
  • Space;personal space;MySpace
  1. 他向她俯过身去,这种侵犯她个人空间的举动让她绷紧了身子。

    He leaned towards her and she stiffened at this invasion of her personal space .

  2. 我们的个人空间是周围12到18英寸的范围。

    Our personal space extends about 12 to 18 inches around us

  3. 随着她不断侵入我的个人空间,我感觉全身都不由自主地紧绷起来。

    I felt my body involuntarily stiffen against her invasion of my personal space .

  4. 据制造商TheFormEmporium的产品页面介绍,“思考箱”是为了给用户提供能够专心思考的个人空间。

    According to The Form Emporium product page , the Thought Box is intended as a personal space in which the user can simply think .

  5. 美国有四分之一的居民是MySpace的用户,而在英国,拥有网上个人空间就像拥有宠物狗那么普遍。

    One in every four US residents uses MySpace , while in Britain it is as common to have a profile page on the website as it is to own a dog .

  6. 我从来对于自己的个人空间和时间都是很重视的。

    I have always valued my own space and time .

  7. 给予孩子们的个人空间隐私权很少。

    The children were given little personal space or privacy .

  8. 最近在个人空间中贴出来的东西正好说明了上述情况。

    A recent spate of items I shared perfectly illustrates my point .

  9. 个人空间的界线逐渐消失,一直到最后只剩下了工作。

    My boundaries slipped away until work was all that was left .

  10. 点击天皇网站的“我的空间”链接后进入您的个人空间。

    Click " My space " to link and enter your personal space .

  11. 给我一点个人空间可以吗如果我的记忆没有出错的话。

    Giving me a little personal space can if my memory came amiss .

  12. 哦,呃,我不太喜欢个人空间里引别人的文章。

    Oh , well , well , I don 't like quoting others'writings .

  13. 个人空间的概念因地而异。

    Personal space varies as you travel the globe .

  14. space:空间你现在还是会给她个人空间吗?

    Or are you still giving her her space ?

  15. 源于个人空间的概念在今天我们该在什么条件内去明确在身体和心理空间。

    A Room of One 's Own originates with the concept of individual space .

  16. 你会有你的个人空间。

    You will have the space you need .

  17. 节目不分开,房间或个人空间给独特的特点。

    Programs are not separated , rooms or individual spaces not given unique characters .

  18. 如何分享计算机上的个人空间。

    Room of your own on the computer .

  19. 它的出现显示公共空间向个人空间的让渡。

    It exists on the background of alienation from public space to personal space .

  20. 欢迎访问郭戈教授个人空间!

    Welcome to Prof Ge guo 's space !

  21. 所以我想要得到一些个人空间。

    Which is why I wanted some space .

  22. 每个人都将得到陆上公寓两倍的个人空间。

    Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land .

  23. 欢迎来到我的虚拟个人空间。

    Welcome to my virtual personal space .

  24. 我一直都尽量为我的妻子和孩子留一点个人空间。

    I have always tried to maintain a private space for my wife and children .

  25. 如果情况不是那样,就应该进行关于个人空间的谈话了。

    If that 's not the case , a conversation about space is in order .

  26. 首先,穷人会在更大程度上受到个人空间商业化的影响。

    First off , poorer people are impacted disproportionately by the commercialization of personal space .

  27. 你是那种特别看重个人空间的人。

    You were the type ( of person ) to value your own personal space .

  28. 你不应该侵犯她的个人空间。

    You shouldn 't invade herpersonal space .

  29. 这些发现,为个人空间的被侵入将产生心理上伴随着紧张的变化,提供了客观性的证据。

    These findings provide objective evidence that personal space invasions produce physiological changes associated with arousal .

  30. 但如果我们能提供内向者多一些个人空间,

    But I am saying that the more freedom that we give introverts to be themselves ,