
  1. 污泥含水率越高则COD的溶出率越高,但低含水率污泥的能量利用效率更高;

    High moisture content is advantageous to sludge disintegration while low moisture content can increase the energy efficiency .

  2. 污泥含水率高、成分复杂,既含有丰富的N、P、K等营养成分和多种微量元素,还含有重金属等有害成分以及难降解的有机污染物等。

    Except high moisture content , sewage sludge contains many other ingredients , including not only massive nutrients such as N , P , K , trace elements , but also harmful substances such as heavy metals and organic pollutants which are difficult to decomposed .

  3. 在40kPa的真空度下,可使污泥含水率由99.5%降至76%,污泥体积降至原来的1/48,其脱水性能优于同系列阳离子絮凝剂CPAM和CP803。

    Sludge moisture content can be reduced from 99.5 % to 76 % under 40 KPa . The sludge volume is reduced by 48 times and its dewatering performance is better than any other similar flocculant ( CPAM and CP ? 803 ) .

  4. 城市污水污泥含水率约80%左右,严重限制了污泥的处理处置。

    The water content of municipal sewage sludge is about 80 % . Water content makes disposal and treatment of sludge difficult .

  5. 将污泥含水率这一重要因素贯穿于整个污泥干化焚烧系统的能量平衡研究,进行变工况条件下系统的运行模式分析。

    The moisture content of the sludge is a key factor , and this is considered throughout the energy balance studies of the sludge drying incineration system .

  6. 以污泥含水率为考察指标,研究了超声波-复合絮凝剂对石化厂剩余污泥脱水效果的影响。

    Sludge water content has been detected as the index to indicate the effect of ultrasonic and composite flocculants on the residual activated sludge in petrochemical water treatment plants .

  7. 脱水污泥含水率过高,达80%,无法达到填埋、堆肥、焚烧、土地利用的泥质要求。

    The water content of mechanical dewatering sludge ( about 80 % ) is too high to meet the argillaceous requirement of landfill , compost , incineration and land utilization .

  8. 以机械脱水加上热干燥过程可达到充分降低污泥含水率的目的。

    Combination of mechanical dewatering with thermal drying process could decrease water content of the sludge sufficiently and meet the requirement of sludge dewatering , then an integrated treatment system of sludge could be achieved .

  9. 印染污泥含水率高,成分复杂多变,含有染料、浆料、助剂等,具有较大的生物毒性,对环境有很大的危害性,属于广东省严控废物。

    The sludge from textile dyeing wastewater treatment process is categorized to the special waste that should be strictly controlled in Guangdong Province . It has high moisture content and complex composition , containing dye , pulp , additives , etc. Its greater toxicity may cause environmental damage .

  10. 污泥的含水率越高,NH3和HCN的产率越大。

    The higher the water content of sludge , NH3 and HCN in the cumulative production rate is higher .

  11. 脱水污泥高含水率条件下好氧发酵过程的研究

    The study of aerobic fermentation process of dewatered sewage sludge in the high moisture content

  12. 得出以下结论:污泥的含水率和污泥的脱硫率有重要的关系。

    The main conclusions are as follows : moisture content of sludge has close relation with efficiency of desulfurization .

  13. 工程运行表明经处理后的生产废水能均匀回流至配水井,经机械脱水后污泥的含水率能达到80%以下。

    The practical operation shows that the treated water can flow back with uniform rate to the raw water distributing well and sludge cake with water content of 80 % has been obtained after mechanical dewatering .

  14. 通过自然风干来降低脱水污泥的含水率,需要10天左右的时间可以将污泥的含水率由75%降低到66%左右;

    Through nature air-drying to reduce the water in the sludge , it requires about 10 days time which make the rate of containing water in sludge down from 75 % to 66 % or less .

  15. 结果表明,表面活性剂有良好的EPS提取效果,能显著降低过滤后污泥滤饼含水率和结合水含量,其中CTAB效果优于SDS。

    Experimental result showed that surfactants could extract EPS of sludge , reduce water content of sludge cake . CTAB has a better effect than SDS .

  16. 本文介绍了磁絮凝与磁分离技术,应用该技术能有效处理水中DZA有机物,实现数秒内的快速分离污泥,污泥含水率低。

    Magnetic flocculation and magnetic separation technology are introduced in the paper . The application of this technology could efficiently treat DZA organics with fast separation of sludge in several seconds and low water content in the sludge .

