
wū sǔn
  • deface;stained;violate;dirty and destroy
污损 [wū sǔn]
  • [dirty and destory] 损害且搞脏

  • 污损公家东西

污损[wū sǔn]
  1. 研究了对受污损车牌进行二值化存在的问题和解决方案。

    Study problems of Binary-Conversion for stained Car License plate and its solving scheme .

  2. 提出了一种基于抗局部大污损的水印算法。

    A barcode watermark algorithm based on resist local large stained attack was proposed .

  3. 使用劣质磁带还有可能会污损你的录像机磁头。

    With poor quality tapes you could also risk dirtying the heads on your video recorder .

  4. 请勿污损书籍。

    Please do not deface books .

  5. 基于DSP的有污损条形码图像处理系统的研究

    The Research of Bar Code Image Processing System With Defilement Based on DSP

  6. 本研究采用紫外线(UV)对渔网材料尼龙-6纤维辐照,继而进行接枝AA的表面凝胶化改性研究,以制备一种能防止海洋污损生物附着的渔网材料。

    Nylon-6 fishnet materials were irradiated by UV , and grafted by AA to prepare a kind of anti-halobios coherence fishnet .

  7. 挂网实验和培养实验结果表明每个筏式网箱的污损生物会增加养殖水域N,P负荷的1~2%;

    Based on the hanging nets survey and the cultivating experiment , the fouling organisms in one raft net cage can add 1 ~ 2 % loading of N or P to the water .

  8. 分析结果表明,温度的升高及生物污损促进铜及铜合金的腐蚀,而pH、盐度和氧浓度的升高对浸泡1年的材料腐蚀速度有明显的抑制作用。

    The result of analyses is that higher temperature and bio-fouling accelerate copper and copper alloy corrosion , but the pH , oxygen solubility and salinity decelerate corrosion clearly only in one-year test .

  9. 这个错误可能是由媒体污损、CD-ROM读取问题或是内存配置的问题所造成。

    This error can be caused by dirty media , CD-ROM read issues , or problems with memory allocation .

  10. 绿色杀生剂EGD控制贻贝污损的试验研究

    Research on the Green Biocide EGD 's Control of Mussel Pollution

  11. 目的探讨负压闭式引流(VS)加一期内固定治疗开放性肢体骨折伴软组织污损的效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of vacuum sealing ( VS ) technique and emergency internal fixation on the management of limbs open fracture and soft tissue dirty defects .

  12. EGD杀生剂可有效地抑制贻贝足丝的发育,从而达到防止贻贝生物污损的目的;

    Thus , the EGD can effectively restrain the development of mussels thereby prevent the biofouling .

  13. 异硫氰酸苄酯(BITC)防污损作用研究&8.防污挂板试验

    Studies on the antifouling effect of benzyl-isothiocyanate ( bitc ) 8 . tests with experimental blocks

  14. 异硫氰酸苄酯(BITC)防污损效果研究&对3种海洋细菌的抑菌作用

    Studies on the antifouling effect of benzylisothiocyanate ( bitc ) - the antibiotic activity of BITC on three marine bacteria

  15. 结论VS使创面引流充分,降低感染发生率,刺激肉芽生长,配合一期内固定治疗开放性骨折伴软组织广泛污损创面是一种简便、有效、经济实用的方法。

    Conclusion The VS procedure can drain the wound surface completely , decrease infection rate and stimulate the proliferation of granulation tissue . A combination of VS with emergency internal fixation is a simple and effective method in treatment of limbs open fracture and soft tissue dirty defects .

  16. 综述了微生物膜在微生物腐蚀(MIC)及生物污损过程中的作用、微生物膜对金属腐蚀过程的影响、微生物膜的生长、检测和控制方法,着重讨论了它对金属材料电化学行为的影响。

    The roles of biofilm on metal surface developed in marine environment in microbe influenced corrosion and biofouling were reviewed , taking into account of the growth , the effects in metal electrochemical behavior and corrosion process , the detection and the controls of the biofilm .

  17. 以我国海洋生物污损优势物种紫贻贝为研究对象,模拟直流式海水冷却系统及加药方式,对新一代绿色杀生剂EGD控制贻贝生物污损的性能进行了评价和应用研究。

    The function and efficiency of the new generation of green biocide & EGD in the control of biofouling caused by mussels was tested , while the simulated direct-current seawater cooling system and drug-adding mode were employed .

  18. 污损检测是纸币清分中的一个重要环节。

    Defect detection is an essential step in paper currency sorting .

  19. 浅论防止船舶污损海洋环境

    A Brief Study on Preventing Ships from Polluting the Sea Environment

  20. 舟山对虾养殖塘大型污损生物群落数量组成研究

    The numberical of community of macroscopic fouling organisms in Zhoushan prawn-pond

  21. 红树林污损动物群落生态研究

    Research on the Ecology of the Fouling Fauna Communities in Mangrove

  22. 中国近海海区污损生物研究现状及展望

    Study of offshore fouling in china & now and in future

  23. 为什麽罪被形容为污损人呢?

    Why is sin described as " defiling " a person ?

  24. 海洋混凝土污损生物腐蚀机理的研究进展

    Literature review of corrosion mechanism of marine fouling organisms on concrete

  25. 海洋污损生物防除的现状及展望

    A review on the present situation and outlook of marine anti-fouling

  26. 不要弯折、污损,并避开磁场。

    Don 't bend or stain and avoid magnetic fields .

  27. 海洋污损生物防除技术研究

    A Study on Prevention and Elimination for Marine Fouling Organism

  28. 微生物粘膜对海洋大型污损生物附着的影响

    Influences of Bacterial Films on Attachment of Marine Fouling Organisms

  29. 这些年轻人在抗争时用喷漆污损了建筑物的外观。

    The youths used spray paint to deface buildings during the riots .

  30. 广开土王的古墓仍因无人看管而被污损。

    King kwangkaeto 's burial mound remains desecrated and unattended .