
  • 网络Blog;personal blog;Wordpress
  1. 我以前在个人博客上也写过,ED常常是内皮细胞功能异常随之发展成心脏病的早期表现。

    As I have written on this blog before , the presence of ED can often be one of the earliest signs of problems in endothelial function that may later progress to heart disease .

  2. 于是,皮卡德决定在个人博客“免费MBA”(TheNo-PayMBA)中记录自己的学习历程,供其他有类似想法的学生借鉴。

    Pickard decided she would document her own journey in a blog , the no-pay MBA , so other like-minded students could use her path as a resource .

  3. 伴随着电子商务、电子政务以及网上教育、个人博客的蓬勃发展,Web服务在社会政治经济生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of e-commerce , e-government , online education and personal blogs , web service is playing an increasingly important role in the society , economic and personal life .

  4. AppleInsider网站长期撰稿人丹尼尔•伊兰•迪尔格心直口快,他对这个话题的兴趣比任何人都大,他甚至还在个人博客RoughlyDraftedMagazine上发表了文章以示支持。

    But nobody has had more fun with it than Daniel ERAN dilger , a regular ( and relatively straightforward ) contributor to Appleinsider who likes to let it fly on roughly drafted magazine , his personal blog .

  5. 她将自拍悬浮摄影作品上传到个人博客&“YowaYowa摄影女孩日记”后,便迅速走红。

    She became popular after she posted photos of herself levitating on her blog called " Yowa Yowa Camera Woman Diary " .

  6. 设想的这个举动,只是想亲自展示他的远见和领导能力,因为这些直接在我的生活产生积极的影响。Tame在个人博客中详细地表达了他对乔布斯的敬慕之情。

    It 's for this that Id like to personally show my appreciation to Steve for his vision and leadership , which has made a direct positive impact upon my life , Tame said of his admiration of Jobs , detailed through a blog post on his site .

  7. Trott女士个人博客VoxTrott中有许多其爱犬Maddy的照片,而对厨艺半懂不懂的Trott先生则喜欢在他的博客中贴一些“令人作呕的美食图片”。

    Much of Ms Trott 's personal blog , VoxTrott , is devoted to images of her beloved dog Maddy , while Mr Trott , a dilettante [ 5 ] cook , likes to post " disgusting pictures of good food " on his blog .

  8. 基于语料库对于英文个人博客语言文体特点的分析

    A Corpus-Based Study on the Stylistic Features of Personal Blogs

  9. 目前,网络成员均拥有个人博客、电话号码和其它联系方式。

    Network members now have a face , phone number , and contacts .

  10. 个人博客或网站中的一个会员栏目?

    A membership section to your blog or site ?

  11. 个人博客:视界拓展的媒介工具

    Blog : Media Tool to Expend Personal Sight

  12. 您现在还用个人博客吗?

    Do you still use a personal blog ?

  13. 这篇文章最初发布于他的个人博客。

    This post first appeared on his blog .

  14. 在当今社会中有自己的个人博客空间是一种时尚。

    In today 's society have their own personal web space is a trend .

  15. 互联网的产生和推广促进了个人博客的繁荣。

    The creating and popularizing of the Internet boosts the developing of the personal blogs'booming .

  16. 申请团体和个人博客;

    Applying for group and personal Blog ;

  17. 欢迎光临我的个人博客。

    Welcome to my own blog !

  18. 在其个人博客上,他将自己的设计同之前两次发行的龙票设计进行了比较。

    On his personal blog , he compared his design to the previous two dragon stamps .

  19. 通常从发布在企业内网上的个人博客开始。

    Often this starts off as a single blog maintained by one person published on the corporate intranet .

  20. 如果你想要写博文,创建你的个人博客以便你提供写作样本。

    If you want to write for a blog , create your own blog so you have writing samples .

  21. 它必定会导致互联网上更为严格的控制,包括聊天室和个人博客。

    It would impose stricter control over all internet traffic , including chat rooms , as well as individual bloggers .

  22. 如今人们在个人博客中分享一张照片后,可能五分钟之内就会突然走红。

    Now someone can upload a photo on a personal blog and in five minutes it could be highly popular .

  23. 所以,当阿蒙德在其他人的博客上看到苹果的声明后,他忍不住在自己的个人博客上对其进行了反驳:

    So when Arment saw Apple 's press statement on someone else 's blog , he couldn 't resist posting a correction :

  24. 在一张安倍夫妇在某位知名歌手家中参加奢华假期聚会的照片引起争议后,安倍昭惠关闭了自己的个人博客。

    She abandoned her personal blog after a controversial post showing the Abes at a fancy holiday party at a well-known singer 's house .

  25. 向文波开通了一个有趣的个人博客斥责这笔交易,并且利用网络透露,三一重工欲竞购徐工。

    He started an entertaining personal blog to lambast the deal and used the web to reveal that the company wanted to bid for Xugong .

  26. 回国后,他很快就着手搭建自己的个人博客,希望能通过网络,和向他一样年轻的朋友传递一些自己的感悟和心得。

    Shortly after that he starts to build up his blog at CCTV . com , hoping to share his experiences and thoughts with young friends .

  27. 另外,这些信息经常通过网站进行发布,如专业新闻创作或个人博客。

    Also implied by the name is that this information is frequently reported via a website , such as a professional journalistic initiative or a personal blog .

  28. 尽管王石赶往四川亲自指挥公司的赈灾行动,他的个人博客还是被批评所淹没。

    Even though Wang went to Sichuan to personally direct disaster relief efforts paid for by his company , his personal blog was inundated by critical comments .

  29. 我们已经出版了数百个博客文章对多年来在这个博客的搜索,我们谷歌官方博客,甚至对我的个人博客。

    We 've published hundreds of blog posts about search over the years on this blog , our Official Google Blog , and even on my personal blog .

  30. 营销顾问本田哲也说:“个人博客可能是最强大的媒体”,因为它能传播信誉。

    " Personal blogs can be the most powerful media " since it can convey credibility , says Tetsuya Honda , a marketing consultant who runs BlueCurrent Japan .