
  • 网络Guidance;guidance system;navigation system
  1. 因此,采用自抗扰控制器(ADRC)设计了纵向着舰导引系统。

    So active disturbance rejection controller ( ADRC ) was used to design the longitudinal carrier landing guidance system .

  2. 首先给出鱼雷导引系统的数学模型,然后介绍如何应用Simulink建立系统的仿真模型并进行仿真计算,并使用Delphi语言进行了仿真,最后给出相应的仿真结果和分析。

    Firstly , the mathematical model of torpedo guidance system is discussed . Secondly , the paper focuses on how to design the simulation model with MATLAB / Simulink and Delphi computer language . Finally , the simulation results are analyzed .

  3. 基于H∞控制的侧向自动着舰导引系统设计

    The Design of Lateral Automatic Carrier Landing System Based on H-infinity Control

  4. 舰载机纵向自动着舰导引系统H∞降阶控制器设计

    Reduced-order H_ ∞ Controller Design of a Longitudinal Automatic Carrier Landing System

  5. 结论开放式MR结合光学导引系统用于引导椎间盘造影术是可行的、安全的。

    Conclusions Open MR scanner with an optical tracking system guidance and monitoring lumbar disc discography is feasible and safety .

  6. PinpointCT立体定位激光导引系统的临床应用价值

    Applying value of Pinpoint CT stereotactic location laser guided-set for interventional clinics

  7. 改良COPE穿刺导引系统在经皮穿肝门静脉中的应用

    The Application of Modified COPE Puncture System in Percutaneous Transhepatic Portal Puncture

  8. 采取改良COPE穿刺导引系统可望进一步减少并发症。

    Modified COPE puncture system will be helpful in reducing the complications .

  9. 材料与方法:14例患者用改良COPE穿刺导引系统经皮穿肝门静脉,其中3例肝脏体积很小,且伴大量腹水。

    Materials and Methods : PTPP was performed in 14 patients with modified COPE puncture system .

  10. 基于视觉的码头集装箱AGV导引系统

    Container Shipping AGV System Guided by Vision in Ports

  11. 全方位行走AGV的主要技术组成为全方位轮系、控制系统和导引系统的设计。

    The technology of omnidirectional AGV includes the design of omnidirectional AGV wheel system , the control system and the guide system .

  12. 本文在介绍了两种网络信息导引系统即搜索引擎和专业指引库的基础上,以DVD专业指引库的开发为例,重点探讨了专业指引库的开发步骤及其关键技术。

    On the basis of introduction with search engine and guiding database , this paper mainly discusses the development of guiding database through the case of " DVD guidingdatabase " .

  13. CT-pinpoint立体定位激光导引系统在胸部穿刺的应用

    CT-pinpoint stereotactic location laser guided-set applied in biopsy of thoracic lesions

  14. 自动活检枪与CT-pinpoint三维激光定位导引系统的临床应用

    Application of Automated Biopsy Gun and CT-pinpoint Three-dimensional Laser Localizer-and-Guide Set

  15. 目的介绍CT-pinpoint立体定位激光导引系统在胸部穿刺活检的操作方法和临床应用价值。

    Objective To introduce the operating method and clinical applying value of CT-pinpoint stereotactic location laser guided-set for needle biopsy of thoracic lesions .

  16. 结论:自动活检枪与CT-pinpoint三维激光定位导引系统联合应用可以提高穿刺活检和诊断的准确性以及操作的安全性。

    Conclusion : The combined application of automated biopsy gun and CT-pinpoint three-dimensional laser localizer-and-guide set could improve the accuracies of the localization and diagnosis as well as the procedure safety .

  17. 基于传统卡尔曼滤波算法和最小均方准则,利用全局状态估计反馈,修正了常用的track-to-track航迹融合算法,在此基础上进行了鱼雷导引系统的仿真研究。

    Based on the traditional Kalman filter algorithm and least mean square criterion , using the estimation of global state to feedback , the paper has modified the traditional track-to-track fusion and simulation researches into the guidance system of torpedo is made on the above basis .

  18. 喷流导引系统在地下车库通风中的应用

    Jet Inducting System Used in Mechanical Ventilating System of Underground Garage

  19. 宽频带水下导引系统的水声传感器设计

    Design of the Transducer of Wide - band Underwater Homing System

  20. 舰船灯光导引系统计算机仿真

    The Computer Simulation of light Guiding System of The Naval Vessel

  21. 闪烁输入下比例导引系统无量纲化研究

    Non - dimensional - normalization of PN System with Glint Input

  22. 微波着陆导引系统测角误差分析

    Research of measurement error in direction of microwave landing system

  23. 电视导引系统的视轴稳定跟踪技术

    Optical Axis Stabilization and Tracking Technology of TV Guidance Systems

  24. 基于GPS/惯性导航的机载平台导引系统

    The Guidance System of Helicopter-Loaded Platform Based on GPS / Inertial Navigation

  25. 针对具有被动式自动导引系统的导弹建立了数学模型。

    The mathematical model for having passive homing system missiles built up .

  26. 研究展示了直线导引系统优化的潜力。

    The study demonstrates the possibilities for optimizing the linear guidance system .

  27. 石家庄市交通导引系统的实施对城市空间格局的积极影响

    The active impact of traffic guide system to urban space distribution in Shijiazhuang

  28. 现代战机导引系统及其关键技术

    Study on Navigation Guidance Systems of a Modern Fighter and Its Key Technologies

  29. 图书馆智能小车的导引系统设计

    The Design of Mobile Robotic Guide System for Library

  30. 齿轮热处理机器人视觉导引系统的实现

    The Realization of Vision Leading System of a Robot Gear Heat Treatment Job