
  • 网络Waste incineration boiler;refuse-fired boiler,refuse incinerator
  1. 模糊PID控制方式用于35t/h垃圾焚烧锅炉给水调节

    Application of fuzzy PID control mode for feed-water regulation of 35 t / h MSW incineration boiler

  2. 200t/d城市生活垃圾焚烧锅炉简介

    Brief Introduction to 200t / d Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Boiler

  3. 第一台国产垃圾焚烧锅炉调试与评价

    Summary and Evaluation of Commissioning Test on the First Domestic Refuse Incinerator

  4. 垃圾焚烧锅炉是垃圾焚烧处理系统中的核心设备。

    Waste incinerator is the key equipment in the waste incineration system .

  5. 垃圾焚烧锅炉管道防护涂层组织与性能的研究

    Study on microstructure and properties of protective coating for waste incineration boiler tubes

  6. 模糊诊断在垃圾焚烧锅炉系统故障处理中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Diagnosis in the Fault Treatment of Garbage Incineration Boiler System

  7. 研究在城市生活垃圾焚烧锅炉的实时控制中的专家系统。

    This paper is studying the real control ES based on the city daily refuse incineration boiler .

  8. 台州市伟星集团废树脂焚烧炉采用的是浙江大学研发的异重流化床垃圾焚烧锅炉技术。

    The abandoned resin incinerator project of WeiXing Group in TaiZhou city applied the technology of the multilayer Circulation Fluidized Bed boiler .

  9. 本文所开发的计算软件为预测垃圾焚烧锅炉的运行工况提供了有效实用工具,计算结果为优化设计参数提供有益的指导。

    The computer program provides the effective tools to the operation of solid waste incinerator and provide beneficial guidance to optimize some design parameters .

  10. 介绍了400t/d~500t/d垃圾焚烧锅炉的总体布置及技术特性。

    An introduction is presented of the overall layout of a 400t / d ~ 500t / d waste burning boiler , together with its technical features .

  11. 对35t/h循环流化床生活垃圾焚烧锅炉的汽包水位自动控制方式进行了研究。

    Study has been carried out for automatic control mode concerning drum-level of a 35 t / h CFB boiler for municipal solid waste ( MSW ) incineration .

  12. 从燃煤电厂、垃圾焚烧锅炉、柴油机和汽车中排放出的氮氧化物会导致酸雨、光化学烟雾以及臭氧层的破坏,从而对人类的健康和生存构成极大危害。

    Nitrogen oxides ( NOx ) discharged from power plants , waste incinerators , industrial boilers , engines , and automobiles can result in acid rain , photochemical smog , and ozone depletion .

  13. 介绍了与流化床垃圾焚烧锅炉配套的灰渣冷却分选装置细灰分选特性的试验室试验研究结果,为该装置的合理设计提供了参考依据。

    A small scale experimental study about sorting property of fine ash in a ash cool and sort combined facility , which is a auxiliary equipment of CFB MSW incinerator , is introduced in this paper .

  14. 根据锅炉热力计算,导出了循环流化床垃圾焚烧锅炉系统热平衡变量的基本关系式,固体物料循环倍率计算关系式。

    A Basic heat balance equation treating the relationship between the different relevant variables and a formula for calculating the circulation factor of a waste incineration circulating fluidized bed boiler is being derived by making use of its thermal calculation .

  15. 浅谈节能型循环流化床垃圾焚烧发电锅炉的设计

    Design of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers of Waste Incineration

  16. 青岛荏原公司垃圾焚烧发电锅炉项目供方选择研究

    The Research on Suppliers Selection of Ebara Qingdao Corporation Waste Incineration Power Generation Boiler

  17. 生活垃圾循环流化床焚烧锅炉的安装技术

    The installation technology of household garbage circle fluidized bed incineration boiler

  18. 75t/h垃圾焚烧循环流化床锅炉安装分析

    Installation of 75t / h Garbage Incineration Boiler with Circulation Fluid Bed

  19. 介绍了目前国内单台垃圾处理量最大的锅炉UG-10.5/2.57/370-W型城市生活垃圾焚烧锅炉技术及其燃烧设备。

    Internal Fluidized Bed Incineration Technology Treating MSW This paper presents UG-10.5/2.57/370-W type MSW Boiler which is the Largest one for MSW incineration in every day .

  20. 本文对城市生活垃圾焚烧发电设施排烟和设施周边的二恶英浓度进行实测与分析,结果表明,合理控制垃圾焚烧锅炉运行工况,可以有效控制焚烧过程中二恶英生成,使其达到国家排放标准。

    The article measure and analyzes dioxins concentration in eliminating gas of Urban domestic wastes incineration generating electricity and surrounding area , the results shows that the reasonable control of wastes incineration boiler operation can effectively reduce formation of dioxins during incineration course and make it meet national elimination standard .