
  • 网络Missile Launcher
  1. 导弹发射架的研制及其应用

    Development and application of missile launcher

  2. 多路ADC,DAC在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用

    Application of multichannel adc , DAC in the automatic test and measurement system of the air-to-air missile launcher

  3. 本文介绍了混合语言编程技术在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用,说明了系统软件的结构,并简要阐述了C与汇编接口的一般方法。

    This paper introduces the application of hybrid programming in the AAM launcher automatic test and measurement system . The configuration of the system software and the general methord of the interface between C and assembly language are depicted .

  4. 防空导弹发射架分布式计算机控制系统的研究

    A Study on the Distributed Computer Controlled Guided Missile Launcher System

  5. 机载导弹发射架寿命可靠性试验方法

    Life Reliability Test Method of Air - borne Missile Launcher

  6. 某型飞机导弹发射架自动测试系统

    Automatic Testing System for Certain Airplane ′ s Launchers

  7. 新型的精密导弹发射架。

    A sophisticated new missile launcher .

  8. 装备两门150毫米炮管,二重的导弹发射架以攻击步兵和飞机,有大量毁灭性火力。

    Comes equipped with twin barrels ( 150MM ), dual missile pods for attacking infantry and aircraft , and lots of destructive firepower .

  9. 该负载台结构可靠,精度高,操作使用方便,维护简单,测试方法先进,是导弹发射架转塔的性能模拟、参数调整、验收试验和仿真等的理想测试设备。

    The simulator is reliable in structure , high in accuracy , convenient in operation , simple in maintenance and advanced in testing method .

  10. 为排除潜电路对航空武器发射的影响,以某型号飞机和某型号导弹发射架控制电路为例,对该型号导弹发射控制电路的潜电路进行了分析。

    To avoid the affect of sneak circuit to firing control circuit of aviation weapon , a sneak circuit analysis is performed to a certain missile control system .

  11. 朝鲜已将一枚射程可达美国的远程导弹安放在发射架之上,表明这个斯大林主义国家将继续推进其定于4月初的人造卫星发射。

    North Korea has placed a long-range missile capable of reaching the US on a launch pad , suggesting that the Stalinist state intends to go ahead with a planned satellite launch in early April .