiding shadows for the sun .

  10. 如果乌拉圭回合在这里不是为了寻找乐趣,离开这里。

    If ur not here to look for fun , get out of here .

  11. 从大自然中寻找乐趣!

    Find joy in nature !

  12. 与普通老鼠相比,它们更嗜睡,更不愿寻找乐趣,还会躲避其幼仔。

    They were more lethargic and less pleasure-seeking than normal mice . They also shunned their pups .

  13. 4.单调中寻找乐趣

    Step 4 Relish the mundane

  14. 这是我们要在我们的空闲时间,为了寻找乐趣所要做的。

    It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of it .

  15. 从复印或存档等枯燥的任务中寻找乐趣,就好像他们比实际有趣的多一样。

    Relish mundane tasks like photocopying or filing as though they were much more interesting than they actually are .

  16. 如今,酒吧似乎成了中国年轻人寻找乐趣、甚至爱情的新兴事物。

    Pubs appear to be an emerging new draw for young Chinese looking for fun – or even love .

  17. 所以游客要寻找乐趣就不得不加入到当地人中,把钱花在心灵的满足上。

    So visitors in search of fun will have to join locals in putting their money where their heart is .

  18. 你只是不停地从一个男人换到另一个男人,从中寻找乐趣,而且从来不用担心是不是会变成认真的感情。

    You just go from guy to guy having fun and not worrying that it 'd never turns into anything serious .

  19. 那么,尽可能多的去寻找乐趣享受吧,只要你能早算出成本并愿意为此而付出代价。

    Taking chances can be fun as long as you 've calculated the cost and are willing to pay the price .

  20. 水星逆行的这段时间,将给予你旋转木马般生活的体验,从中寻找乐趣,多见见朋友吧。

    This time Mercury will give you license to step off the merry-go-round of life , have fun , and see friends .

  21. 所以,现在是时候回顾我们本身的自卑感而不是从攻击我们中的一个人来寻找乐趣。

    So it 's time to look back on our own inferiority complex instead of seeking pleasure from attacking just one among us .

  22. 有些人可能会专注于在电脑中寻找乐趣,而忽略了真正任务,例如,学习和工作。

    Some of them may busy finding funs on it , and then ignore their real duty , such as , study and work .

  23. 新南威尔士州有很多好玩好看的事物,我面临的挑战并不是寻找乐趣,而是在六个月内将这些乐趣都展现出来。

    There 's so much to do and see in NSW , the challenge isn 't finding the fun , it 's fitting all the fun into just six months .

  24. 每个人都是如此生活着,与其看不如意的方面,不如学会寻找乐趣,看生活中好的一面。

    Each people all are so are living , looked the unpleasant aspect , was not better than the academic society seeks the pleasure , looks at in the life good one side .

  25. 当你投入到一场社交活动寻找乐趣时,就把那些未完成的任务抛在脑后尽情享受把!我小的时候,我的父母让我学习一种乐器和一项体育运动。

    As in , play a social game for fun , leave obligations behind and have a ball ! When I was a kid , my parents told me to pick an instrument and pick a sport .

  26. 在办公室或工厂里长时间的工作给他们带来了酬劳,这不仅是谋生的手段,而且还带来了寻找乐趣的强烈欲望。

    The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward , not only the means of sustenance , but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms .

  27. 要么在他的任务排名中,寻找乐趣比应得的位置要高,要么正如人们一直怀疑的那样,这个在政治精明的人,是在迎合一个将忠诚置于所有美德之上的新一届政府。

    Either having fun was higher up his to-do list than it needed to be or , as a sleeve-tugging suspicion persists , such a politically astute man was trying to ingratiate himself with an incoming administration that prized loyalty above more ascetic virtues .

  28. 两姐妹都拒绝接受单向的职业生涯。萨拉说:“当我们小的时候,我总是震惊于艾米丽的坚韧不屈。她不断工作、工作、工作,简直要把自己累死,但不知怎么搞的,她总能挤出一点时间来寻找乐趣。”

    Both sisters refuse to have one-dimensional careers . " I was always impressed by how tough Emily was when we were younger , " Sarah says . " She would kill herself working , working , working , but somehow , she always found some time to have fun . "

  29. 寻找这种乐趣,尽情享受吧!

    Find the fun and enjoy it !

  30. 记住,5月将是你寻找些许乐趣的好时光。

    Remember , this is the month to give yourself permission to have a little fun !