
  1. 本文首先基于DM模型的演化规则,对群体舆论演化规律和参数的关系进行了更为细致的仿真。

    Firstly , based on the evolution of rules for DM model , we carry out a more detailed simulation on Public opinion evolution law and the relationship of the parameters .

  2. 解决纠纷的舆论形态主要表现为谴责与歧视,其强制力是以交往制裁、合法性制裁、经济制裁为表征的舆论制裁以及舆论压力的潜在威胁:群体舆论的激化与社会失序。

    The public opinion appearance that solves dispute mainly expresses for the rebuke and discrimination , its compulsive power includes communication sanctions , legitimacy sanctions , economic sanctions and the latent threat of public opinion pressure : intensification of public opinion and social disorder .

  3. 弱势群体报道的舆论监督思考

    The Thoughts of Supervision of Reports on Weak Groups

  4. 因此八零后群体被社会舆论认为是“书包沉甸甸,脑袋轻飘飘”的一代。

    Thus , they are also being called by the mass media as a generation of heavy schoolbags and light minds .

  5. 而这些差异是与高校网络论坛半隐匿的传播环境、学生群体的特殊需求密切相关。因此,社会群体和学生群体的舆论领袖进行印象管理的动机、策略、行为效果大体相同。

    These differences have close relationship to the semi-hidden spreading environment of University network forum and the special needs of student groups Thus , When doing impression management , consensus leaders of social groups and student groups have the same motives , strategies , behavioral effects . 5 .