
  • 网络Individual function;Personal function
  1. 本周日,中国的一家生物技术公司宣布,它已经研发出了世界上第一台3D血管生物打印机,这使得制造个体功能器官成为可能。

    A Chinese biotechnological company announced on Sunday it has developed the world 's first 3D blood vessel bio-printer , which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs .

  2. 爱国主义教育的个体功能

    An Analysis of the Individual Function of Moral Education in Higher Schools

  3. 爱国主义教育不但具有社会功能,而且具有个体功能。

    The patriotism education not only has social function , but individual function .

  4. 传统思想政治教育往往注重社会功能,忽视个体功能。

    Traditional ideological and political education put a point at Social function but individual function .

  5. 思想政治教育功能分为个体功能和社会功能。

    The function of ideological and political education is divided into individual function and Social function .

  6. 爱国主义教育的社会功能需要由个体功能来支撑和体现。

    The social function of patriotism education needs to be supported and manifested by its individual function .

  7. 社会化具有社会功能与个体功能,而其实现与社会化对个体“形成共性”、“发展个性”的作用密切相关。

    Socialization has important functions both to the society and to the individual by forming commonness and developing individuality .

  8. 而缺失对人生存与发展的教育引导,会造成个体功能与社会功能失衡。

    Lack of the educational guidance about human survival and development cause the imbalances between individual function and Social function .

  9. 高等教育个体功能的研究&兼论新读书无用论

    Study on the Individual Function in Higher Education & Discussion on " New Issue of the Useless of College Education "

  10. 本文就其中的常规功能与特定功能、外界功能与内隐功能、个体功能与群体功能等,进行探析。

    The present paper expounds and discusses the general and special function , the externally-shown and internally-hidden functions , as well as individual and mass functions .

  11. 二是个体功能,即道德行为的强制功能、道德认识的推动功能、道德情感的培养功能、道德信念的维护功能及道德品质的塑造功能等。

    Individual function , such as the function of securing moral actions , of pushing forward moral recognition , of fostering moral sentiment , of upholding moral belief and of molding moral character .

  12. 但现有的自重构机器人受制于控制器的功能,多由个体功能比较简单的单元模块构成;模块间的重构通过机械结构实现,不具备模块间互相定位和识别的能力。

    But present self-reconfigurable robots are restrict by controller , most of them consists of simple functional unit module ; reconfiguration is realized by machinery ; they are not able to locate and identify each other .

  13. 高校德育长期低效,最主要的原因在于传统德育过分关注德育的社会功能而忽视了学生的主体需要和德育的个体功能。

    Moral education in higher schools has been of little effect for a long period . The main reason lies in that the traditional moral education lays too much emphasis on the social function rather than the individual function and neglects the students ' individual needs .

  14. C2C交易中个体的功能风险和财务风险方面的感知影响个体消费者购物意向。

    Individual risks and financial risks affect consumers purchase intention .

  15. 以个体塑造功能为基础,发挥其个体改造功能;

    Perform its function of individual reform according to individual cultivating function ;

  16. 计算机辅助下颌骨个体化功能性修复的三维有限元分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Computer Aided Individualized Functional Reconstruction of Mandible Defect by 3D FEA

  17. 信息时代的到来,德育的社会性功能、个体性功能和教育性功能都大为拓展。

    With the coming of information times , the social , individual and educational functions of moral education are expended greatly .

  18. 计算机辅助个体化功能性修复下颌骨缺损的研究&个体化带种植体三维钛网修复体的制作

    Study of computer aided individualized functional reconstruction of mandible defect development of individualized 3 - dimensional titanium mesh with dental implant

  19. 高教园区的教育功能包括个体化功能、文化功能、政治功能和经济功能;

    The educational roles of the Park of Higher Education contain individualized role , cultural role , political role and economical role .

  20. 结论复合髂骨肌皮瓣结合同期颧种植体植入可作为上颌骨缺损个体化功能重建的可靠方法之一。

    Conclusion It is a reliable method for functional reconstruction of maxillary defect via vascularized iliac osteomusculocutaneous flap combined with immediate zygomatic implantation .

  21. 女性主义心理治疗提出了一种生物的、心理的、社会的、文化的以及结构的治疗模式,这不仅有助于对个体心理功能的全面理解,而且为心理治疗的发展指明了方向。

    A bio-psycho-social-cultural-structural treatment model has been proposed for a better understanding of individual 's mental function and pointing to the future development of theories and practice in psychotherapy .

  22. 在新的历史时期,高校思想政治教育应当以个体发展功能为基础,发挥其社会发展功能;

    In a new historical period , ideological and political education of higher learning institutions should give full play to its function of social development based on individual developing function ;

  23. 反过来,利用有关神经可塑性的认识,同样可使受损的大脑得以修复,使发育障碍的个体增强功能,亦可使由各种内外因素导致的心灵扭曲重新舒展开来。

    Conversely , application of this principle of plasticity may lead to successful recovery of a damaged brain , repair of a mal-developed function , or reshaping of a deformed mind .

  24. 目的:探讨下颌骨缺损个体化功能性修复三维有限元模型的初步建立和生物力学分析,为下颌骨缺损的个体化功能性修复提供生物力学指导。

    Objective : From the study of the establishment of three-dimensional finite element model of the individualized functional reconstruction of mandible defect and relevant biomechanics analysis to provide biomechanics guidance for the individualized functional reconstruction of mandible defect .

  25. 第二章,创业教育的基本理论,主要澄清创业与创业教育的基本概念,提炼创业教育的特质,阐释创业教育对社会及个体的功能。

    Chapter Two , the Basic Theory of Enterprise Education , clarifies the basic concepts of enterprise setting-up and enterprise education , summarizes the nature of enterprise education and expounds the role that enterprise education plays in the development of society and individual .

  26. 根据时代的要求,大学生思想政治教育更要重视个体性功能,提高大学生积极情绪体验能力、挖掘大学生身上积极的个人特质、营造大学生积极学习的环境氛围。

    According to the requirements of the times , ideological and political education of college students should pay more attention to individual function , improve students ' positive emotional experience ability , students ' body positive personal qualities , create the students ' positive learning atmosphere .

  27. 机体的免疫功能与肿瘤的发生发展有密切的关系,个体免疫功能低下或免疫缺陷时,肿瘤的发病率明显增多,而恶性肿瘤患者的免疫功能不全更是普遍现象。

    Individual immune function and the development of tumor are closed relationship . As we all kown , when individual immune function is low or immune deficiency , disease incidence of cancer is up obviously , and immunologic inadequacy of patients with malignant tumor is universal phenomenon .

  28. 通过SOA,架构师们可以将个体的业务功能和程序&这些被看作是典型的服务结合起来并重新加以利用,从而实现一个复杂业务的解决方案。

    With an SOA , architects can combine and reuse services individual business functions and processes typically realized as services to assemble complex business solutions .

  29. 目的应用高葡萄糖钳夹技术探讨糖耐量异常(IGT)及糖尿病(DM)个体胰岛素分泌功能的改变,以及与超重/肥胖(OW/OB)的关系。

    Objective To study the changes of insulin secretion in Chinese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes and the relationship between insulin release and overweight / obesity .

  30. 增强EDA工具的功能包含以下两个方面:实现多个工具之间的功能互补和增强个体工具的功能。

    This research field rises at home recently . The functions strengthen of EDA tools include two aspects : implement functions makeup among tools and increase functions of some tool .