
dǎo ɡòu
  • provide assistance to shoppers
  • shopping guide
  1. 一种基于Agent技术的电子商品导购模型

    An Intelligence Shopping Guide Model Based on Agent

  2. 在导购的建议下买了一双十分钟意的鞋满意的回家了。

    Shopping guide for advice in buying a pair of shoes very Zhongyi satisfactory home .

  3. 但如果你失败了,导购会带你去,然后他就会走开。

    But if you fail , the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away .

  4. 然而,有一天,他在平常的地方找不到那本书,正要离开时,他看见一个导购在向他打手势。

    One day , however , he couldn 't find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him .

  5. 色彩心理效应模型在人性化Web导购系统中的搭建与应用

    Build and Application of Color 's Psychological Effect Model in Humanness Web Guide System

  6. 基于Agent的智能导购方法研究

    An Intelligent Recommendation Method Based on Agent Theory

  7. 智能导购agent系统的研究

    Research on the intelligent agent system

  8. 基于Oraclespatial的商品房导购系统的设计

    Design of Commercial Building Guide System Based On Oracle Spatial

  9. 基于GIS的房产导购信息系统研究与设计

    GIS-Based Real Estate Recommender System Research and Design

  10. 为做好终端营销工作,C企业在终端营销团队建设上设置了三种营销岗位,分别是:业务员、理货员和导购员。

    C enterprise sets up three kinds of marketing positions for the construction of the supermarket marketing team , they are : salesman , stock keeper , and purchasing guider .

  11. 基于Prolog服装导购专家系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Purchasing Clothing Expert System Based on Prolog

  12. 围绕怎样在多个网络商场中进行商品导购这一问题,这里介绍了集群式Web商务环境及其中的商品导购系统,分析了导购系统应采取的策略并给出了实现方法。

    Concerning how to guide shopping in many network marketplaces , this paper introduces the environment of the integrated web E - commerce and the shopping guide system in it , analyzing the policy and method which the shopping guide system should take .

  13. 根据Dailymail的报道,之后,凯特是一家英国品牌Jigsaw店里面做兼职饰品导购。

    Next , Kate took a part-time job as an accessories buyer with British retailer Jigsaw , according to the Daily Mail .

  14. 针对G品牌运营状况,根据绩效管理与激励理论,结合对店长/业务经理深度访谈和导购员问卷调研的结果,探索适合G品牌服装导购员绩效管理系统与激励机制。

    Constucting performance management and motivation system of fashion advisors suitable to brand G according to performance management and motivation theory , combined with former studies of depth interview of store managers or business directors and questionnaires of fashion advisors .

  15. 就在几年前GIS还是一个陌生的名词,而今,电子地图、基于Internet的公共多媒体导购导游系统,汽车GPS自导航系统等等,这一切都使地理信息的需求激增。

    Though GIS is still a unfamiliar noun some years ago , now electric maps , common multi-media purchase and tourist 's guide system based on internet and Motor GPS auto-navigation system and so on have caused the demand of geography information increase sharply .

  16. Bonobos,一家网络男装销售公司,已在美国开设了几家“导购店”。

    Bonobos , which sells men 's clothing online , has opened several " Guideshops " in America .

  17. 因此,兴起了一批导购网站。

    Therefore , a batch of shopping guide websites has emerged .

  18. 我们这里的导购员,每人至少都会三四种外语。

    Every sell-conductor here can say at least three of four languages .

  19. 基于案例推理的智能导购模型的研究

    Research on the intelligent shopping model based on case-based reasoning

  20. 同时,儿童服装部也将制作新的导购标志。

    The children 's department also will feature new signs to direct shoppers .

  21. 欢迎来到我的春季笔记本导购。

    Welcome to my spring laptop buyer 's guide .

  22. 经济昆虫在线导购系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Economic Insect Online Shopping System

  23. 东京一些电器商店提供汉语导购,帮助购物者满载而归。

    Some Tokyo electronics shops offer Mandarin-speaking guides to help shoppers fill their carts .

  24. 美丽的导购也会弄昏我们的头脑,尤其是在他们触摸了商品之后。

    Attractive salespeople mess with our heads too , especially if they touch the products .

  25. Ann:有,我曾在一家时装店做兼职导购。

    Ann : Yes , I worked in a fashion shop as a part-time salesgirl .

  26. 科技类导购文章的翻译

    Translation of Techno-Buyers ' Guide Articles

  27. 市场化期刊的成功之道&以《汽车导购》为例

    Successful way of Car Market Guide

  28. 我会让礼宾部来为你安排私人导购。

    I 'll send up the concierge , he can arrange a personal shopper for you .

  29. 更便于获得市场导购价值的最新信息,时刻关注客户反馈,并据此不断改进工作中的不足。

    We attention customer feedback and according to the above improves in the work unceasingly the insufficiency .

  30. 室内地图服务系统现在已经上线,可以提供给用户完善的大型商场内的导航、导购等服务。

    It can provide users better service in large shopping malls such as navigations and shopping guide .