
  • 网络Engine idling;racing of the engine
  1. 不要让发动机空转。

    Don 't race the engine .

  2. 我收拾工具时让发动机空转着。

    I let it idle while I packed the tools away .

  3. 我停住汽车,让发动机空转。

    I stop the car but leave the motor ticking over .

  4. 那司机等候绿灯放行,让发动机空转著。

    The driver wait for the green light , his engine racing .

  5. 他不是个好司机,常常让发动机空转。

    He is not a good driver and often idles the enginge down .

  6. 我们听到发动机空转的声音。

    We heard the sound of an engine idling .

  7. 那辆出租车在路上嗡嗡地响着,发动机空转着,里程表空走着。

    The taxi hummed in the road , motor idling , meter ticking over .

  8. 如果发动机空转得太慢或太快,应该调整汽化器。

    If an engine ticks over slowly or too fast an adjustment must be made to the carburettor .

  9. 如果发动机空转时控制灯亮起和当您踩下加速时熄灭,油太稀薄,应尽快改变。

    If the control lamp lights up when the engine is idling and goes out when you press the accelerators , the oil is too thin and should be changed as quickly as possible .

  10. 在学校或医院附近,机动车发动机空转时间将不得超过3分钟,汽车将受到更严格的排放合规随机测试。

    Vehicles will be prohibited from idling their engines for more than three minutes if parked near a school or a hospital , and cars will be subject to random testing for emissions compliance .

  11. 在树林的那一边,一架小飞机停在那里,发动机在空转。

    Beyond a stand of trees a small plane idled

  12. 她的戴姆勒豪华轿车原地待命,发动机在空转。

    Her Daimler limo waits with its engine idling .

  13. 当他跑进店里时,汽车的发动机还空转着。

    He left the engine idling while he ran into the store .

  14. 那辆汽车的发动机正在空转着。

    The car 's engine is ticking over .

  15. 这发动机在空转(怠速)的时候非常安静。

    The engine runs quietly at idle .

  16. 卡车发动机不再空转,这大大改善空气品质,又节省能源,为运输业者省下大笔油费支出。

    Reducing truck idling helps to improve air quality and conserve fuel , saving money for long-haulers already faced with rising diesel prices .

  17. 如果油门踏板杆臂断裂,发动机将回到空转状态,驾驶者将无法维持或加大发动机转速,从而增加碰撞风险,美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)在一份声明中表示。

    If the accelerator pedal arm breaks , the engine will return to idle and the driver will be unable to maintain or increase engine speed , increasing the risk of a crash , the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in a statement .

  18. 汽车发动机关闭之前快速空转。

    The motor engine raced before it was shut off .