
  • 网络Gejiu Tin Mine;gejiu tin deposit
  1. 云南省个旧锡矿区重金属污染评价及植被恢复初探

    Heavy Metal Pollution and Vegetation Restoration in Gejiu Tin Deposit in Yunnan Province

  2. 用多相多组分平衡理论分析了个旧锡矿区渗滤脉状矽卡岩形成的机理,以该理论为基础设计的计算机程序模拟了这类矽卡岩脉的成岩过程。

    The mechanism of rock-forming processes of infiltration vein-like skarn in Gejiu tin deposit is analyzed using multi-phase and multi-component equilibrium theory .

  3. 基于GIS的矿山尾矿库选址方法研究&以个旧锡矿某矿山为例

    SITE ANALYSIS Building Site Research on Site Selection of Mine Tailings Reservoir Based on GIS

  4. 个旧锡矿区域地壳演化与成矿探讨

    Regional crust evolution and metallogenesis of Gejiu tin deposit & a discussion

  5. 个旧锡矿勘探的数学模型

    Mathematical model for the exploration of the Gejiu tin deposit

  6. 云南个旧锡矿的成矿时代

    Metallogenic ages of Gejiu tin ore deposit in Yunnan Province

  7. 个旧锡矿区两个成岩系列的演化

    The Evolution of Two Diagenetic Series of the Gejiu Tin Ore District

  8. 个旧锡矿5号矿体数学经济模型

    Mathematic-economical model of No. 5 orebody in Gejiu Tin Mine

  9. 云南个旧锡矿矿工肺癌病因学分析

    Etiological analysis of lung cancers among tin miners at Gejiu Yunnan Province

  10. 个旧锡矿西矿区矿床(化)类型及典型矿例

    Types of Mineralization and Typical Examples in the West Gejiu Tin Mining District

  11. 个旧锡矿土壤次生晕地球化学勘查的可行性分析

    Feasibility of geochemical soil survey in exploring concealed ore of Gejiu tin deposits

  12. 矿床数学经济模型在个旧锡矿的应用

    Application of Mathematic Economical Model to Gejiu Tin Deposit

  13. 个旧锡矿花岗岩特征及成因研究

    Study of the origin and characteristics of the granite in Gejiu Sn deposits

  14. 云南个旧锡矿东区隐伏矿体定位与定量预测研究

    Study on Localized and Quantitative Prediction of Concealed Deposits in the Eastern Gejiu Deposit

  15. 个旧锡矿区地质数据的极值分布和应用研究

    Extreme Value Distribution of Geological Data and Its Application in Gejiu Tin Ore Deposits

  16. 个旧锡矿33号矿群地质特征与其外围找矿方向

    Geology and prognosis of No.33 orebody group and the adjacent district in Gejiu ore field

  17. 而个旧锡矿生产关系也从明末的合伙制最终发展为阶层分明的雇佣关系。

    The production relationship in Gejiu evolved from the partnership in the late Ming Dynasty to the employer-employee relations afterwards .

  18. 个旧锡矿成矿热液活动的微量元素地球化学指示

    An insight into hydrothermal process of involved in the formation of Gejiu tin deposits as indicated by trace element geochemistry

  19. 个旧锡矿是世界著名的锡矿床,5号矿体是个旧锡矿的主要开采矿体。

    Gejiu tin mine is famous all around world and No.5 ore-body is the major exploiting target in Gejiu tin mine .

  20. 个旧锡矿东区外围构造地球化学勘查与靶区优选个旧锡矿区不同岩石中锡的富集特征及成矿模式

    Structure geochemical exploration and target selection outside Eastern District of Gejiu tin field existing forms of tin in different rocks and metallogenetic model of Gejiu tin field

  21. 著名的个旧锡矿,据史料在元廿七年(1290年),率先在老厂矿区银铜矿开始采银(铅)锌矿。

    According to the historical materials , the famous Gejiu Sn deposit was first exploited for Ag ( Pb ) Zn ore at Yindongkuang of Laochang orefield in1290 .

  22. 针对云南锡业集团公司个旧锡矿地下采场洞室的开挖技术条件,采用非线性三维有限元法,对其动态开挖过程进行了仿真模拟分析,并优化选择了地下采场洞室的开挖顺序。

    In consideration of excavating technological conditions of underground cavern of GeJiu Tin Mine of YunNan Tin Corporation , the non-linear three-dimensional finite element method to analyze the dynamic excavating process of underground cavern is used for optimization of excavating sequence .

  23. 但历时几十年大规模的开采后,目前个旧锡矿许多矿山都面临着资源枯竭的问题,外围找矿、深部勘查、寻找新的矿点已成当务之急。

    However , after a large-scale exploitation which lasted several decades , the current number of old tin mines are faced with resource depletion . The external prospecting and deep exploration to find a new point has become a top priority of mine .

  24. 个旧锡矿层间氧化矿床品位高、工业利用价值大,加强这类矿床地质特征的研究,对于矿山深部及外围的锡矿找矿具有重要的指导意义。

    The interlayer oxidized ore deposit in Gejiu tin mine is a high grade deposit of great value for industry use . There is a great guiding significance of geological feature research of this type deposit to the tin prospecting in the depth within the mine and its surrounding areas .

  25. 个旧超大型锡矿床的形成是多种成矿作用叠加的结果。

    We think the Gejiu tin-polymetallic deposit resulted from multi-mineralization .