
xún hū tái
  • paging centers
  1. 近来,由于受雷击影响,一些寻呼台不能发送信息。

    Due to the influence of lightening strikes , some paging centers cannot send messages .

  2. 本文介绍一种传呼机型LED显示屏,利用寻呼台实现显示屏信息的无线传输。

    BP LED screen is introduced , which exchanges information by means of wireless communication .

  3. 目的研究寻呼台作业人员血清5羟色胺(5HT)的变化规律。

    Objective In order to demonstrate the change regulation of 5 HT in female paging workers .

  4. 方法采用荧光分光光度测定法对76名寻呼台作业女工进行了血清5HT含量测定。

    Methods Serum 5 HT was detected in 76 female paging workers by use of fluorescence spectrophotometer .

  5. 为了解电信VDT作业对女工肌肉骨骼系统的影响,采用劳动卫生现况调查方法,对78名某寻呼台女工的肌肉骨骼系统压痛情况进行了调查,另以78名在校女大学生为对照。

    In order to study the effect of VDT on the musculoskeletal system of female workers , tenderness rates of female operators were investigated with the method of cross sectional epidemiology taking 78 female students as the controls .

  6. 结论寻呼台作业人员血清5HT含量可在一定程度上反映其职业应激状态。综合医院与肿瘤医院护士职业应激状况对照分析

    Conclusion Serum 5 HT levels might be regarded as an early index for occupational stress . Comparison and Analysis of Professional Stress Status Between Nurses in Comprehensive Hospital and Tumor Hospital

  7. 无线寻呼台自动传呼器设计

    Design of an automatic call - up unit in radio call-up station

  8. 寻呼台培训系统设计与实现

    Design and Relization of computer training system for call station

  9. 无线寻呼台微波作业人员心电图分析

    Analysis of ECG on the Staffs Exposed to Microwave in the Radio Calling Signal Station

  10. 市场方面:恶性的市场竞争使得许多的寻呼台和寻呼终端厂商过早的退出了市场。

    Market : The vicious market competition made a great number of beeper stations and terminal contractors withdrew from the market too early .

  11. 为解决无线电波污染和覆盖之间的矛盾,各寻呼台服务商纷纷采用卫星链路方式。

    The service agent of each pager station adopts the satellite channel to solve the conflicting of pollution and covering of radio wave .

  12. 本文提出一种基于公用寻呼台进行超远距离遥控的方案和实现方法,给出设计思路、系统组成和电路连接;

    A version and implementation method of Hyper remote system by public station of paging , consecrated the system construction , design principle and circuit link .

  13. 介绍了一种无线寻呼台自动传呼器的组成、结构和控制软件,利用此设备可以在人工寻呼台中简单,方便地实现自动传呼。

    The component , structure and control software of an automatical call-up unit in radio call - up station are introduced to realize the automatic call in manual radio call-up station .

  14. 结果提示:无线寻呼台电脑操作人员长期接触低强度微波,可导致机体植物神经功能紊乱,从而出现窦性心率不齐的改变。

    It suggested that computer operators exposed to microwave of lower intensity in the radio calling signal station might lead to sinus arrhythmia , due to the disorder of vegetative nerve system .

  15. 为了解决难以用人工的方法对寻呼发射机进行持续检查和控制的问题,研制了一种远程智能监控系统以实现寻呼发射台控制中心对寻呼发射机的实时遥控、遥测。

    In order to overcome the difficulty of measuring and controlling paging transmitter , a kind of intelligent monitor system was developed to remotely control and measure paging transmitter .