
  • 网络missile warhead
  1. 导弹战斗部破片对飞机要害的命中判断

    The Analysis of The Missile Warhead Fraction Hitting The Vitals of Airplane

  2. 防空导弹战斗部破片飞散特性分析

    The Analysis on Dispersion Characteristic of Aerial Defence Missile Warhead

  3. 针对某导弹战斗部,采用ANSYS软件分析了两种不同夹具及两种控制方式对试验测点加速度响应的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of different test fixtures and different control methods on the acceleration response of a missile head was analyzed by using ANSYS .

  4. 某型导弹战斗部的生物效应

    The Biological Effects of Fighting Part in a Kind of Missile

  5. 反辐射导弹战斗部毁伤概率计算模型

    A model for the calculation of kill probability of anti-radiation missile warheads

  6. 防半穿甲导弹战斗部动能穿甲模拟试验研究

    The simulative research on the kinetic armor-piercing effect of semi-armor-piercing missile warhead

  7. 一种新的模拟导弹战斗部破片群单个速度测试系统

    A new velocity measuring system for single fragment of simulated missile warhead

  8. 从导弹战斗部用钛合金的研究看材料的开发

    Material Development as Viewed from Study of Titanium Alloys Used in Missile Warhead

  9. 一种典型的反辐射导弹战斗部评价

    Assessment of Typical Anti - Radar Missile Warhead

  10. 导弹战斗部对复杂目标毁伤效能评估研究综述

    Assess Damage Effectiveness for Warhead to Complex Targets

  11. 结论该型导弹战斗部对肺脏损伤严重,死亡率高。

    Conclusion The explosion of missile can result in severe lung injury with high mortality .

  12. 舰舰导弹战斗部发展研究

    About the Development of Ship-to-Ship Missile Warhead

  13. 提出反辐射导弹战斗部单发毁伤概率的计算模型。

    This paper gives a calculation model for the kill probability of anti-radiation missile warheads .

  14. 某型导弹战斗部所致绵羊肺组织的病理改变破片杀伤式地空导弹战斗部杀伤概率计算

    Pathological changes of lung tissues resulting from the fighting department of a certain type of missile in sheep

  15. 提出了判断地空导弹战斗部破片能否直接命中飞机要害的数学模型。

    The model of analysis if the missile warhead fraction can hit the vitals of airplane has been built .

  16. 分析了飞机杀伤概率计算中涉及的问题、导弹战斗部对目标的杀伤方式。

    It also analyses several problems involved in computing the aircraft kill probability and the kill methods of missle 's destroying the target .

  17. 为预测半穿甲反舰导弹战斗部穿透船体防护结构外板进入内部爆炸的位置,以进一步对防护结构进行优化设计。

    It is very important for the naval architect to estimate the explosion location of the semi-armor-piercing missile warhead when designing a warship .

  18. 取导弹战斗部初始撞击速度、战斗部质量、加筋板架材料的弹性模量和极限强度作为随机变量;

    The velocity and mass of projectile as well as the elastic modulus and yield stress of stiffened plate are considered as random variables .

  19. 导弹战斗部对不规则目标毁伤效率平均弦法计算提出了一种新的射击目标&体目标,并对导弹射击体目标时的毁伤效率进行了随机仿真研究。

    Research on the Average String Damaged Efficiency Account Model For the Missiles Fire the Anomalistic Aims A new type of shoot target , a space volume target is presented .

  20. 利用导引头测量信息构建最佳起爆控制算法以实现最佳起爆是导弹战斗部起爆控制技术的一个重要方向。

    People can use measuring information provided by guider to establish optimal burst control algorithm in order to realize optimal burst . It is an important direction of burst control technology of missile .

  21. 建立了评定导弹战斗部对不规则目标毁伤效率的三维平均弦法计算模型,并运用该模型进行了实例计算和分析。

    This text used the average string in the three-dimensional space to establish the assess damaged efficiency account model for the missile , and then used the model to account and analysis an example .

  22. 方法沿爆心扇形布放动物,导弹战斗部静爆致伤,观察动物存活情况和大体形态学改变。

    Methode The animals were placed in a sector field around the explosive center . The survivals rate and the gross morphological changes were observed after the explosion of missile fighting part in a static pattern .

  23. 基于防空导弹战斗部爆炸后的杀伤特征,对战斗部爆炸后产生的有效破片、破片飞行速度、破片对目标的覆盖面积进行了分析,建立了防空导弹杀伤概率评估模型。

    Based on the killing characteristic of anti-air missile , a model is established to evaluating an anti-air missile 's killing probability by analyzing the effective fragments generated after the warhead explosion , the velocity of the fragments , and the covering area of these fragments .

  24. 反舰导弹聚能战斗部威力的试验、计算与研究

    Power test and calculation of shaped charge warhead for antiship missile

  25. 导弹子母弹战斗部对复杂目标毁伤的计算机仿真

    Computer Simulation of Destruction Efficiency of Complex Targets with Cargo Warheads

  26. 一种用于反舰导弹串联战斗部的环形切割器优化设计

    Optimum Design on Annular Cutter of Anti-Ship Missile Tandem Warhead

  27. 导弹破片战斗部对空中目标的杀伤概率计算

    The Calculation Model for Killing Probability of Fragmentation Warhead of Missile to Air Target

  28. 简述了地地战术导弹集束战斗部抛撒均匀性判定问题。

    The judgement for cluster warhead deployment uniformity of surface to surface tactical missile is outlined .

  29. 为了使导弹的战斗部能够发挥最大的效能或使导弹能够实现对特殊目标的打击,研究了一种纵向制导律。

    A longitudinal guidance law for vertical attack is designed to improve the effectiveness of missile or to attack special targets .

  30. 针对导弹定向战斗部安全性要求,设计一个双路并联的安全系统,保证在常储和勤务处理中战斗部处于安全状态。

    A two-circuit parallel safety system for the safety of the missile 's directional warhead is designed to guarantee the warhead at the secure state in storage and the service processing .