
ɡè wèi shù
  • single digits;units digit;unit
  1. 到2008年,这个数字下降到了个位数。

    By 2008 , the figure had fallen into the single digits .

  2. 而微软表示,尽管针对企业的PC出货量实现了个位数的增长,但针对消费者的PC出货量却下降了20%。

    Microsoft said that , while shipments of those PCs to companies rose in the single digits , consumer PC shipments fell 20 % .

  3. 通货膨胀率最早有可能在本月就回落至个位数。

    Inflation could fall back into single figures as early as this month .

  4. 通常保持在个位数的通货膨胀率现在已超过了12%。

    Inflation , which has usually been in single figures , is running at more than 12 %

  5. LAMP的灵敏度比常规PCR高10倍,即每毫升可检测到个位数的速殖子数。

    LAMP sensitivity is 10 times higher than conventional PCR and could detect single-digit number of tachyzoites .

  6. 与中国海外发展(ChinaOverseasLandandInvestment)和华润置地(ChinaResourcesLand)两家同行一样,按2015年盈利(预期增幅13%至16%吧)计算,万科股票的市盈率为个位数。

    Along with peers China Overseas Land and Investment and China Resources Land , Vanke trades on single-digit multiples of 2015 earnings , for growth in the low to mid teens .

  7. jdpower预测,多数成熟市场今年仅能实现个位数的低增长,而日本和美国的汽车市场将出现下滑。

    JD Power is forecasting low single-digit growth for most mature markets this year , and declines in Japan and the US .

  8. 最近Gartner发布了对应用集成和中间件(AIM)市场的年度评估,评估显示该市场在2008年度只有个位数的增长。

    Gartner just recently published its annual assessment of the application integration and middleware ( AIM ) market , which experienced single digit growth in2008 .

  9. 鉴于在2008年之前,美国的痛苦指数在个位数保持了15年,奥巴马(obama)政府肯定希望在下届总统大选之前该指数能进一步下滑。

    Given that the misery index stayed in single figures for 15 years before 2008 , however , the Obama administration will surely want it to fall further before facing the voters .

  10. 乏味、老派企业的2016年预期市盈率为个位数,包括电路板制造商建滔化工(KingboardChemical)或玻璃制造商信义玻璃(XinyiGlass)。

    Boring , old-fashioned businesses , including circuit board maker Kingboard Chemical , or glassmaker Xinyi Glass , trade on single-digit multiples of 2016 earnings .

  11. 联想总裁罗里里德(roryread)表示,公司预计,五年之内,移动互联网服务占其总收入的份额将从目前的个位数增加到至多20%。

    Rory read , Lenovo president , said the company expected mobile net services to account for up to 20 per cent of its revenues within five years , up from a single-digit proportion now .

  12. 登上Strategy&全球创新1000强(GlobalInnovation1000)榜单的总部位于中国的公司数量从2005年的8家增至2014年的114家;中国公司去年的研发支出增长46%,而北美和欧洲的这个增速仅为个位数。

    The number of companies with headquarters in China represented on Strategy & " s Global Innovation 1000 list has multiplied from just eight in 2005 to 114 in 2014 , and Chinese companies increased their R & D spending by 46 per cent last year compared with single-digit growth rates in North America and Europe .

  13. 年龄个位数嗷嗷嗷嗷嗷(!?!?)克里斯汀娜的母亲吉莉科莉亚·施洛科娃掌管着她的社交媒体账号——脸书上她已有超过200万名粉丝,Instagram上则有40万。

    Single digits ( ! ? ! ? ) Kristina 's mom , Glikeriya Shirokova , handles her social media accounts , which includes more than 2 million fans on Facebook and 400000 on Instagram 。

  14. 市场研究公司Digi-Capital的董事总经理蒂姆o麦洛表示,任天堂在主机游戏上的年增长率仅有个位数,对他们来说,移动游戏领域整体22%的年增长率,既是需要把握的机遇,也是将要应对的挑战。

    With revenue growth rates for console games in single digits , the 22 percent compound annual growth rate seen in the mobile segment is an opportunity and a threat that Nintendo needed to address , added Tim Merel , managing director at Digi-Capital .

  15. 两者综合起来的结果是:公司销售额只有凑合的个位数增长。

    The overall result : a middling , single-digit sales growth rate .

  16. 中国钢铁需求量增幅预计将保持在个位数水平。

    Growth is projected to remain in the single-digits .

  17. 然而在金融危机前,主权信用违约掉期在国债利益率中的比例还是个位数。

    Before the financial crisis , sovereign credit-default swaps traded in single digits .

  18. 这一行是十位数,这一行是个位数。

    This column is for the tens and this one is for the units .

  19. 清凉的天空和微风让温度值降到了个位数,使得很多乡村地区出现了霜。

    Of grand frost in some rural areas .

  20. 如今,通胀率已降至个位数。

    Today , it is in single digits .

  21. 奇迹科技集团预期,它面向移动和无线终端市场的芯片销量增速将回落至中等个位数。

    Marvel expects its mobile and wireless end-market sales to fall in the mid-single digits .

  22. 个位数的通胀率已让人人叫苦连天,但是,相比津巴布韦可谓小巫见大巫。

    Single-digit inflation rate had people who suffer , however , is nothing compared to Zimbabwe .

  23. 我现在有八个位数,尽管写的凌乱,就是八个位数或八个比特。

    I now have eight columns , though sloppily written there , eight columns or8 bits .

  24. 同时,Wimm-Bill-Dann过去十年的营运利润率也仅为个位数。

    Operating margins for WBD , meanwhile , have been in the single-digits for the past decade .

  25. 自从实行这种招聘方法,该公司的人员流动率从两位数直接下降到了个位数。

    Once we began hiring to those behaviors , we cut turnover from high double digits to single digits .

  26. 新武器系统的采购量仅仅是小批量或个位数,这不会戏剧性地改变力量的平衡。

    New systems are purchased in small batches or singly , which is cannot dramatically change the balance of power .

  27. 不过如果黑莓的份额能保持稳健的个位数,也足以让股东相信,公司正在朝着正确的方向发展。

    Still , strong single digits may be enough to convince shareholders that the company is making the right decisions .

  28. 其它一些研究机构则预计,美国经济低迷将导致今年出现个位数的增长,或者甚至出现负增长。

    Other researchers predict that a slump in the US would lead to single-digit or even negative growth this year .

  29. 汪建熙称,该公司的资金希望实现“个位数的中值”或“稍高一点”的目标回报率。

    He said the fund was targeting returns of " middle of one digit " or " slightly higher " .

  30. 其余的人数在个位数,高达56%的人称没有人或者他们不知道。

    The rest register in the single digits , with a whopping 56 percent saying nobody or they don 't know .