
  • 网络summer air-conditioning
  1. 基于负荷曲线修复的夏季空调负荷计算

    Estimation of summer air-conditioning load based on load curve restoration

  2. 江苏省夏季空调负荷分析及需求侧管理措施的削峰效果测算

    Analysis on Summer Air-conditioning Loads Composition in Jiangsu Province and Estimation of Peak Load Shifting Effect by DSM measures

  3. 利用PHOENICS软件,模拟预测了该多功能厅夏季空调工况下的室内温度场和速度场。

    Simulates the temperature and velocity field of the multi-function theater in summer air conditioning conditions with PHOENICS software .

  4. 利用CFD软件模拟的方法,探讨使用风扇对室内热环境的影响,指出对于保证空调房间内人体热舒适度与降低夏季空调能耗,配合风扇的使用将是一种实用的做法。

    The impact of fans on thermal indoor environment is analyzed by CFD , points out that in air conditioned area , fan can be used to ensure thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption , which is a practical method .

  5. 用预期评价指标PMV作为热舒适性的评价标准,根据满足人体热舒适性要求的PMV值就可以找到冬、夏季空调房间空调设备间断运行最佳的开、停机时间组合方式。

    Takes the hot comfortable evaluation criteria with anticipated appraisal PMV , according to satisfies the person volumetric heat comfortableness request the PMV value , find the best interrupted movement t way of he winter , the summer air conditioning equipment .

  6. MDHP系统可以实现对热泵循环蒸发冷量和冷凝热量的综合利用,具有很高的能源利用效率,同时还可以减少夏季空调热污染。

    Multi-functional Domestic Heat Pump ( MDHP ) system can reach high efficiency of energy because the evaporating cooling energy and condensing heating energy can be utilized simultaneously by MDHP system . Thus the condensing heat pollution in summer is reduced .

  7. 夏季空调冷凝水回收利用方案的实施

    Recovery and re-use of air-conditioning condensate in summer for energy saving

  8. 多措并举,综合治理夏季空调高峰负荷

    Take measures to synthesize harnessing summer air - conditioning peak load

  9. 西北干燥地区夏季空调制冷设计浅析

    On Refrigeration Design for Air-conditioner in Summer for Northwest Dry Region

  10. 医院夏季空调负荷计算的若干问题

    Several problems in the calculation of hospital HAD load in summer

  11. 高层建筑餐厅夏季空调方式比较

    Comparison of air conditioning modes in summer for restaurants in high-rise buildings

  12. 住宅夏季空调能耗调查方法分析

    Investigation methods of air conditioning energy consumption in residential buildings in summer

  13. 半敞开式建筑夏季空调设计参数的确定

    Determination of Air Conditioning Parameter in Semi - opening Building of Summer

  14. 关于夏季空调冷负荷计算方面的问题

    A Problem For Calculation Of Cooling Load Of The Air-Conditioning System In Summer

  15. 夏季空调房间无组织通风的能耗分析

    Energy consumption analysis of natural ventilation and infiltration in air conditioned rooms in summer

  16. 室内夏季空调冷凝热回收系统模拟分析

    Simulation analysis of the condensing heat recovery system of hotel air conditioner system in summer

  17. 节能空心墙体传热引起的夏季空调负荷的数值计算

    Numerical simulation of summer air conditioning load caused by heat transfer through energy saving hollow walls

  18. 夏季空调送风参数对室内温度场影响的分析

    Analysis of the Impact of Inletting Parameter of the Air-conditioning on Indoor Temperature Field in Summer

  19. 北京市1996&2007年住宅空调致冷耗能影响因素分析我国城镇住宅夏季空调能耗状况分析

    Influence Factor Analysis of Urban Residential Cooling Energy Consumption by Air Conditioners in Beijing During 1996-2007

  20. 室外空气计算参数的确定方法与数据更新地铁夏季空调室外设计参数和车站冷负荷计算探讨

    Exploration on Subway Outdoor Design Parameters of Air-conditioning in Summer and Station 's Cooling Load Calculation

  21. 浅论(深圳)地铁夏季空调室内设计参数

    Preliminary discussion on design parameter inside of room for air conditioning in summer season at Shenzhen Subway

  22. 宾馆夏季空调冷凝热回收系统的节能效果及经济可行性分析

    Energy Saving Effect and Economic Feasibility of the Recovery Condensing Heat of Air-conditioning System in Hotel in Summer

  23. 夏季空调、办公照明和办公设备是各系统的耗能主体,是节能的主要对象。

    Energy consumption for air conditioning , lighting and office equipments is the dominating objects to energy saving .

  24. 本文以上海国际体操中心为研究对象,数值模拟夏季空调工况下室内速度场与温度场。

    This paper simulates numerically the airflow and temperature fields in Shanghai international Gymnastics Center at a summer day .

  25. 夏季空调负荷用电是导致电网供电不足的主要原因。

    The air-conditioning power consuming load in summer is the main reason that causes the shortage of power supply .

  26. 西安市公共建筑夏季空调能耗调查与温湿度实时测试分析

    Survey on energy consumption status and field test of temperature and humidity for public buildings in Xi'an in summer

  27. 窗户的运行状态和传热系数对居住建筑夏季空调总能耗的影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of Window 's Open State and Its Heat Transfer Coefficient Upon Total Energy Consumption of Resident Building 's Air-conditioning

  28. 因此,本文所建的空调动态冷负荷分析模型及对冷负荷的分析方法可以为太原市该类建筑的夏季空调设计及运行提供参考。

    Therefore , the model built and the analysis method can provide design operation reference for air conditioning system of the kind of building .

  29. 治理夏季空调高峰负荷对缓解电力季节性供需矛盾、确保电网安全经济运行意义重大。

    Harnessing summer air-conditioning peak load has great meanings to relieve seasonal power supply and demand contradiction and assures grid safety and economic operation .

  30. 本文提出了用综合得热法确定客车夏季空调外气计算参数的方法。

    In this paper , the determination of outside air parameters of summer air conditioning for passenger trains by synthetic heat gain method is presented .