
  • 网络electric conducting composites;conductive composites
  1. 接枝炭黑/聚乙烯导电复合材料正电阻温度系数(PTC)效应研究

    Study on PTC Characteristics in Grafting Carbon Black / Polyethylene Conductive Composites

  2. 溶液法聚乙烯/石墨PTC导电复合材料的研究

    Study on HDPE / Graphite PTC Conductive Composites Prepared by Solution Mixing

  3. Ti3AlC2/环氧树脂导电复合材料的制备与性能研究

    Study on Preparation and Properties of Ti_3AlC_2 / Epoxy Resin Conducting Composites

  4. 聚氯乙烯(PVC)实体与泡沫导电复合材料电性能的研究

    Study on the Electrical Properties of Conductive PVC Solid and Foam Composites

  5. 通过控制制备条件,可制得电阻率最低为3.66Ω·cm的煤/聚苯胺导电复合材料。

    Composites ' resistivity could be dropped to 3.66 Ω· cm by the control of preparing conditions .

  6. PVDF/炭黑导电复合材料的PTC性能研究

    Study on PTC properties of pvdf / carbon black conductive composite

  7. SBS改性PP基导电复合材料

    Conductive composite based on SBS modified PP

  8. HDPE导电复合材料的交流开关效应研究

    Study on the switching effect of conductive HDPE Composite under alternating electric field

  9. HDPE导电复合材料的结构与性能关系研究

    Study on the structure & property relation of the electrical conductive HDPE Composites

  10. 碳材料填充LDPE导电复合材料的PTC性能

    Positive temperature coefficient behavior of carbon material filled LDPE Composite

  11. PTC型炭黑/高聚物导电复合材料的研究

    Research on the PTC Composites of CB / Polymer

  12. 采用FTIR,X衍射和SEM等分析测试手段对在位聚合法制得的SF煤/聚苯胺导电复合材料的官能团结构、结晶性、外观形貌以及煤与聚苯胺之间的化学作用进行了分析。

    SF coal / polyaniline composites polymerized in situation are characterized by FTIR , X-ray diffraction and SEM .

  13. 有机PTC导电复合材料是一类具有重要理论研究价值的新型功能材料。

    Organic PTC composites is a (?) ovel functional materials with important research value .

  14. APS对PPy/SiO2纳米导电复合材料的界面改性研究

    Interface modification of APS on PPy / SiO_2 conducting nanocomposites

  15. 钛化合物填充的聚合物导电复合材料的PTC特性及微观结构

    PTC Characteristics and Microstructures of a Polymer Based Conductive Composite Filled with Various Titanium Compounds

  16. 体积膨胀的稀释作用对聚合物基导电复合材料PTC效应的影响

    Effect of dilution due to thermal volume expansion on PTC effect of the conductive polymer composites

  17. 制备了低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)/二元乙丙橡胶(EPM)/炭黑导电复合材料。

    The conductive composites of LDPE / EPM / carbon black were prepared .

  18. 通过磨盘碾磨制备了PP/石墨复合粉末,进一步与PP填充复合制备出PP/石墨系列导电复合材料。

    PP / graphite compounding powders were prepared through pan milling , and then a series of PP / graphite composites were made from them .

  19. 结果发现,乙炔炭黑用于制备PTC导电复合材料具有PTC效应强、炭黑逾渗值适中、加工便利的优点;

    The results show that the acetylene black is suitable for preparing PTC composites with a good electricity conductivity .

  20. Sn-Pb合金填充聚合物导电复合材料的PTC效应

    PTC characteristic of Sn-Pb alloy-loaded polymer composites

  21. 制备了以膨胀石墨(EG)为填料,不饱和聚酯(UPR)为基体的导电复合材料,并探讨了该复合材料的固化问题和浇铸成型工艺。

    Composites based on expanded graphite ( EG ) and unsaturated polyester resin ( UPR ) were prepared .

  22. 以不饱和树脂(UPR)包覆改性的膨胀石墨(EG)粉末为填料,通过熔融挤出成型制备导电复合材料;复合材料具有较低的导电渗滤阈值。

    The HDPE / EG conducting composite with low percolation threshold was prepared by melt-extrusion with modified expanded graphite .

  23. 本论文对环氧树脂(EP)-膨胀石墨(EG)导电复合材料制备工艺进行了较为系统的试验研究。

    The preparation process and properties of expended graphite ( EG ) - epoxy resin ( EP ) was studied in this thesis systemically .

  24. 而其逾渗临界指数(b)达9.61,远高于PP/炭黑导电复合材料的b值(2.84~3.79)。

    The critical index ( b ) was up to 9.61 , which was much higher than that of PP / carbon black electrically conductive composites ( 2 . 84 ~ 3 . 79 ) .

  25. 提高导电复合材料的PTC(Positivetemperaturecoefficient)强度和稳定室温电阻的重现性,是研究和使用聚合物基PTC材料所追求的目标。

    The objective in studying and using polymer based PTC ( Positive Temperature Coefficient ) materials is to increase PTC intensity of conductive composites and stabilize the reproducibility of the room temperature resistivity .

  26. 通过原位聚合将甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)单体插入膨胀石墨(EG)层间,制备出以石墨层片为分散相的导电复合材料。

    A new conductive PMMA / EG composite was synthesized through intercalating MMA monomer into the layer of expanded graphite and in-situ polymerization .

  27. 聚乙烯/炭黑导电复合材料PTC特性的研究(Ⅱ)&辐射交联对导电复合材料PTC性能的影响

    Study on Positive Temperature Coefficient Behavior of Polyethylene / Carbon Black Conductive Composites (ⅱ): Effect of Radiation Crosslinking on Properties of HDPE / CB Composites

  28. 结果表明,LLDPE/EVA/CB导电复合材料的PTC行为受结晶度和结晶形态影响很大。

    The results showed that the PTC behavior of LLDPE / EVA / CB conductive composite depends on its crystallinity and crystalline structure on great extent .

  29. 研究了HDPE/GN导电复合材料在动态电击穿过程中温度的变化,结果表明当HDPE/GN导电材料发生电击穿时,HDPE的相态发生了变化。

    The changes in temperature of HDPE / GN conducting composites in dynamic electrical breakdown process indicated that phase transition of HDPE appeared when the electrical breakdown occurred .

  30. 研究炭黑种类和用量及PVDF种类对PVDF/炭黑导电复合材料PTC特性的影响。

    The influence of types and contents of carbon blacks and types of PVDF on the PTC properties of PVDF / carbon black conductive composites has been studied .