  17. 测定了消化污泥本底的含水率、有机质含量以及经过预处理后不同含水率的消化污泥模拟降雨实验的渗透系数,浸出液的COD、氨氮、pH等。

    The content of water and organism rate in digested sludge 's background , the permeating coefficient of the sludge with different water content due to the simulated rainfall experiment , the leachate index of COD , NH3-N , pH were determined using the standard methods respectively .

  18. 污泥的特点是含水率高,含有大量的微生物,主要目的是对其进行减量化与稳定化处理,其中污泥的干化脱水是主要的研究方向。

    The characteristic of the sludge is high moisture content , abundant microbes . The main purpose is to reduce and stabilize , therefore , the drying dehydration of the sludge is a major research direction .

  19. 城市污水处理过程中会产生大量污泥,这些污泥是含水率极高的带负电荷的粒子群,为了降低污泥含水率,减少污泥体积,需要对污泥进行脱水。

    There were a large number of sludge with much water and many negatively charged particle group during treating municipal sewage . The sludge should be dehydrated for reducing moisture content and volume of sewage sludge .

  20. 两种污泥CO2吸收率随着污泥含水率的下降而明显下降,高含水率污泥具有较强的吸收能力。

    The absorption of two kinds sludge is declined obviously with the sludge moisture content declines , and high moisture content sludge has stronger absorption ability .

  21. 通过对污泥干化能耗与污泥含水率的关系的研究,提出将污泥含水率由80%干化至60%称为半干化阶段,该阶段能耗低,物料体积减少一半,减少占地面积。

    Using the low energy consumption in process of part dry , the sludge rates of water content is from 80 % to 60 % , and meantime the volume is decrease a half and floor areas is decrease .

  22. 在总水力停留时间小于10min的条件下,处理水浊度达到3NTU以下,分离污泥在装置内浓缩1h以上,污泥含水率即可降到85%以下。

    Within a hydraulic retention time of l0 min , the high concentration suspension was efficiently purified to turbidity lower than 3 NTU . After thickening for 1 h , the separated sludge could reach moisture content as low as 85 % .

  23. 污泥热干化就是一种降低污泥含水率最有效的方法。

    Thermal drying of sludge is a best way to reduce the moisture of sludge .

  24. 好氧污泥在厌氧沉淀池沉淀后,降低了污泥含水率,减少污泥总量。

    After aerobic sludge sedimented in anaerobic sedimentation tank , water content in sludge lowered and total sludge quantity was decreased .

  25. 在河南油田稠油联合站的现场实验表明,污水池中含水率为99%的污泥经该装置处理后,脱出的干化污泥含水率低于30%。

    The experiments in the heavy oil gathering station of Henan Oilfield showed that the water cut of oily sludge treated by this equipment can be reduced from 99 % to 30 % .

  26. 重庆市城市污泥pH在5.95~7.73之间,呈中性,脱水生污泥平均含水率为77.2%。

    By analysis of dewatered sludge from wastewater treatment plants in Chongqing , it was found pH of sewage sludge ranging from 5.95 ~ 7.73 was basically neutral or slightly alkaline and the average water content of dewatered primary sludge was 77.2 % .

  27. 通过污泥掺烧技术在煤粉炉上的应用试验,得出污泥的含水率对锅炉制粉系统的影响。

    The application experiment of the mixing combustion technology with mud on pulverized coal furnace was introduced . The effect on the boiler pulverized system caused by the mud water ratio was concluded .

  28. 通过室内实验及现场试验,摸索了一套工艺运行参数,处理后的污泥含油量降至1%以下,原油回收率>90%,脱水后污泥含水率≤75%。

    By indoors tests and on-the-spot experiments , we grasp a set of technical parameters of treating sludge : oil content ( < 1 % ), crude oil recovery rate ( > 90 % ), sludge water content after dehydration (≤ 95 % ) .

  29. 小功率超声波能够改善污泥的膨胀特性、提高污泥沉淀特性和脱水能力、降低污泥的含水率,达到减量的目的。

    Low power ultrasound can modify sludge bulking characteristics , improve sludge settling and dewatering properties , so decrease sludge water content and sludge volume .

  30. 由于活性污泥胞内水的存在,直接采用机械过滤脱水方式很难使活性污泥含水率进一步下降。

    Since activated sludge contains the bound water , it is difficult to make a further decline in moisture content by direct mechanical filtration in activated sludge dewatering .