
lā jī yóu jiàn
  • spam;junk mail
  1. 如今我们不得不面对铺天盖地的垃圾邮件、广告传单和无用的公文。

    These days , we are bombarded with endless junk mail , fliers , and general bumf .

  2. Malwarereunion说的是这样一个情景:你电脑中的某个病毒或恶意程序向你邮箱的联系人发送垃圾邮件,而这个垃圾邮件使得你跟好久没有联系的某个人又开始通信联系。我们可以称之为“因病毒重聚”。

    Malware reunion describes the situation when a computer virus or other malware sends junk mail to recipients between you and someone on your contact list with whom you have not communicated in a long time .

  3. 例如:我准备一收到垃圾邮件就马上扔掉。

    I try to trash all junk3 mail as soon as I receive it .

  4. 我觉得你电脑可能中病毒了,因为我收到了你发来的垃圾邮件。

    I think you have a virus on your computer because I 'm getting spam from you .

  5. 电邮2:你好,希拉!很高兴收到你的信,很抱歉让你被垃圾邮件骚扰。这可真是因病毒重聚啊!

    Email 2 : Hi Sheila - good to hear from you and sorry about the spam - what a nice malware reunion !

  6. 回邮件时别只说一个“谢谢”,而没有别的信息,这是在给别人制造垃圾邮件。

    If all you have to say in your email reply is “ Thanks , ” refrain from sending it . You ’ re just clogging an inbox .

  7. 我们完成的每个交易,留的每个评价,加的每个好友,标记的每封垃圾邮件或者赢得的每个勋章,都会构成我们能否被信任的轨迹。

    With every trade we make , comment we leave , person we " friend " , spammer we flag or badge we earn , we leave a trail of how well we can or can 't be trusted .

  8. 基于Morphology处理和主题词抽取的垃圾邮件过滤方法

    An Anti-spam Email Filtering Method Based on Morphology Process and Key Words Extraction

  9. 除了这两组电子邮件,我为那些工具开发了培训(training)消息集,以“了解”什么是垃圾邮件,什么不是垃圾邮件消息。

    In addition to the collections of e-mail , I developed training message sets for those tools that " learn " about spam and non-spam messages .

  10. NaiveBayesian算法在基于内容的垃圾邮件过滤中的应用

    Research on content - based anti - spam filtering using Naive Bayesian

  11. 一种校园网内基于ASP的垃圾邮件过滤系统

    A campus network ASP-based spam filtering system

  12. 利用这一特性,提出了一种基于P2P的协作式垃圾邮件检测系统的设计方案。

    This property is exploited to propose the design plan of a P2P-based collaborative spam detection system .

  13. 垃圾邮件与E-Mail营销

    Spam and E-Mail Marketing

  14. 虽然可以使用日益有效的方法来检测和丢弃垃圾邮件,但许多人还是通过不在Web上发布其电子邮件地址来试图避免接收垃圾邮件。

    While increasingly effective measures for detecting and junking spam are available , many people attempt to avoid receiving spam by not publishing their e-mail addresses on the Web .

  15. 在垃圾邮件过滤器中的“误否认”(Falsenegatives)仅意味着一些不需要的消息进入了邮箱。

    False negatives in spam filters just mean that some unwanted messages make it to your inbox .

  16. 分布式黑名单过滤器会让一个用户的“Delete”操作去警告其他许多用户,注意这个垃圾邮件消息。

    Distributed blacklist filters let one user 's Delete button warn millions of other users as to the spamminess of the message .

  17. 现有的反垃圾邮件技术中,基于统计方法的NaiveBayesian分类算法在垃圾邮件过滤中有很好的效果。

    In kinds of anti-spam technologies , Naive Bayesian classifier based on statistical method works effectively on spam filtration .

  18. 巧用CISCO路由器防止垃圾邮件

    Prevent Spam Email by Router of Cisco

  19. 不过由于缺少与Facebook的整合以及充斥着大量垃圾邮件和虚假账号,Ping的活力迅速消失殆尽。

    But a lack of Facebook integration and problems with spam and fake accounts quickly took the zing out of Ping .

  20. 如果发送的垃圾邮件使用真实的文本,outlook垃圾邮件筛选将极有可能会将其移到“垃圾邮件”文件夹中。

    If the sent spam message uses real text , the outlook junk e-mail filter will very likely move the message to the junk e-mail folder .

  21. 当你注册一个域名,使用了隐藏域名所有者信息功能的话,google或许会把你看成一个潜在的垃圾邮件制造者;

    Be aware that by using services that block domain ownership information when you register a domain , Google might see you as a potential spammer .

  22. 一些评定规则基本上稳定不变&例如,伪造的头和自动执行的JavaScript,几乎总是垃圾邮件的标志。

    Some ranking rules are fairly constant over time & forged headers and auto-executing JavaScript , for example , almost timelessly mark spam .

  23. 垃圾邮件处理中LDA特征选择方法

    LDA based feature selection for spam filter

  24. 基于IDSS的中文垃圾邮件过滤模型设计

    Chinese Spam Mail Filtering Model Design Based on IDSS

  25. 本文主要介绍了在Windows环境下,针对EXCHANGE邮件服务器和OUTLOOK的垃圾邮件检测系统的设计模型和实现方法。

    An Anti-Spam system called MASS ( Multi-agent Anti-Spam System ) has been introduced in this paper and MASS has been designed for EXCHANGE Emails Server and OUTLOOK in Windows environment .

  26. 如果其他网络及其管理员意识到您的服务器是发送垃圾邮件的源头,那么很可能阻止您的服务器的IP地址访问他们的网络。

    If other networks and their admins realize that your server is the source of spam , they 're likely to block your server 's IP address from access to or from their network .

  27. 方法改进NaiveBayes算法且结合利用垃圾邮件规律的规则过滤,这套方案也在Linux/Solaris系统平台下的软件编程。

    Methods Improve Naive Bayes arithmetic and rule-based filtering , and complete the software of this project under the Linux / Solaris system platform .

  28. 唐森否认了Tagged试图欺骗顾客,并解释垃圾邮件的爆发是因为注册程序出现错误。

    Tseng denied that Tagged was trying to trick anyone and attributed the email outbreak to a faulty registration process .

  29. 随着Internet的迅速普及,电子邮件以其快捷、方便、低成本的特点逐渐成为人们进行信息交流的主要媒介之一,但是随之而来的垃圾邮件也越来越泛滥。

    Emails have gradually become a major communication means with the features of swiftness , convenience and low cost through the quick popularization of Internet . But along with that is the flood of junk emails , normally called spam .

  30. (我将可能的垃圾邮件进行分类,放在几个不同的文件夹中,然后保存它们以形成消息语言资料库(corpora)。)

    ( I sort probable spam into several different folders , and I save them all to develop message corpora . )