
qún zhònɡ jiān dū
  • supervision of the masses;surveillance of the masses;public surveillance
  1. 对清理整顿后的收费项目,要向社会公布,接受群众监督。

    Charging projects through checking up and rectification shall be published and put under the supervision of the masses .

  2. 管,就是放在社会上由群众监督改造。

    By supervision we mean leaving them in society to be reformed under the supervision of the masses .

  3. 健全人民群众监督机制是防止腐败的根本途径

    Improving Masses ' Supervising Mechanism is the Basic Way to Ant-corruption

  4. 新闻舆论监督是一种群众监督的重要形式。

    News consensus supervision is an important form of mass supervision .

  5. 论人民群众监督的改革

    Discussion on Construction Supervision On the Reform of Supervision by the People

  6. 充分发挥群众监督和社会监督的作用。

    Bringing into full play the role of public supervision ?

  7. 发挥人民群众监督的作用。

    Give play to the role of the allosome supervision .

  8. 反腐败斗争必须加强群众监督

    Be Sure to Exercise Supervision by the Masses in the Struggle against Corruption

  9. 国家机关工作人员必须接受群众监督。

    The personnel of organs of state must accept surveillance by the masses .

  10. 部队经济活动实行群众监督的思考

    Supervision of troops economic activities by the masses

  11. 马克思主义唯物史观是群众监督的理论基础。

    Historical materialism of Marxism is the theoretical basis of supervision by the masses .

  12. 其次是加强群众监督渠道的建立。

    The second thing is to strengthen the establishment of the masses supervision channels .

  13. 也便于支队所发布各类信息和接受群众监督。

    Also facilitate detachment released all kinds of information and accept supervision by the masses .

  14. 关于高校干部选任中群众监督问题的思考

    Reflection on Public Supervision in the Promotion and Appointment of Cadres in Colleges and Universities

  15. 群众监督体制是反腐败的重要手段之一。

    The system of the masses supervision is one of the important means of the anti-corruption .

  16. 完善法律、行政、政党、舆论和群众监督机制。

    Perfecting the supervisory mechanism of law , administration , the party , public opinion and the masses .

  17. 三是积极探索、创新有利于群众监督的工作机制。

    Lastly , active efforts should be made to explore and create work systems helpful to public supervision .

  18. 建立举报制度,设立并公布举报电话、电子信箱,接受群众监督和社会监督。

    An offence reporting system will be established with telephone numbers and email address published for public supervision .

  19. 论群众监督与一个中心,两个基本点的党的基本路线

    On Masses ' Supervision and " One Central Task and Two Basic Points " of Party 's Basic Line

  20. “始终代表中国先进文化的前进方向”是新时期群众监督的实践动力;

    Representing the orientation of the development of China 's advanced culture is the motive force of masses ' supervision ;

  21. 发挥安全生产中介机构作用,加强群众监督和舆论监督。

    Reinforce the role of intermediary agencies of safety production and the monitoring role of the masses and the media .

  22. 法律面前人人平等,选举的过程是艰辛的,但是也是受人民群众监督下进行的。

    And all the people are equal before the law and the elections have bitterness still , the presidential election has witnessed .

  23. 它不仅需要严于律己的品格,更需要接受群众监督的坦荡!

    It is not only the need for strict integrity and the need to undergo supervision by the masses of the magnanimous !

  24. 与此同时,社会主义政治文明保证了新时期群众监督的协调发展。

    At the same time , political civilization of socialism ensures that the masses ' supervision can develop coordinately in the new political period .

  25. 需要司法、群众监督,力求公正执法,维护法律、制度尊严。

    Need judicatory , masses is supervised , justice of do one 's best executes the law , uphold dignity of law , system .

  26. 三是缺乏群众监督的权利效力。因此,加强群众监督必须强化监督意识,完善监督制度,优化监督环境,选择合理适当的监督方式。

    The countermeasures to be taken include 1.intensification of supervisory awareness 2.perfection of supervision system 3 . optimization of supervisory environment 4.choice of reasonable supervision mode .

  27. 审计结果的不公开不透明,审计结果的运用缺乏标准,不利于将群众监督与审计监督结合起来;也不利于审计人员在群众监督下,不循私情、客观公正地实施审计,发表审计意见。

    Non-transparent results and criterion deficiency weakens the combination of auditing supervision with masses surveillance , and does harm to publishing just and objective audit report .

  28. 当前,基于互联网发展起来的网络媒体监督活动已经逐渐成为群众监督重要的组成部分。

    At present , network media supervision , being based on the internet , has been increasingly the most essential part of the supervision of the masses .

  29. 完善干部监督机制,将自我监督、上级监督、群众监督、财经纪律监督和组织部门的日常管理和监督等有机结合起来。

    And perfect the mechanism of supervision so as to combine self-supervision and the daily supervision from higher authorities , the masses , financial department and organization department .

  30. 如果预算经不起任何推敲和拷问,没有起到接受群众监督的作用,而只是在玩文字游戏和数字游戏,那么预算部门是不是应该反省一下自己存在的价值。

    The budgetary authority has to reconsider itself if it functions by playing literary and numerical games , and being too weak to face any questions or deliberation .