
  • 网络Beaker test;Jar test
  1. 通过烧杯试验,比较了硫酸铝、三氯化铁、聚合氯化铝的除浊和除有机物性能,同时探讨了混凝的最佳pH值。

    The performances of aluminum sulfate , ferric chloride and poly aluminum chloride in the removal of turbidity and organic substance are compared by jar test , and the optimum pH of coagulation is also studied .

  2. 水厂混凝剂最佳投量烧杯试验模拟方法研究

    A Study on the Simulation Method of Coagulation-flocculation Jar Test of Optimum Dosage for Water Plant

  3. pH值对除色的影响在烧杯试验刚开始阶段较大,但随着反应时间的延长,其影响逐渐减少;

    The effect of pH value is much greater during the earlier time of reaction , while decreasing gradually with reaction time .

  4. 通过烧杯试验和混凝剂配伍试验,确定混凝剂为三氯化铁和PAC的组合。

    Through the beaker experiment and the coagulant compatibility experiment , we have determined the iron trichloride and the PAC Combination will be the coagulant .

  5. 以A市受污染水源水为研究对象,通过烧杯试验考察了高锰酸钾复合药剂(PPC)预氧化工艺的效能。

    The effects of pre-oxidation process with potassium permanganate composite ( PPC ) are studied in laboratory scale , with polluted raw water sample of A city .

  6. 通过烧杯试验,分别以湖水和水库水为对象,研究了高锰酸盐复合药剂(PPC)预氧化对给水消毒过程中余氯消耗速度的影响规律,并对其机理进行了探讨。

    Jar tests were made respectively for lake water and reservoir water , in order to investigate the effect of pre-oxidation by permanganate composite chemicals ( PPC ) on chlorine consumption rate in the process of water disinfection and the mechanism was discussed .

  7. 谈混凝沉淀烧杯试验标准的编制

    Standard for coagulation - flocculation and sedimentation beaker test

  8. 通过大量的烧杯试验,对各种混凝剂的净水效果及经济价值进行比较,同时,也对混凝沉淀后滤后水做了一些研究。

    Through a large number of beaker tests , we have compared their purifying effects and economic worth , and bioflocculation is better .

  9. 通过实验室烧杯试验,将滤池反冲洗废水直接与原水按一定比例混合进行混凝试验。

    The batch tests were carried out to treat filter backwash wastewater , which was directly added to raw water based on different ratios .

  10. 在混凝沉淀处理海水的过程中,预投加高铁酸钾,通过烧杯试验考察了其助凝效果。

    Potassium ferrate was added during the treatment of seawater by coagulation and sedimentation processes , and the coagulation aid effect was investigated by a jar test .

  11. 对我国南方某典型源水的有机高分子助凝效果进行了研究,分别进行了烧杯试验和中试验证。

    Effect of organic polymeric coagulation aid on typical source water in the South China was studied , and it was verified both by jar-test and pilot test .

  12. 分别采用溶解性葡萄糖和颗粒性淀粉作为配水中的有机物,考察了混凝(烧杯试验)及造粒流化床对有机物的去除特性。

    Using soluble glucose and particulate starch as organic matters in the feeding water , the contaminant removal efficiency was investigated in jar test and the fluidized pellet bed reactor .

  13. 针对长江南京段微污染原水的水质情况并为给水厂的粉末活性炭应急投加提供依据,通过烧杯试验确定了适宜的活性炭炭种、投加量和投炭点。

    According to the quality of micro-polluted raw water from Nanjing section of Yangtse River , the suitable kind of powdered activated carbon , dosage and dosing point are determined by jar test to provide a basis for adding powdered activated carbon in waterworks .

  14. 提出了混凝工艺设计的优化方法,通过烧杯试验得到最优混凝剂和最佳投加量以及最佳设计絮凝时间,并利用正交试验寻求多因素不同水平组合下的最佳能耗分配方案。

    This paper proposes the optimization method to coagulation technological design . This method can obtain the optimum coagulant , shoot the optimum adding amount , design the best flocculates time through jar test , and utilize orthogonal experiment to seek the best energy consumption allocative decision at different levels .

  15. 烧杯搅拌试验中需探讨的几个问题

    Enquiring into problems of jar test

  16. 烧杯搅拌试验的发展

    The development of jar test

  17. 提出用烧杯沉降试验法评定絮凝剂的絮凝效果。

    This paper proposed the flocculation of the flocculants can be evaluated by a jar settling test .

  18. 烧杯搅拌试验表明,水中腐殖酸对高锰酸钾预氧化工艺的剩余锰浓度有重要影响。

    Jar test was conducted to evaluate the effect of humic acid on residual manganese of permanganate pre-oxidation process .

  19. 本文分析了烧杯搅拌试验的应用现状及不足,提出了改进建议。

    The application situation and shortcomings of jar test are described in the paper , and some improvement suggestions are forward .

  20. 本文以松花江水为本底,以微量苯酚和重金属离子铅与镉为研究对象,通过烧杯搅拌试验,初步考察了高铁酸盐的除污染效能。

    Abstract The pollutant removal effect of ferric coagulant was researched by stirring jar test to remove trace phenol and heavy metal ions of Pb and Cd in Sungari River .

  21. 烧杯搅拌试验和生产性试验表明,高锰酸盐复合药剂可显著提高对藻类含量高、有机污染严重且臭味明显的水库水的处理效果;

    Beaker stirring test and practical experiment demonstrate that potassium permanganate composite ( PPC ) is effective for treatment of reservoir water polluted by high algae content and organic pollutants with bad odor and taste ;