
  • 网络launching site;firing position
  1. AHP在机动岸舰导弹发射阵地选址中的应用

    The Application of AHP in Launch Position Selection of Mobile Coast - ship Missile

  2. 基于模糊数的导弹发射阵地选址方案评价

    Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Number for Selecting Missile Launch Position

  3. 请注意大通发射阵地与德令哈发射阵地的相似程度。

    Note the similarity to the Datong and Delingha sites .

  4. 弹道导弹发射阵地的生存和防护

    Survival and defense of launch position of ballistic missile

  5. 某些导弹系统通常会具有非常相似的甚至是同样的发射阵地。

    Certain missile systems will typically have very similar or even identical launch positions .

  6. 此外,还简要介绍了该武器系统的发射阵地和技术阵地的设备和功用。

    Besides , it al-so briefs the weapon system 's launching and technical sites facilities and their functions .

  7. 高功率电磁环境下导弹发射阵地近地面电磁脉冲波形仿真

    Simulation of Electromagnetic Pulse Waveform over Lossy Ground of Missile Launch Position in the High Power Electromagnetic Circumstance

  8. 这些发射阵地中的大多数都有一个坚固的水泥平台,导弹可以在上面起竖发射。

    The majority of these positions will contain a hardened concrete pad where the associated missile will be erected for launch .

  9. 战术导弹发射阵地选择是导弹作战兵力运筹的重要组成部分,其本质是一多准则多属性决策问题。

    The launch position selection is one of the important parts of the Military Operational Research , which actually is a MADM problem .

  10. 此外,还对发射阵地和技术阵地的设备组成功用、武器系统的作战过程作了简单介绍。

    Besides , the paper also presents the weapon 's launching and technical sites facilities and their functions , and sys-tem operational process .

  11. 主要分析了弹道导弹发射阵地可能面临的来自空间和空中的威胁,包括被侦察和被攻击的威胁。

    The threats from the space and the air to the launch position of the ballistic missile are analyzed , including reconnaissance and attack .

  12. 唯一不同的的地方在于各个基地洲际弹道导弹部队的相关发射阵地将在图上以蓝色旗替换红色旗。

    The only alteration is that ICBM units are marked on the images of each Base 's associated sites with blue flags instead of red flags .

  13. 下图展示了该旅守备部队、三个已知地下工事、以及12个东风-11和东风-15型导弹已知发射阵地的位置。

    The following image depicts the locations of the garrison , three identified UGFs , and twelve identified launch sites for the assigned DF-11 and DF-15 missiles .

  14. 此外,所设计的导引律基于较大交会角的拦截而非逆轨道拦截,因而发射阵地更灵活、发射准备时间更短。

    All the guidance laws designed take large interception angle compared with reverse trajectory interception , so the base may be disengaged and less preparing time is required .

  15. 首先,重点论述快速构筑导弹发射阵地的实施过程以及GPS+GLONASS组合系统的数据处理方法。

    The performing procedure of rapidly forming the ballistic missile launch-site and the method of processing integrated GPS + GLONASS system data are presented emphatically in this paper .

  16. 探讨了最优发射阵地的选择问题,运用层次分析法建立了评估指标的计算模型。

    This paper researches into the selection of optimum launch position of conventional surface to surface ballistic missle troops with AHP , and establishes the model of assessment criteria .

  17. 这种隐藏的效果可以使得发射阵地在没有进行非常仔细的检查时更难以被发现,导弹部队经常会对预定的发射阵地进行这样的隐蔽。

    Such concealment efforts can make launch sites difficult to identify without considerable examination and are often employed by units in areas which are more likely to be potentially engaged .

  18. 知道了某种导弹型号指定发射阵地的尺寸和外形,分析人员就可以确定一支导弹部队将在哪个阵地使用哪种导弹系统。

    Knowing the dimensions or configuration of a given launch site for a specific missile type allows analysts to determine which sites in a mixed garrison are employed by which missile systems .

  19. 调查特殊作业环境(潜艇、水面舰艇和导弹发射阵地)对军人心理健康状况的影响,为建立全军心理健康档案数据库和研发行之有效的心理干预措施提供本底资料。

    The study on the mental health status of military personnel under special operation settings , is to provide fundamental information for psychological intervene measures and for the database of military mental health archives .

  20. 作为双圆锥式红外地球敏感器的可动目标模拟器,能方便的用于飞船和卫星总装以后及发射阵地的红外地球敏感器静态线性度测试和姿控系统测试。

    As a movable target simulator , the double-cone type IR earth sensor can be conveniently applied to stationary linearity testing and altitude-control system testing of airship and satellite after general assembly on launching position .

  21. 导弹发射装置和雷达阵地在道路的两边都可以清楚地看到。

    Missile launchers and radar emplacements were clearly visible on either side of the road .

  22. 针对当前反辐射导弹对地面防空武器系统的威胁问题,分析了反辐射导弹超前发射时对防空阵地的毁伤概率及对减少载机损失的影响。

    We analyzed the damage probability of air defense position when the ARM is launched in advance , and its influence on decreasing the damage ratio of the aircraft itself .

  23. 一旦接到指令,这台运输发射车就会接着进入发射阵地,整个过程的暴露时间非常之短。

    Once ordered , the TEL could then proceed to a launch point , all with a minimum of exposure .