
lā jī fén shāo
  • waste incineration;refuse burning
  1. 城市垃圾焚烧与热能利用

    Municipal Solid Waste Incineration and Thermal Energy Utilizing

  2. 垃圾焚烧发电厂抓吊控制室全自动擦窗机的研制

    Development of Full-Automatic Window-Cleaning Machine of Crab Control Room in Waste Incineration Power Plant

  3. 垃圾焚烧可以大大减少占用土地

    Garbage cremation can greatly reduce the occupancy of land .

  4. 浅析CM模式在垃圾焚烧厂建设中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of CM Mode in Waste Incineration Plant Construction

  5. 基于BP算法的垃圾焚烧过程温度控制研究

    Research of Temperature Control During Garbage Combustion Process Based on BP Neural Network Arithmetic

  6. 基于PLC的回转式垃圾焚烧炉自动控制系统

    PLC-Based Control of the Helicoid Garbage Incineration Furnace

  7. 城市垃圾焚烧中PVC环境影响研究

    Environmental Impact of PVC in MSW Incineration

  8. CFD在大容量垃圾焚烧炉优化设计中的应用

    Application of CFD in the Design of Large Capacity Waste Fired Furnace

  9. 热备PLC及Modbus通讯在垃圾焚烧控制系统中的应用

    The Application of Backup PLC and Modbus in Control System of Rubbish Burning

  10. 垃圾焚烧发电BOT项目风险实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Risk of MSW Incineration Power Generation BOT Projects

  11. 基于PCA固体垃圾焚烧炉的早期故障诊断

    PCA-based early fault diagnosis of solid waste incinerator

  12. 引进的600t/d垃圾焚烧炉DCS系统及其控制方案

    DCS system for imported 600 t / d MSW incineration power plant and control scheme thereof

  13. 对流化床垃圾焚烧炉中PAHs的排放特性进行了研究。

    PAHs emission performance of a fluidized bed incinerator has been investigated .

  14. 成都垃圾焚烧发电项目应用BOT模式的规划研究

    The Planning Research of BOT Mode Application in Chengdu Refuse Incinerating Power Generation Project

  15. 城市生活垃圾焚烧炉燃烧室三维辐射传热的Monte-Carlo解法

    Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo Modeling of Radiative Transfer in a Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator

  16. 广州市城市生活垃圾焚烧发电CDM案例分析

    Guangzhou municipal solid waste incineration for electricity generation-a CDM case study

  17. HCl是城市垃圾焚烧产生的主要气体污染物之一。

    In MSW incineration , HCl is one of the main gas pollutants .

  18. 垃圾焚烧烟气中HCI的高温腐蚀研究进展

    Research Development of High Temperature Corrosion of HCI in Flue Gas from MSW Incineration

  19. LC添加剂对垃圾焚烧飞灰熔融过程重金属迁移特性的影响

    Influence of Liquid Ceramic Additive on Binding of Heavy Metal During the Vitrification of Fly Ash from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator

  20. 炉排炉垃圾焚烧的炉渣及飞灰中的重金属含量却高很多,尤其是Cr、Pb、Cd和Cu。

    However , the concentration of heavy meals from grate incinerator was some more above the standard , especially for Cr , Pb , Cd , Cu .

  21. 采用干态固定床实验装置系统,研究去除垃圾焚烧炉烟气中HCl气体的主要影响因素及其规律。

    The main influence factors and pattern of removal of gas HCl in flue gas are studied by using the test equipment system of dry fixed bed .

  22. 将SiO2、CaO和Al2O3按不同比例与垃圾焚烧炉飞灰均匀混合,对混合后试样的熔融特性进行实验研究。

    Mixed ash samples of fly ashes from MSW incinerator , which adding additives of SiO_2 , CaO and Al_2O_3 in different rations , were carried out to determine melting characteristics .

  23. 通过在本课题组自行设计的中空水冷转式垃圾焚烧炉上的实验研究,论文从工艺流程和NOx生成特性方面探讨了该新型焚烧炉的稳定燃烧和低污染排放技术特点;

    This paper introduces the low pollution and high efficiency rotary incinerator designed by the research group and discusses incineration technical characteristics in terms of its technological process and NO X emission .

  24. 研究结果表明:(1)含氯废弃物是垃圾焚烧炉HC1排放最主要来源;

    Results of study show that : ( 1 ) the chlorine contained wastes are the main source of HCl emission from MSW incinerator ;

  25. 我国第一次引进CAO垃圾焚烧炉(ControlledAirOxidation)的焚烧工艺,针对我国垃圾热值低的情况,在设计上对运行参数加以调整,通过技术改造提高了运行效率。

    Incineration technology of controlled air oxidation ( CAO ) was imported first time in our country in accordance with the low calorific value of our country 's waste , operation parameters were adjusted in design . Operation efficiency was raised by technology remaking .

  26. 通过对垃圾焚烧处理厂烟气中的重金属及二类物质(简称Dioxins)对人体健康风险评价,得出混合垃圾焚烧将对人体健康造成危害。

    The health risk assessment on the effects of harmful substances in flue gas from a MSW incineration plant such as heavy metals and dioxins was carried out .

  27. 通过对垃圾焚烧厂和垃圾填埋场垃圾渗滤液的特点比较,确定UASB反应器CASS反应器复合工艺处理垃圾焚烧厂渗滤液,确定其最佳处理参数。

    Through a comparison of the characteristics of the leachate from a refuse incinerator with that from a refuse landfill , the optimum treatment parameters of UASB CASS process were determined .

  28. 以某发电厂的400t/d往复移动式炉排垃圾焚烧炉为对象,采用燃烧室三维辐射传热的Monte-Carlo法对炉内的温度分布和各壁面上的热流分布进行求解。

    Taking a 400 t / d MSW ( Municipal Solid Waste ) traveling grate plant of incineration in Tianjin as study object , three-dimensional Monte-Carlo method is used to study temperature and wall flux distribution in this MSW incinerator .

  29. 成都垃圾焚烧发电项目是成都市政府近期拟上马的公共基础设施项目,前期已做了一些可行性研究工作,准备采用国际上通用的BOT建设方式。

    Chengdu refuse incinerating power generation project is an infrastructure to be constructed by the municipal government in the very near future . Some feasibility studies have been conducted in earlier stages , and the internationally common mode of BOT is to be adopted .

  30. 结合工程应用,分别简要介绍了SKR型医疗垃圾焚烧炉控制系统的控制方案、监控对象及系统特点。

    This paper introduced the control scheme of the control system for SKR ? medical garbage incinerator , the inspection objects and system characteristic of the control system combined with the application of project .