
  1. 城市生活垃圾治理的系统工程研究

    Study on the Systematic Engineering of Residential Garbage Disposal in City

  2. 城市垃圾治理课程建设的实践

    The practice on the subject development of Urban Refuse Disposal

  3. 运用排污权交易改善晋江市垃圾治理现状

    Improving the Administration of Garbage in Jinjiang by Emission Trading

  4. 有效参与城市生活垃圾治理的途径探讨

    Discussion on Participatory Governance Approach to Municipal Waste Management

  5. 循环经济:电子垃圾治理之路

    Circular Economy : The Way of Electronic Waste Management

  6. 谈谈城市垃圾治理

    Discussion on treatment of city rubbish

  7. 城市生活垃圾治理过程的能源化技术

    Energy Technology from Municipal Solid Waste

  8. 城市垃圾治理与浦东新区环境卫生战略目标的探讨

    On Urban Garbage Disposal and Strategic Aims of Environmental Sanitation in Pudong New Area , Shanghai

  9. 所以在建筑垃圾治理过程中推行循环经济的理论和实践模式具有重要的现实意义。

    So it has important practical significance to push the theory and practice patterns in disposing construction waste .

  10. 由于当地市场的需求和国内垃圾治理能力的匮乏,从而产生了巨大的投资契机。

    Since there is insufficient domestic capacity to meet the needs of the market , investment opportunities are exceptional .

  11. 并对目前水域垃圾治理状况构建了进化博弈模型。

    To the current status and treatment of the water surface garbage , I build a model of evolutionary game .

  12. 从城市生活垃圾治理业务的实际出发,定义了城市生活垃圾治理系统的概念及内涵。

    Starting with the practice of MSW management operation , the dissertation defines the concept and meaning of MSW management system .

  13. 构建无害化、减量化、资源化系统是城市生活垃圾治理的根本保证;

    That it is the fundamental guarantee that the urban waste is utilized to structure the system of innoxious , quantity reduction and resource ;

  14. 城市生活垃圾治理是当前人类所面临的普遍性问题,它直接关系到人口、资源、环境能否协调发展的问题。

    The disposal of urban living waste is a universal problem to face for human beings , it is directly related whether population , resources and environment can develop in phase .

  15. 城市生活垃圾治理是城市社会经济发展总体规划中的一项重要内容,对垃圾进行科学的治理,对于保护城市环境,促进区域社会经济的可持续发展有着十分重要的作用。

    Municipal solid waste ( MSW ) management is an important content of social economy development general planning . Scientific and reasonable MSW management is very important for protecting city environment and promoting sustainable development of social economy .

  16. 本文选择青岛作为研究对象,在对青岛市城市垃圾治理现状系统研究的基础上,对现有管理体制、法规政策及其支持下的收运系统的现状和存在问题进行探讨。

    This article discussed the current management system 、 law policies on MSW , and the system the current status and the existence questions carried on the ion in Qingdao , based on the study of current government system on MSW .

  17. 我国城市垃圾综合治理现状及其发展方向

    Present Situation and Developing Orientation of City Garbage Disposal China

  18. 垃圾综合治理焚烧过程中重金属的迁移规律

    Heavy metal transformation during MSW incineration for integrated disposal

  19. 垃圾短信治理及核心拦截系统的设计与实现

    SMS Spam Blocking System of Governance and the Core of the Design and Implementation

  20. 中等城市生活垃圾综合治理的次优选择

    On Suboptimum Choice of Municipal Waste Disposal

  21. 论述了垃圾多种治理技术以及这些技术中的能源化的关键。

    The topic of energy in municipal solid waste treatment is summarized in the paper .

  22. 在城镇社会经济迅速发展的同时,环境保护也日益受到重视,其中城镇垃圾污染治理问题也越来越突出。

    With the rapid development of social economy of town , environment protection is more and more foucsed .

  23. 在对垃圾短信治理责任的调查中,71.3%的用户认为,运营商应承担治理垃圾短信的责任。

    To trash short note government responsibility 's investigation , 71.3 % users believed that the operator should undertake the government trash short note responsibility .

  24. 的三谁原则,作为移动运营商就要承担起垃圾短信治理和监控的责任,净化我们的网络和信息环境。

    As a mobile operator China Mobil should assume the responsibility of governance and control the SMS spam , purify our network and information Environment .

  25. 目前我国的城市在发展经济的同时也开始着手加强城市生活垃圾的治理工作,实现了生活垃圾治理公共物品的有效供给,使得城市生活环境得到了改善。

    At present , with the development of our cities , we begin to govern the living rubbish in cities , achieving the effective supply of public goods , making the urban environment improved .

  26. 本文以A省移动垃圾短信治理项目作为案例,介绍了在通信工程项目中应用项目进度管理理论解决进度计划、优化和控制的方法并分析了在此过程中需要关注的重点。

    With the case of spam messages project , this article introduces the application of progress management theory in communication engineering project in to solve the problems in progress management , optimization and control . This article also discusses the focus in above process .

  27. 我国农村生活垃圾问题及治理措施的探讨&以广东省梅州市为例

    Discussion on Rural Domestic Trash Problem and Control Measures in China

  28. 福建农村垃圾和污水治理的现状与对策

    Study on Current Status of Garbage and Waste Water Treatment in Rural Areas of Fujian and the Countermeasures

  29. 垃圾短信的治理是一个综合工程,它需要技术治理、立法与监管三管齐下。

    The management of spam is a comprehensive project , which needs the cooperation of technology governance , legislative and inspection .

  30. 垃圾短信的治理涉及到社会、法律、法规、行业等各个方面,是一件综合性的、多链条的工作。

    Governance of spam messages related to many aspects of social , legal , regulatory , industry , etc. , it is a comprehensive , multi-chain object .