
  • 网络psp;personal software process
  1. 同时,这种过程模型既具有极限编程所提供的自适应性又具有个人软件过程所支持的可预测性,能够适应需求多变的环境。

    Meanwhile , this process model has both adaptability provided by XP and predictability supported by PSP , can adapt to the requirement changing environment .

  2. 他们讨论如何基于由软件工程研究所(SoftwareEngineeringInstitute)WattsHumphrey创建的原则,来开发个人软件过程(PSP)数据收集工具。

    They discuss how they developed a personal software process ( PSP ) data collection tool , based on the Software Engineering Institute discipline created by Watts Humphrey .

  3. 个体性能规格在WattsHumphrey开发的个人软件过程(PSP)中被很好地描述。

    Metrics for individual performance are described well in the Personal Software Process ( PSP ) developed by Watts Humphrey .

  4. XP-PSP采用极限编程(XP)迭代式的过程框架,在每次迭代中引入个人软件过程(PSP)和极限编程的具体实践,将极限编程和个人软件过程中的具体实践相结合,提升个人能力。

    Firstly , XP-PSP uses the iterative process framework of Extreme Programming ( XP ) . Then , the specific practice of Personal Software Process ( PSP ) and Extreme Programming is introduced in iteration and is combined each other to enhance the personal capacity .

  5. 然后分别对敏捷软件开发方法中的极限编程和计划驱动方法中的个人软件过程进行了综述,同时分析了这两种开发方法各自的优缺点。

    Then this thesis reviews one kind of agile software development methods , Extreme Programming , and one kind of plan-driven methods , Personal Software Process .

  6. CMM被软件业界公认为是当前最好的软件过程,PSP是CMM在软件工程师等级上的应用,是针对个人的软件过程的改进。

    At present , it is accepted that capability maturity model ( CMM ) is the best software process in software industry . The personal software process ( PSP ) is an application of the principles of CMM on the level of an individual software engineer .