
  • 网络Garbage Siege;Beijing Besieged by Waste
  1. 垃圾围城城市环境质量不可回避的一道坎石家庄城市垃圾资源化处理的几点思考

    Garbage-surrounded city & the unavoidable pit of environment quality in cities

  2. 垃圾围城,难道只能一烧了之?

    Besieged by Garbage : Can We Just Burn Them ?

  3. 垃圾围城的现状已引起全社会的广泛关注,城市垃圾处理问题日益严峻。

    The contaminative condition which made by the garbage round the city has brought a wide attention in the whole society .

  4. 国内外许多国家,尤其是发展中国家,在追求经济快速发展的同时,又被垃圾围城所困扰。

    At home and abroad in many countries , especially developing countries , while in the pursuit of rapid economic development , but also were obsessed with " junk siege " .

  5. 但是,环境问题也日益严重,主要体现在严重的大气污染、生态环境的恶化、水域污染及垃圾围城。生态环境污染继续加重,已经由点源污染向面源污染的趋势发展;

    However , the environment has continued to worsen with problems related to atmospheric pollution , ecological disasters , water pollution and cities besieged by garbage . Ecological environment is more seriously polluted . Ecological disasters are increasing .

  6. 随着经济的发展,中国的城市也在迅速发展,城市环境正面临着巨大的压力,城市垃圾围城现象已十分普遍,因此垃圾处理已经成为严重的问题。

    With economics developing , Chinese cities are also the rapid development . Urban environment is faced with enormous pressure , the phenomenon of city garbage , as well as deal with the garbage problem has become acute .

  7. 随着经济发展,人口增长,生活垃圾产量也随之激增。垃圾围城是目前各大城市面临的窘境,垃圾战争是全球应对垃圾问题的无奈之举。

    With economic development and population growth , solid waste productions have also surged . " Junk Besieged " is the dilemma faced by the major cities ," waste war " is the upset of the global response to the garbage problem .

  8. 随着我国经济高速发展和城市化水平的提高,城市生活垃圾的产量不断增大,垃圾围城问题日益严重;同时资源被不断消耗,其缺口日益增大。

    With the development of rapid economic and urbanization level , the output of municipal solid waste increases dramatically and siege garbage problems are becoming more serious . At the same time resources are continuously consumed and the gap is growing at the same time .

  9. 因为城市生活垃圾处理的滞后,许多城市都发生了垃圾围城的现象,城市生活垃圾问题已成为困扰全球各国城市发展的焦点与难点。

    Because of the lag of the disposal of municipal solid waste ( MSW ), MSW surrounding cities was seen here and there , which was the focus and difficulty puzzled the development of many cities in the world .

  10. 生活垃圾成为人们关注的焦点,多个城市面临垃圾围城的困境。

    As domestic garbage become the focus of attention , many cities will face siege predicament .

  11. 王久良找到北京周边一个又一个的垃圾场,他把这些垃圾场的确切地点在地图上一一标注,令人震惊的“垃圾围城”赫然在目。

    Now , Wang has found numerous garbage landfills around Beijing and has clearly marked them on a map , enabling everyone to witness the appalling garbage belt around the capital city .