
  • 网络Contaminated water;polluted water;sewage;purified water
  1. 用臭氧结合生物处理过程净化重度污染水的方法

    A Method of O_3 Combine with Biology Treatment Process in Cleaning Serious Sewage

  2. Fenton试剂净化藻类污染水的理论与工艺技术研究

    Study on the Theory and the Technics of Alga Polluted Water Decontamination by Fenton Reagent

  3. 而其中超过80%的事例可以归结于接触污染水和缺乏卫生条件。

    More than 80 % of those cases can be attributed to contact with contaminated water and a lack of proper sanitation .

  4. 新型AF滤料处理微污染水的过滤技术

    Filtration technology of a new AF media filter to treat micro-organic-polluted raw water

  5. 应用电絮凝浮选法对油田3类主要污水进行处理研究证实:炼油厂含油污染水含油量去除率达96%,SS去除率达97%;

    The electrocoagulation and floatation method was applied for the treatment of 3 oilfield sewage .

  6. 由此可见,PDM系列样品可作杀菌剂使用,对于微污染水,其杀菌性能优于1227。

    Therefore , PDM series samples could be used as a bactericide with better performance than ( 1227 ) for the micro-pollution water .

  7. 用BAF工艺处理炼油厂轻度污染水

    An Application of Biological Aeration Filter Process in Treatment of Slightly-Polluted Water in A Refinery

  8. UBAF处理高氨氮微污染水的特性

    Research on characteristics of UBAF treating micro polluted water with high ammonia-nitrogen content

  9. 采用生物曝气滤池(BAF)工艺对某炼油厂轻度污染水进行了生物处理现场试验研究。

    Biological Aeration Filter ( BAF ) process was used in an on-the-spot test of the biological treatment of the slightly-polluted water in a refinery .

  10. 结论大肠埃希菌O157∶H7感染性腹泻并发急性肾功能衰竭是病人死亡的主要原因,家畜、家禽的高带菌率可通过污染水、食物传染给人,亦可通过蝇和日常生活接触感染。

    Conclusion The main factor causing death was the complicated acute renal failure from diarrhea infected by E. coli O157 ∶ H7 . The pathogen from livestock or poultry with high carrying rate might infect people through polluted water , food flies and close contacts .

  11. 污染水(>10×10-9)。

    Polluted water ( > 10 × 10 - 9 ) .

  12. 处理微污染水的改性无烟煤制备工艺

    Experimental Study on Modifying Method of Anthracite for Micro-Polluted Water Treatment

  13. 防金属重污染水性双组分聚氨酯清漆的研究

    Research on a water-borne two-component polyurethane varnish for heavy-duty metal protection

  14. 环境矿物材料在微污染水处理中的应用前景

    Application of environmental mineral materials in micro - polluted water treatment

  15. 三维电极法在微污染水处理中的应用研究

    Study on application of three-dimensional-electrode method in treating low contaminated wastewater

  16. 新型生物反应器对微污染水预处理的试验研究

    Experimental study on pretreatment of micro-polluted water by new biological reactor

  17. 稀土吸附剂处理含铬微污染水研究

    Removal of chrome in slightly polluted water by rare earth adsorbent

  18. 人们在饮用污染水时,就会吞下受到感染的水蚤。

    People swallow the infected water fleas when drinking contaminated water .

  19. 医院污水污染水环境中耐热性大肠菌群耐药规律研究

    Study of antibiotic resistance profiles of thermotolerant coliform isolated from hospital effluent

  20. 沱江河枯水期微污染水的处理对策

    Treatment Methods for Slight-Contaminated-Water of Tuojiang River in Dry Season

  21. 微污染水生物陶粒滤池预处理研究

    A Study of Pre-Treatment of Slightly-Polluted Water with Biological Ceramsite Filter Tank

  22. 快速渗滤系统处理微污染水的生物膜培养中试研究

    Biofilm cultivation pilot test of rapid infiltration system for slightly polluted water treatment

  23. 重金属污染水的双壳处理法初探

    Preliminary Research on Treatment of the Polluted Water with Heavy Metal by Bivalves

  24. 炼油厂轻污染水回用试验研究

    Micro-polluted water treatment for recycling in a refinery

  25. 微污染水生物活性炭处理技术应用及展望

    Treatment of Micro-Polluted Water by Biologically Activated Carbon ( BAC ) Technology and Prospect

  26. 低温低浊受污染水处理中混凝剂的优化选择

    Optimization of coagulants in the treatment of polluted water with low temperature and turbidity

  27. 对浆粕与粘胶纤维生产厂的轻度污染水回用进行了探讨。

    The reclamation of lightly polluted effluent in pulp and viscose fiber plant is discussed .

  28. 甲醛污染水的生物学效应

    Biological effects of formaldehyde - polluted water

  29. 用于原子能发射站的污染水。污染液和其它物料的输送。

    Atomic energy injection stations : transfer of polluted water and solutions and other materials ;

  30. 臭氧活性炭超滤组合工艺处理石油微污染水的试验研究

    Study on treatment of micro-polluted oily water with the combination process of ozonation-granular activated carbon-ultrafiltration