
  • 网络sintering flue gas desulfurization
  1. 宝钢烧结烟气脱硫石膏质量控制及资源化利用

    Quality Control Measures of Sintering Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum and Its Resourceful Utilizations

  2. 烧结烟气脱硫是钢铁行业二氧化硫减排的关键

    Sintering Flue Gas Desulfurization is the Key to Reducing Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide of the Steel Industry

  3. 结合我国钢铁工业SO2的排放现状,概括了国内外烧结烟气脱硫技术进展。

    The progress of technology of fume gas desulphurisation is concluded in country and overseas based on SO2 letting of iron & steel industry in China .

  4. 钢铁厂烧结烟气脱硫技术的探讨

    Discussion on Agglomeration Gas Desulphurization Technology in Iron and Steel Plant

  5. 氨水法在烧结烟气脱硫中的应用

    Application of Ammonia Process in the Desulphurization of Sintered Flue Gas

  6. 烧结烟气脱硫自动控制系统设计与实现

    Design and realization of an autocontrol system for desulphurization of sintering gas

  7. 亚硫酸钙脱硫法在铅烧结烟气脱硫中的应用

    Application of Desulphurization Process with Calcium Sulphite in Desulphurization of Lead Sintering Gas

  8. 烧结烟气脱硫技术的研究

    Study of Sintering Gas Desulphurization Technique

  9. 精炼炉渣作为烧结烟气脱硫剂将具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。

    Use refinery cinder for absorbent of flue gas will get good enviromental and economic benefit .

  10. 石灰/机头灰混合型脱硫剂在烧结烟气脱硫试验中的应用研究

    The Research of Mixed Desulfurization Reagent Made by Lime and Sinter Ash on the Ore Sintering Flue Gas

  11. 烧结烟气脱硫石膏的质量是石膏综合利用的关键因素之一。

    Quality of sintering flue gas desulfurization ( FGD ) gypsum is one of the key factors in FGD gypsum utilization .

  12. 石灰石半干法烧结烟气脱硫技术中试研究半干法烟气脱硫工艺中绝热饱和温差的软测量

    Pilot-Scale Study on Limestone Semi-Dry Method of Sintering Flue Gas Desulphurization Technology Research on soft-sensing of approach to adiabatic saturation temperature in semi-dry flue gas desulfurization process

  13. 半干法烧结烟气脱硫灰中亚硫酸钙氧化研究

    Kinetics analysis of oxidation process of calcium sulfite in flue gas desulfurization technology Study on oxidation of calcium sulfate in the desulfurization ash of semi-dry sintering flue gas

  14. 具有自主知识产权的烧结机头烟气脱硫新方法&LS氨法脱硫和烟气循环工艺

    Study on Sintering Flue Gas Desulfurization & LS Ammonia Desulfurization Process and Recycle Flue Gas

  15. 吸收剂制备系统提供生产中所需的脱硫剂,烟气系统中烧结烟气与脱硫剂充分混合并反应,经过氧化系统后,脱硫副产物将在脱硫副产物处理系统中得到处理。

    The desulfurization agent comes from the absorbent Preparation System so , in the flue gas system sintering flue gas and desulfurization agent are fully mixed and reacted , then through the oxidation system , the desulfurization by-products will be addressed in desulfurization by-product processing system .

  16. 烧结机烟气选择性脱硫技术的研发与应用

    Research and Application of Selective Desulphurization Technique of Sintering Machine

  17. 在烧结循环流化床烟气脱硫工艺中,塔顶温度稳定控制对提高脱硫效率具有重要意义。

    In the mechanism of circulating fluidized bed , stabilizing tower top temperature is significant to improving efficiency of desulfurization .

  18. 烧结烟气LS氨法脱硫及副产物回收工艺探讨

    Discussion on the LS Process of Sinter Smoke Desulphurization and the Byproduct Recycling

  19. 邯钢400m~2烧结机半干法烟气脱硫应用与实践

    Handan Steel 400 m ~ 2 Sintering Machine Semi-dry Process Haze Desulphurization Application and Practice

  20. 首次将活性石灰和粉煤灰组成的脱硫剂引入钢铁企业烧结烟气循环流化床烟气脱硫系统,并取得成功。

    In this trial , the desulfurization reagent made by lime and pulverized coal ash was first used in the ore sintering flue gas desulfurization in circulating fluidized bed absorber and made a success .

  21. 同时为了验证其实际应用效果,针对国内某大型钢铁企业烧结厂,开发烧结烟气脱硫优化控制系统。

    Further in order to verify the effect of the actual application , the development of sintering flue gas desulfurization optimal control system , based on the sintering plant in a large steel enterprise , is introduced in this thesis .

  22. 摘要:冶金行业排放的二氧化硫主要是烧结(球团)工序产生的,因此烧结烟气脱硫在钢铁行业节能减排中占重要地位。

    Abstract : Metallurgical industry emissions of sulfur dioxide is mainly generated from the sintering process , so the sintering flue gas desulfurization occupy an important position in energy saving and emission reduction in steel industry .

  23. 在此理论研究基础上,创立了烧结过程SO2的热解生成-料层吸收-热解解吸的迁移及富集排放模型,成功开发出了烧结烟气分段脱硫新工艺。

    Based on the theoretical research , an emission model describing the pyrogenation formation-adsorption-desorption reactions of SO2 in sintering bed was founded innovatively , and a new technology of sectional desulphurization of flue gas was developed triumphantly .